New Release of Civ3?

I think it´s more than a "platinum-version" if my "vision" should be true.
Please don´t forget, that TeTurkan is a programmer, who knows Civ 3 extremely well - and he is in the boat of Firaxis. I think, this should be a very good constellation to improve Civ 3. :)

If I remember well in the "Test-of-Time-project" of TeT, there was a special programmed interface to allow the change of civs, while time is progressing. So if you explore America, your enemies change from Indian tribes to the USA when time passes by. There are far more than 31 civs in the game (but only 31 at the same time).You can join the game in every era and have a perspective of the world of this time. This is new programming that nobody else did til now and therefore alone -in my eyes- this is more than a "platinum edition". :)

As TeT is "in the boat of Firaxis", I think he has access to the source code and I hope, he can change a lot of the annoying things like "City razing" and the "sub-bug". With a little luck, this could be much more...

Then if I remember well, there were navigable rivers, animated cities and region specific goody-huts (for the last I would use my invisible city-tech;) ).

But as I said: "If this vision is true"...
I`d like to see these changes:

- more culture groups
- more civs
- possibly a citystlyle related to a civ, not a group?
- all bugs fixed
- improved AI -using a land transport (say, a truck), artillery, and so on...
- true flying units, over land, over water, like, over your house and everything!
- a beaver worker
- fifth era (or even 6th, or add as many eras as you need?)
If they fix up the AI a bit and add a wonder or two and a few units I'de be happy.
Stormrage said:
I`d like to see these changes:

- more culture groups
- more civs
- possibly a citystlyle related to a civ, not a group?
- all bugs fixed
- improved AI -using a land transport (say, a truck), artillery, and so on...
- true flying units, over land, over water, like, over your house and everything!
- a beaver worker
- fifth era (or even 6th, or add as many eras as you need?)

More Citystyles:

If they could manage to make the resource icons 4 times as big, with my "invisible city-technics" you can have as much induvidualised cities as you want. This methode sets the city-icons (or the improvement-icons) completely to transparency (magenta) and than you can see the placed resources under this icon. This works very well, but cities with the current size of resource icons are somewhat small. To set the resource icons four times as big, dont means, that now all resources must be 4 times as big. If you put a "normal sized" graphic in this resource icon, you only see this on the map, as the rest is tarnsparent (magenta) again. This is a nice methode for fixed maps. I attache a screenshot to show this idea.

More culture groups /city styles: Especially for random maps this is very useful. The names of the culture groups should be editable in the editor.

All bugs fixed. Yes, Firaxis should finish its last "Beta-patch" for Civ 3. Especially the submarine bug should be fixed as it was fixed in earlier versions of Civ too ;)

An improved AI to use land transports: This would be very nice
But much more important in my eyes would be, to "fix" the railway movement costs. Here an additional option in the editor for the movement costs for railway like that for roads would be really necessary - and I think this could be done with not too much expense.

@ Varlin Saliptor: Fixed AI for land artillery: This would be a dream, but I´m sceptical, if this is possible.
But possible should be the fix for the use of armies by the AI. If I remember well, there was a posting, that only one bit in the source code must be changed that the AI makes proper use of it.

@ Garriot: A "No-pollution-option" in the editor would be nice too.
But most to kill pollution can be done, if you set the pollution for the improvements to zero, give the recycling tech from start of the game and flag all improvements you can build with both "remove pollution flags" With this methode in my mod pollution is nearly "killed". What stays is pollution from radioactive fallout by nukes and this should stay in my eyes.


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Going along with the "Make the AI do this, make the AI better at that", what I'd like to see is some kind of AI editor, which will save itself into your mod folder, and you can assign how it will use the units, how often each civ will build said item, etc. This could even get done via playing a few (say 10-20) turns as a civ in "AI Edit" mode... Oh, well, a guy can dream...
Virote_Considon said:
Going along with the "Make the AI do this, make the AI better at that", what I'd like to see is some kind of AI editor, which will save itself into your mod folder, and you can assign how it will use the units, how often each civ will build said item, etc. This could even get done via playing a few (say 10-20) turns as a civ in "AI Edit" mode... Oh, well, a guy can dream...

that's quite a good dream you have their...i may adopt it as one of my own
I don't put much fate in a new release, but solving the sub-bug would be great.

Including different combat bonus by unit\terrain type (e.g. cavalry having different combat bonus than infantry in mountain) would also be nice.
what i would love to see is a mercenary system like i came up with for RFRE (whihc was never used, but was used for early versions of HoD) so that rather than just selecting workers in cities to trade (or horseman, cavalry, pikeman, whatever) you can select multiple ones. or even better, havea flag "mercenary" what allows you to "sell" the unit if it is in a city, like you can "sell" workers if they are in your capital... and from that id like to be able to choose if i can sell workers/merc's from cities other than my capital. maybe a city of mine is on another continent and has access to something that lets it build "corsairs" or something and i want to sell the units from that city.

Also, put an events editor back in. for RFRE i solved this with my first era tech timers, but it would be nice to have more control in this area... also it was in past versions... why not civ3?!
I'd like different territory borders for each civ, unit ability to leave other units behind in a form of traps,charm/teleport abilities activation, more Eras, civ specific city styles and goody huts, heal extra animation(for mods), maybe the model they use to create the units on in poser format, New monster units (since humanoids units most can do now), maybe a palette editor, lol(still troubles me), anything they can do from those I'd like.

It's great news, I can't wait!(But I will!!)
flamescreen said:
It's great news, I can't wait!(But I will!!)

Please "calm down". There is no confirmation from Take Two yet, and all bases on only two postings in the forum for complete mods. ;)
I think that everyone is getting a bit too excited about this. My guess would be that we're going to get a re-release with some fan made stuff thrown in. I agree with the other voices in this thread that there doesn't seem to be much chance of a full programming team being hired to work on upgrades to a game that most people would regard as being obsolete (since Civ 4 came out). The fact that they're asking the community for permission to use fan mods would also seem to suggest that they don't have much to offer in the way of new material.

But we can dream....

An events editor would be soooo useful :rolleyes:.
Civinator said:
Please "calm down". There is no confirmation from Take Two yet, and all bases on only two postings in the forum for complete mods. ;)

I agree.
I emailed TakeTwo last week, and have recieved no response.
Has anyone directly contacted the two members who are supposedly in contact with TakeTwo regarding this?

A simple yes or no from them would put this to bed fast.
Pinktilapia said that someone senior at Take 2 was supposed to contact him 'soon', but they said that they couldn't go into details at the moment. I would guess that maybe there's some legal wrangling going on behind the scenes, or maybe Take 2 are doing market research to work out if it would be financially viable to release something.

I think that we just have to sit tight for a while and see what emerges.
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