New History Quiz

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More treaty stuff.

In 1954 an alliance of Gaullists and Communists in the French Parliament delivered a monumental blow to European federalism when they refused to ratify a certain treaty signed in 1952. What was the name of that treaty?
Originally posted by Dr. Dr. Doktor
More treaty stuff.

In 1954 an alliance of Gaullists and Communists in the French Parliament delivered a monumental blow to European federalism when they refused to ratify a certain treaty signed in 1952. What was the name of that treaty?

The European Defence Community, or EDC Treaty, which was signed by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands.
And that was damn stupid.
I will, as I did before, kickstart the quiz:

What are the names of the three formerly Danish islands in the Carribean? And what happened to them?
St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. Jan, collectively known as the West Indian Islands, were sold to the the American government for $ 25.000.000 in 1916. Allready in 1913 the American government had pressured the Danish government for a handover for $ 100.000.000. This was refused, after pressure by the British and French governments. In 1915, during WWI, the American government put forth the demand again. This time the argument was that a possible German occupation of Denmark (did not happen) would secure bases for the German navy, specifically U-boats, in the Carribian theater. In return for this the American government promised to gurantee Danish sovereignty over Greenland. This despite the fact that an international court had allready recognized Danish sovereignty in a dispute between Norway and Denmark over control of the eastern part of Greenland. Of course, now Denmark was promised bilateral American recognition of the whole of Greenland. Win some, loose some - I guess.
Correct, you're next.

Aren't they called the US Virgin Isles now?
Yes, I think you are right,

During the Cold War something controversial happened near a United states military base in Greenland.
What happened?
When did it happen?
And what went missing?
On January 21st 1968, an American B-52 crashed near the Thule airbase. It carried nuclear bombs, one went missing. The bomb's serial number was 78252, and the loss was kept a secret from the Danish government. The controversial thing about it was that at that time no nuclear wepaons were believed to be on Danish soil. The Danish prime minister, HC Hansen, had in 1957 declared that the Danish would stocpile nuclear weapons under the "current circumstances".
The nuclear bomb's existence was not confirmed untill 1997.
The nuclear bomb has not yet been found.

Is this the incident you are referring to?

BTW, remember that I'm Danish... This is backbone history for a Danish history buff...
I guess so... ;)

Anyways, here's my question. Perhaps it's a bit too easy:
Who informed the Soviet Union about Operation Barbarossa in December 1940?
What was his position and fate?
Richard Sorge told Stalin of Operation Barabossa. He was Soviet spy who recieved information from the German ambassador to Japan in Tokyo. He also predicted the attacks on Pearl Harbor. He was caught in 1941. Killed in 1944 after Moscow refused to exchange him with a Japanese prisoner in Moscow. Moscow denied of ever hearing him.
Yup, BRD, you're next! :goodjob:
I just never get off the hook, do I? ;) :D

What were the positions of the American Pacific Navy's three carriers on the morning of December 7th 1941?
OK, let's see. The USS Saratoga had left Pearl Harbor for some repair tasks off the West Coast. The Enterprise was on its way back on December 7, but had been delivering fighter planes to the defense of Wake Island. The last one, the Lexington had been sent to Midway Island, two days prior to this dreadful event.
Yup, that's pretty much it...

You're next, Richard! :goodjob:
Why did America lose a war, in which we gradually dragged ourselves into because the French were driven bonkers notably by their devastating defeat at their largest stronghold in the country.


There are sane and viable explanations, not just that it was because the war protestors finally strangled the country which forced us to give up. Some are debatable, and I'll gladly debate them with you.
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