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New Unit: Canadian Mountie

Its difficult to say whether I'd want Canada to join the United
States. There are high points and low points, which i'll list
at the end of this post. There really is no reason for
our countries to merge. I wonder if Quebec would hold
another referendum if we did.

To the point brought up about the US spending more
in the way of aid to other nations, its true. But look at it
from this standpoint. Canada publicly spends 2.8 more
money on economic AID as expressed in % of GDP.
So we spend more of our GDP on aid than you guys do,
it doesn't equate to more money, but its a interesting point.

To the note that our government is becoming communist,
It already is to a degree. If you take a look at Chretien (who
actually voted for this guy?!?!) if any one of his MP's vote
against a bill, they are kicked out of the party. If members
of the party were to all stand up and reject something that
was wrong, he can't very well kick them all out, I know that
arguement. But if they were to do that, then there would
be a election and i'm quite sure that it would be viewed as
a unstable party and no matter who led them they would
likely lose another election or not win by a majority.
There was a time when MP's were voted in and they looked after
the people in their area's interest and vote any way they
thought was right. Now it seems they are only interested
in their own career. Being the liberals have a majority
government, that means whatever Chretien wants, he
gets. For example the Kyoto pact that will be passed by
the end of the year. The Canadian people don't want it,
it will devastate our economy. The potential fallout of
this pact could mean gas prices rising to $2.50 a litre.
Job losses could be in the half a million range, but Chretien
is putting it through anyway, even though i'm sure the
majority of the Canadian people (if they knew the details of it)
wouldn't want it. Back to the issue of MP's, it is not a democracy
to not be able to vote on something that you don't agree on.
The way around this is to adopt a new voting system like
the US system, where you can vote for your local MP AND
vote on the Prime Minister. That would make MP's a little more
apt to vote on what the people want or they'll lose their seat
because of the real boss, the people in their area as opposed
to someone who thinks he is the boss. Did you know that
when Pierre Trudeau died, he was a card carrying member
of the communist party? Its also a interesting coincidence that
Chretien was Trudeau's protege. Anyways, to the pros and cons
of joining the US.

- Less taxes overall
- A government system that works ...most of the time
- Military power ie/ security
- Higher dollar value
- Less Government. Canada has representatives per
capita than the US. Total Canadian Reps per 1 million: 13.0
Total US reps per 1 million: 1.9

- No more universal health care, for those with lesser
incomes or no health plans, enjoy spending say
$250 000 on heart surgery.

- No more unemployement insurance for everyone, some people
may never use this in their life, but its nice to have it
there if you ever do lose your job.

- No more Government Pension plan. While its a little bit
off your cheque every week, it doesn't add up to a whole lot
and the end result is the elderly who couldn't afford to
bank for their future will not go hungry.

- Economic fallout for some regions. A lot of business deal
with Canadian companies for several reasons. Either
because we aren't the US or because we have a weaker
dollar making it cheaper for them. There are many
American companies here for that exact reason, if
that reason is gone, there is no reason for them to
come here or to stay in certain regions. Believe it or not
Canada's economy is stronger than the US's right now.
A unrelated side note - if you remember when the Canadian
dollar dropped drastically, it was a direct result of Quebec
holding a referendum, people didn't want to invest in a
unstable country, we have never recovered.

- We would become a target to all those Anti-American nations
out there and would have more nuclear missles pointed
at us than we already do.

- We would undoubtably see a rise in population in some
already overpopulated cities, but adding population to
other area's is not a bad thing but who from the US would
want to move to say Barrie Ont.

- Post secondary education would cost more.

This are points that popped into my head real quick, feel
free to add or debate any points on the list. Maybe we
could start a thread in a different board. To sum it up,
while we are very much alike, we are very different in other
ways and there is no reason whatsoever for us to want
to join the USA, on the other hand, we have a ton of tapped
and untapped resources that i'm sure will look very
tempting to the USA in the future. In my opinion
neither of the two countries are better or worse than each
other as a whole. How about Canada rejoining with Britain?
Now there is a debate!
Nicely summed up Doragon. I think it would quite good economically as well. For example, the lumber tarriff dispute would be solved: the US and Canadian companies would compete directly against each other so the commodity price would hit equilibrium. No more government meddling with the prices.

