WARNING: this looks good on 1:1 , but it can put the AI in serious troubles if it has a oportunist and backstabber AI close ( that is, other runaway AI ) . Say, for a example, that we have Civ A with 1.1 power, civ B with 0.7 and Civ C with 1.0, all bordering eachother. Civ A decides to attack civ B because it is weaker.... but in that moment Civ B decides that them + civ C are stronger than civ A by a bigger margin than they are stronger than Civ B and attacks A. A has it's army locked in B territory, and because it will refuse to talk can't call peace vs B ... neither B will acept talking with them . So A is screwed because it was greedy
I'd like to clarify something. The RTT time taking so long was meant for the guy who DECLARES to avoid talking, such that it won't take capitulation but instead consolidates the land. This is not what happens in practice, it seems the turns are its RTT threshold when being the target. Now, in this scenario since they're all like that it doesn't matter, but still...
Also, are you trying to make a case that there IS or IS NOT a runaway AI resulting from the case you describe? Think about it. If C mauls A off pure opportunistic "luck", C is STILL going to get A's land while A and B fight it out initially. They all spam units like crazy, but only C's units are coming to cities unscathed by an initial stack battle. What do you think happens? The likely outcome is that C captures a large # (possibly all, since we're dealing in massive stacks) of A's cities. That's trouble for B, because C will continue spamming units, and eventually come after B.
If you wait long enough, the entire continent belongs to C. If the human does not interfere in this process post-haste (while fending off his own annoying runaway AIs), C could easily turn into an unstoppable monster in spite of other AI just like it.
The only situation I can think of that would be trouble is a continent with ONLY A and B. In this case, it is unlikely one side will overtake the other with equal unitprobs sufficiently to actually declare. They will probably spam units in a cold war and tech somewhat slowly, although they WILL at least trade everything freely, so it might still be better than an isolated unitprob 80 civ
. Also, if someone (say the human) were to declare on them or they on someone else, their neighbor backstabbing would be very likely! Haha!
To say the truth, I've been increasingly losing my faith that the roleplay issues ( religion included ) actually hurt the AI, atleast compared with the alternatives. The AI has absolutely no sense of mutual self-interest cooperation, so if we cut the things that actually make the AI cooperate with eachother, we will probably get a AI that shoots in every direction with little gain .... True, religion might make the AI to lose some golden chances, but i wonder if , in average , this AI would not perform worse if they all played in "don't care about your faith" mode
Infinite tech collusion might overcome the religious advantages. Besides, TRUE (rather than temporary) collusion is questionable from a "play to win" standpoint. There's only 1 winner per game.
Not always. There is no gain in doing settlers where there is no decent land to settle and there is a net loss if the AI builds settlers with the objective of colonizing land that was open by razing of cities during war ( a VERY sad a common show even today ... this would exarcebate it ).
This flavor was chosen because it is consistent with some of the strongest AIs. Also, having every AI do it would be incredibly annoying to the human. You would literally be surrounded by cathy on all sides every game X_X.
Exactly. With that BUG out, this might even be detrimental in some circumstances
I disagree, unless we change how the AI treats its final civics. Let's consider:
1. AI SUCKS HARD at GPP management
2. AI seems to eventually adopt environmentalism indiscriminately. Same for US, FS, and emancipation
3. The AI, if spamming units, will be needing to pay for them and pay for them early.
4. This tile improvement is the one that gives the AI the best tech rate, at the cost of some production.
If betterAI corrects the civic choice priority materially, this tile improvement preference is subject to change. However, I would strongly content that for your typical 3.19 BTS US/FS/Eman/Env whore the town is the best tile improvement it can build.
Well, this point is HIGHLY discussible. Sure , a roleplay AI eater like this AI probably wins more with troops that with Chichen Itza , but what happens if ALL the AI shuns wonders? Hum, who will build them and reap their benefits? Also, there is already some empirical evidence that AI plays very badly when has no wonders...
It is important to point out that a wonder prob of 0 does NOT mean the AI won't build wonders. For example, montezuma has a 0 there and I've seen him collect 5+ wonders in his capitol when he has the resources for them. In a sense, this will feel like MP in terms of wonders...their time going will be pretty erratic and unpredictable, and if anyone tries getting cute by spamming them they are just about guaranteed to be the first target
In all seriousness: should I touch up my settings based on my improved play, and find/replace them across all AIs as a custom XML? If people want a nasty AI it will certainly be nasty...a forced adjustment if nothing else. I think it would be impossible outright on deity, too