New Mod in the works - coming soon

If all goes well, the beta version of my mod will be released tomorrow. It will not include cilivopedia entries, but the final version will. I am currently working on units_32.pcx and the building-large/small.pcx files. I am also finishing up the readme (I'm making it look nice... in Word format). This mod is nothing compared to Kal-el's superb DYP Mod, but it is instead just my vision of the game.

Only one more day...
Originally posted by Exsanguination

Another major change was the division between eastern and western civilizations. Eastern civs build eastern spearman/horseman/knights/pikemen and western civs build western ones. (hint: Eastern ones have changed)
Regarding this, I was wondering if anyone knew an 'eastern' or arabic name for a spearman.

Your mod is interesting. As for Eastern names, Japanese peasant pikemen were called "ashigaru"

Thats all i can remember off the top of my head, if i get time ill try and get a few more names for you.
Originally posted by Kal-el
Does this mean you were able to get the science advisor screens finished? :)

hehe... no but I'm gonna release it to those willing to test it, and hopefully we can get something about those sci advisor screens.
well... the Mod is DONE. Ready to go.

EXCEPT whenever I play it I get a pop-up after the first turn saying the game is over, and no more score will be calculated. Mmmmm... any one else ever encounter this problem with mods? HOW DO I FIX IT???!

looks like it won't be released until tomorrow >(
Originally posted by Exsanguination
well... the Mod is DONE. Ready to go.

EXCEPT whenever I play it I get a pop-up after the first turn saying the game is over, and no more score will be calculated. Mmmmm... any one else ever encounter this problem with mods? HOW DO I FIX IT???!

looks like it won't be released until tomorrow >(

I had the same problem and know how to fix it.

What you need to do is go to the Editor and go to Scenario Properties. Make sure you have more than one "Playable Civs" highlighted. This list includes computer-played civs.

In my game, I wanted the player to be able to play as only one specific civ so i took off all the playable civs except that one. but i didnt realize the computer uses civs from this list. so since only 1 civ was selected, only one entered the game. since it was the only civ the game thought i had conquered everyone else.

Make sure you set the number of players. If you want the human player to only be able to play as one civ, check custom player data from the scneario menu. then go to player properties. select player 1 and check human player. then select the civilization.

good luck.
Regarding this, I was wondering if anyone knew an 'eastern' or arabic name for a spearman.

>In Persian it is "Nizevan", in Arabic it is "Rimah".

If you have more questions ask me , I know both Arabic and Persian fluently.
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