Also we could get rid of those bad to the bone customs officers on the border. Perhaps a downside to this would be an increase in violent crime in Canada as some of the riftraft drifts northwards. A possible increase in drug usage too but Canada is almost equal to the US in this respect.

Like you said we would take a reputation hit which is bad but the leftist freaks who pin a bad rep on the US really don't what they're talking about. France? Man they owe more to the US than anyone does. Russia's ass would be grass too were it not for the yanks. Same for the rest of Europe.

Some people say the US bombs too much. I don't think they watch the news. Several thousand people die in NY and the US is bad for fighting back??? And look how long it took the americans to get motivated to bomb the serbs when the bosnians were oppressed with war crimes for 3 years. I've always thought the US is incredibly slow to anger. Now the israelis got all this terrorism to deal with and the US ain't doin nothing to back them up cause too many people would get irrate if they did. That ain't fair. If the US wants to bomb some bad guys they should go right ahead and do it.
Unscratchedfoot i'm not putting down America, I know they were attacked 1st and then attcked afganistan, i don't really care about the wars happening in the middle east, the pollution is most likey because of the huge population in the U.S. but i still like my own country even if the taxes are too high and the government is almost comunist
We should open up a new forum to debate...

There is two things I hate about the U.S. First, I hate all these bleeping liberals. No offense to any of them... but we can't even get a damn judge elected because of Tom Daschle. Who I might add, runs the Senate yet he comes from one of the smallest states!!!

Second, I can't stand the pollution, we could easily pass bills left and right... yet the reason we don't is because car and oil companies pay good money... hey it's expensive to run an add campagn.

For some of Doragon's cons...

- We don't have a universal health care to your "standard." Ours is more of the HMO. Kindof like yours, but not really...

- We don't have an unemployement insurance, but what we do have is unemployement checks. If your out of work you get a check every month from the goverment. Depending of course upon children, previous income... The checks aren't much, but it defintly helps

- You mentioned a goverment pension plan. Now I may not know exactly what you mean. But we do have social security. While you work you pay X amount into it. Once you retire, you get a check for 500 or so bucks every month from the goverment. Some what like a pension plan, not to mention most companies in the U.S. has one as well...

- "Economic fallout" This one I can't agree or disagree with. The U.S. taxes and has a lot fo red tape for business, one reason there is a lot of businesses moving to Jamaca, Canada... But at the same time we do have a huge economy... Who knows on this issue...

- Anti-American sucks... makes me cry hehe

- For your rise in population... The areas which are rising the most in the U.S. are Florida, California... mostly "sun" states. So I really couldn't see a huge change in your population. It might be a slight one, but I believe it would balance out... Florida to Quebec, Quebec to Florida... so on

Just wanted to add a lil bit to debate on...

My main feeling is this. As of right now we do act a lot alike. Economicly, trading... it would be beneficial to both countries. Plus it would allow us to spend more money else where instead of on border partols (not like we really do it), tariffs...
On a side note however... I remember learning something in history a longgg time ago, and my memory is some what foggy on dates, places, and people... =)

But it was something alone this... During the Revolutionary War the U.S. was sending some troops up to the St. Lawrance. There was a fort there that was believed to have very few people, and no red coats. Taking this fort would open up all of Eastern "Canada" if not all of Canada itself. Some how the fort got word that we were coming and put on red coats to scare us away.

Once we got there we seen the red coats, seeing how we most likely couldn't win a battle with English soldiers we left. But if we really did attack, we most likely would of taken that fort, ...

I just think WOW. What if they didn't put on the coats, what if we attacked anyways. All of this would be changed on such a small detail.

Kindof amazing... my story may be a little off, but the basic is there. Americans, Fort, Red Coats, Leave... hehe
Great unit Doragon:goodjob:
thisismysn20- We should open up a new forum to debate...
:enlighten I think there was one, a while ago in the world-history forums(about The Casualties in Afghanistan), but it just turned into an american bashing thread:lol:, everyone came even, Swede's . . .
OmniMower-*The patriotism is shining throu!!!!*
thisismysn20-Anti-American sucks... makes me cry hehe
Doesn’t matter really what anyone says, fact is, if Terrorist From a Non-cooperating country, came and blew up 20.000 people in Canada, the u.s would be the first to Canada side.
Im not so sure about Sweden though;) Besides I cant think of the u.s, and another nation more alike, than Canada. As for the u.s government. My old man used to work for them, (first at the V.O.A. then at the E.P.A) after 15 years he made 65,000 a year. And a generous Pension plan, vacation\sick days. I remember thinking that was one hell of a good job.

Universal health care, The key word is Universal. First steps to communism are taken here. Granted I doubt these word were on Lenin lips; "well? It sounds like a good idea?" But non-the-less, It’s a huge (okay lets say big) step towards Communism, today Universal health care, tomorrow Government Broadcasted Television!!!!! NOOOO!!! This is all very funny to me, in fact, it reminds me of a movie I once saw. Called 'Canadian Bacon' :lol:.Good movie, you should go out and get it.
It was equally insulting to both sides, but if I remember correctly more so to the American one. Great unit BtW :goodjob: this will help a lot with my mod! although, It just seems funny, having a cop as a uu.
Ahem, leave it to Alpine Trooper from ALL CIV to set things straight!

"I wonder if Quebec would hold another referendum if we did."

If we merged with the United States? That will never happen, a vast, and I mean vast, majority of Canadians oppose the U.S. in a number of ways and a common currency. There will never be another referendum. Seperatism has fallen extremely in Quebec, the liberals will win the next election. Not many support seperatism, and actually have very strong love towards Canada in Quebec.

"Our government is becomming communist."

That's a ******ed thing to say. You need to differentiate and get educated if you think that; on the basis of what Communism and Socialism means. If you mean Socialism, I would say that, that is an excellent thing. The more socialism, the better for us all. Last time I checked Jean Chretian wasn't a Tyranical dictator who said something and it was done.

Who voted for this fool? The majority of Canada did, so you must be the fool. He's infact done an okay job for this country, sad to see him go. It's great that we in Canada can enjoy the choice of tons of political parties to vote for, without the fear of our vote 'being wasted' as in the United States. How you can say that George Bush is a better world leader is beyond me. Firstly, they aren't comparable, and secondly, George Bush is a flamming ******. Though he is good at inhierting things...

"For example the Kyoto pact that will be passed by
the end of the year. The Canadian people don't want it,
it will devastate our economy."

Another ill-educated response? Firstly, the majority of Canadians want to ratify the treaty. The only people of Canada which have a problem with it is Alberta, because it will effect their business. You must be from out west? It will hurt their economy, but won't devastate it. The Kyoto pact will not devastate the economy of Canada as a whole either. You make it sound like it's the end of the world for our economy. Mind you that 55 developed countries will be ratifying this treaty, and we will all be on fair playing ground. The U.S. will also push forth with it's own initiatives, which will further even things. Such you would perceive to be the nature of Canada to follow what the U.S. does, this is a clear example by signing this treaty that we are independent and a player on the world stage. Canada will survive Kyoto.

Less taxes overall if we join the U.S.

Wrong again. Taxes will be less in some provinces, and higher in others. Not only this, but will it depend on who you are. You have to take into account the fact that each province mandates it's own tax too. If I didn't want to pay 15 cents in Ontario, I am more then obliged to move out west and pay 7 cents.

A government system that works ...most of the time if we join the U.S.

Haha. The U.S. governmental system is a joke, and many Americans will agree with me on that. It needs severe reform. Right now it is a Capitalist Tyranny. America isn't even a democracy by the way, it is a Republic. You should be happy that in Canada you have more MPS per capita so your voice gets heard more in parliament.

Military power ie: security

Canada is backed by so many nations it's not even funny. Infact, if it had to go to war it could boost its spending in no time. The military spends a lot per soldier, considering the scale of our army. I don't know why people like yourself expect some Army of Jesus Christ in a country of 30 million people, that's beyond me. By the way, if Canada were to draft it could have 8 million soldiers, which is pretty damn good.

What if I told you the U.S. only had 4, 4 aircrafts loaded with weapons on the continetal United States during the Sept. 11 attacks. It's true, so you tell me... If Canada gets invaded, whos going to run to our help? Well, it will take some time for the American army to get back home. Meanwhile you have a nice contingent of the Canadian army at home and abroad.

Higher dollar value if we join the U.S.

Are you insane? Why do you think our economy is the fastes growing on earth right now. Hint! Low Dollar! That low dollar attracks MASSIVE international investment, especially from the United States. IE ; Hollywood North. And just for note, our dollar is actually pretty high compared to most currencys, and the dollar was purposely lowered, and could go back up whenever the Canadian government feels like it. May I remind you that Canada had a higher dollar then the U.S. in the 80s.

How do you handle the brutal taxes.

I work and pay them. And oddly enough I enjoy more things then the average U.S. citizen does by paying them. And taxes vary from province to province. How do you handle taxes on lottery winnings? :)

An average joe canadian, not rich, pays 50% of his/her hard-earned income in tax, including the 15% unbelievable sales tax. Rich people get slaughtered by tax.

You live in Ontario, move somewhere else to get far lower taxes or vote for an intelligent government, not the PCs. That'll teach them to raise taxes won't it?

For example, in Vancouver where I'm from, they put cameras in the intersections to catch people "running yellow lights" (yes yellow, not red).

Firstly, almost every country with the technology has the same things, and it's a municipal choice. Meaning, your mayor of Vancouver decided to implement those. Next time vote for someone different. By the way, running yellow lights is illegal. However, if you are already in the middle of the intersection or say in court and prove you didn't have reasonable space to stop completely, you'll be alright.

"Doesn’t matter really what anyone says, fact is, if Terrorist From a Non-cooperating country, came and blew up 20.000 people in Canada, the u.s would be the first to Canada side."

Considering we were first to their side on Sept 11. I would hope so. Mind you that a lot of Canadians died in those attacks too.

"Universal health care, The key word is Universal. First steps to communism are taken here."

Another thought less response? First of all, it's the first steps towards Socialism, which stretch back to the Unionist workers in Alberta and Saskathewan who gave Canadians free health care. Would sort of suck to have a bad farm year and have no money at all for medicine wouldn't it? Especially way out in the middle of no where at the time. How this is communist is beyond me. Apparently communisms care about their citizens and give them free health care?

"Once we got there we seen the red coats, seeing how we most likely couldn't win a battle with English soldiers we left. But if we really did attack, we most likely would of taken that fort."

I don't remember this. However during the war of 1812, a girl noted Canadian authorities that the U.S. was planning an attack against Canada in a strategic location. They were able to move troops in time and thwart the attack. There has never been a time where the United States of America has came close to conquring the Dominion of Canada, infact it's exactly vice versa, with the help of the Commonwealth.
I'm with my gf so I'm not going to debate much with you Alpine Trooper... other then the fact that your an unhappy costomer...

If Canada draft all citizens eligable for the military they would draft 8,325,084 according to 2001.

Now if the United States did the same, we would draft 70,819,436 also according to 2001. Double your population.

And I might add the Canada would have a higher dollar value. If we merged the U.S. value would go down obviously, Canada up... But sticking with value to value right now.

It would be about 1 US dollar for 1.5032 CAD's. This of course could be slightly off.

Now take your pills my friend and attack some more...
Oh I also would like to say... The U.S. would come to your defense in a hurry. After all NORAD, and a number of other agencies are over looking Canada as we speak for defense purposes. And we have many military bases right on the border of Canada. One of whom, Fort Drum, is one of the biggest military bases in America.
Oh I didn't see his orginal post with that... Alpine Trooper is just anti-american so I'll take what he says in one ear and out my ass

George Bush may not be the smartest man (that's what you have advisors for) but he is a normal person. He doesn't have 2000 dollar suits, expensive cars and so on. He's just like Jo Smo... which is what you want!
"We have a moral obligation to take out Iraq." - Cond. Rice.

What great advisors. It must be their fault he wants to invade Iraq without reason.

By the way, concerning the military, I know the U.S. could draft double our population. What I did was told Mr. I hate Canada that he shouldn't expect a country of 30 million people to have a huge army.

I am not anti-American either, I simply pointed out some differences. You're the ones who interpret everything has anti, and therefore flawed and biased in your responses. Perhaps jealous too. :cool:
Jealous of?

- Iraq has used bio weapons on his own people
- Iraq has used civilizians as shields during wars (and peace time)
- Iraq used chemical and bio weapons on Iran
- Iraq has funded terroism
- Iraq has harbored terroists
- Iraq has given weapons to terrorists

Is there any doubt that if/when Iraq gains a nuclear weapons, he won't use that weapons on Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Isreal, Canada or America?

Now please... if you can say honestly that there isn't a reason to remove Saddam Husein, well then it looks like your either Middle Eastern (no offense to them, just many are propaganized), dumb, or stupid.

You take your pick...
Alpine TrooperI am not anti-American either, I simply pointed out some differences. You're the ones who interpret everything has anti, and therefore flawed and biased in your responses. Perhaps jealous too.
. . . And here's Your daily dose of Irony . . .
Alpine TrooperWhat I did was told Mr. I hate Canada that he shouldn't expect a country of 30 million people to have a huge army.
Lot of quotes going on . . .
thisismysn20George Bush may not be the smartest man (that's what you have advisors for) but he is a normal person. He doesn't have 2000 dollar suits, expensive cars and so on. He's just like Jo Shmo... which is what you want!
Are you kidding?!?!??! This makes me want to go join Alpine trooper's side!!! He is in no way like an average citizen, All the E-mail's I get about things he did. First of, his dad payed his way through life. Payed his way out of Vietnam, payed his way as governor of Texas, and when his dad couldn’t pay his way into the u.s presidency, he called bubba over to cheat for him. I digress, Although, Its good to have such arguments over government, Indeed the society that doesn’t criticize there government, is the one you should worry about. I personally, don’t give a damn about Iraq. Well, in one sense I do, as I don’t want us to go over there, im more of an isolationist. Starting a war, is not the best way to prevent one. instead of spending the money on war, spend it on research, to stop Nuke’s.
I agree, I personally don't want us to go to war with iraq, any war for that matter. We spend so much money, I believe this year it is like 350 billion dollars or so. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT MUCH MONEY. Do you know the things we could build, could research, could do... My point of view is isolationist as well, but at this time... it isn't possible

On the other hand... how can you not justify going into Iraq. He is just slaughtering his own people. Do we think he would give us a fighting chance?
Originally posted by thisismysn20
Jealous of?

- Iraq has used bio weapons on his own people
- Iraq has used civilizians as shields during wars (and peace time)
- Iraq used chemical and bio weapons on Iran
- Iraq has funded terroism
- Iraq has harbored terroists
- Iraq has given weapons to terrorists

Is there any doubt that if/when Iraq gains a nuclear weapons, he won't use that weapons on Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Isreal, Canada or America?

Now please... if you can say honestly that there isn't a reason to remove Saddam Husein, well then it looks like your either Middle Eastern (no offense to them, just many are propaganized), dumb, or stupid.

You take your pick...

Civilizan shields? Every, every country has used that in war and peace time. Israel uses it to this day. If they suspect a Palestinian home is booby trapped, they make a palestinian walk in with them. Why don't you learn something.

Iraq does not fund terrorism at great lengths at all. Saudia Arabia does, but for some reason the U.S. wants to take out a country which doesn't. Infact, the U.S. has funded terrorism more then Iraq. Iraq has done some wrong things, but it's a proven fact that it doesn't fund terrorism to any great extent what so ever. This goes along with 'harboring' terrorists and supplying them with weapons. I do believe the U.S. suppying the Taliban and Osama with weapons, but that must have went by you're head.

Saddamn doesn't have nuclear weapons. He won't have them for a very long time. It's proven too. Inspectors have been in, infact hes allowed inspectors and reporters into these suspected targets of places to build WMDs. Funny how U.S. and Britian go and bomb 'nuclear sites' in Iraq isn't it? Last time I checked blowing up nuclear weapons wasn't a great idea. Please stop looking in a one sided point of view.

By the way, the only country I could see Iraq nuking if it got nukes would be the U.S. and Israel. Everyone else knows Iraq has been good since it's ass was handed to it in the Gulf War, and I think Saddam understands that. He's not some cracked out lunatic like some make him to be. He isn't the smartest or greatest person either. If the U.S. wanted him out, the Gulf War was the time to do it, not 10 years later, and especially not under the prefix of they're terrorists, because they aren't.

Saudia Arabia and Iran are far greater threats then Iraq and any person with a brain knows this.

I'll be back tomorrow night to prove the majority of you all wrong again. Have fun. :)

P.S. Allies of the U.S. during the Gulf War paid 80 % of the bill. If the U.S. goes in alone, someones taxes are either increasing, or someones countries defecit is getting extremely larger. :)
The main argument for invading Iraq as I've heard it on the news is to take out the nuclear weapons development sites and remove Saddam to prevent nukes from being researched. I'm just amazed that the iraqies haven't gotten nuke tech yet from Korea, Pakistan or some other rogue nation. I wouldn't doubt even Indian to have done an under the table deal for some extra cash or favourable arrangement. Perhaps its the manufacturing of nukes which is difficult. Or again, why doesn't Saddam just import short range nuclear missiles from the above mentioned countries? I'm sure he wouldn't mind another million people starving to pay for them.

I don't know much about the subject of nuclear missile development. Maybe since Alpine knows everything there is to know about everything he could fill us in on the technical aspect of it.

So how important do most americans feel that stopping Iraq from having nukes is? I get the feeling they don't care so much. I'm wondering if Iraq is stopped, how about invading North Korea next on the same argument? No chance of that. They're just too damn strong. Are we going after Iraq only just cause he's weak (America would roll over Iraq pretty easily I think)?
Alpine Trooper, I can't believe you can say your not anti-american. Everytime someone says something pro-American you bash them...

Oh yes EVERY country has used civilizan shields in peace time and war... When has Canada done so, American, ...? That is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. In every war the U.S. has faught, I can't think of any time the U.S. has done it, and only a rare couple instances other countries have. As for the Israel - Palestinian civilizan shield... relook your information. You are far off on that one. It's true they take a palestinian in with them... but not for bomb protection, not like it would be much anyways.

Iraq does fund terrorism, perhaps not to great lengths... but they pay money to the bombers families, EVERY bombers family. What was it 10k or something? The U.S. supplied the former Afganstan goverment with weapons over decades ago. Perhaps Taliban, bin Laden eventully received some of them, but we didn't. We gave them to the previous goverment.

He has been making a push to get nuclear weapons, most of his nuclear factories have extensions being put on them for duel use capacity. I never said he had them anyways, I said IF

As for your "inspectors" shut the hell up about that bs. The inspectors has to get premission to go to certain places, they were pulled along by the Iraqi goverment. The inspectors never seen everything, they never had the freedom too... and MOST if not ALL inspectors have said they didn't have unfettered access. Which brought into question just how much they knew or didn't know.

Yea Iraq has been good... They were good after killing their own people... until they invaded Iran. They were good after they invaded Iran... until they invaded Kuwait. And I have to point out what you said. "By the way, the only country I could see Iraq nuking if it got nukes would be the U.S. and Isreal. NO ****ING ****. Why do you think we want to remove. ANYONE wanting to nuke ANYONE is a problem. We wanted to remove him during the gulf war... it's the pansy ass coalition that didn't want him removed.

As for your Saudi Arabia and Iran are far greater threats. OMFG we agree on something, well slightly. I don't know much about Iran, but what I've heard... but I do think they are a problem and need to be dealth with. As for Saudi Arabia, I would give that prince son of a ***** a huge surprise =) He is such a lieing, ...

We saved his butt in the gulf war and he can't do a single thing we ask... He can't stop funding terroism, harboring, propganda, ARGH... Personally I'd put a million troops in Egypt and roll through Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Afganstan when this all happened.

HURRY BACK... I miss are debates already!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I have no knowledge of who paid the bill. But I do know this, our taxes are going down baby. Perhaps gas will go up.
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