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New Unit: Canadian Mountie

Originally posted by zulu9812
What are you talking about? Governments are necessarily elected democratically.

I don't understand. For me a government is "something" that takes decision for the country, regarding national wide topics like defense, taxes, laws, justice, police, education, etc....

Why should it be necessarily elected?

Aren't a king and his appointed minister a government for instance?
For some strange reason Democracy has lately been awarded (in some wealthy places at least) the status of a sacro-sankt entity. A democracy is allowed to do almost anything it deems necessary-illegaly drop bombs on souvereign countries, invasions, atomic tests, political assesinations, demagogic propaganda campaigns, aso. as long as the governament has once (every now and then) had to undergo a ritual called "election"- after and before such entertaining media splendour during which all contestants to the throne (ooops- sorry, meant: candidates for office) undergo the usual "smile-you-are-on-TV-metamorphosis"... so once U gave them your vote (at least most of the people should have done so- at least U hope they have) they are free to do whatever they please as long as there is no major F***-up (Xcuse moi) within your country`s borders or intrests... what is really scary is when democracies start wars to impose democratic regimes (friendly to them, of course by selecting the candidates first) elsewhere.

So please, do not confuse democratic elections with some sort of religious sanctuary- I know several Amercian presidents have dug out that phrase every time there was no other good excuse for grabbing some other country's oil- or safe passage (hello everybody in Panama)- it is not the system that makes good politics: It's the people that may or may not... and it does not really matter what U call that system, it depends on the people's trust in it (and on the people that stand behind the polititians you vote for- no matter who is in charge, the state's servants stay where they are no matter who wins the elections, no matter what policy or no matter if the country switches form Social Democracy to Conservativism and back again)...

Why do we even have to elect people ? Those who serve our purpose should be in power- those who do not: OUT- simple- and we wouldn't have to wait until the guy messes up or until the next elections ;)

Yes, the USA has funded many terrorist organisations, freedom fighters, criminals, and dictatorships (including Mr. Saddam Hussein). The US Government (sposored by the CIA) is very capable of secretly creating monsters to its own benefit- and later removing them again with lots of media coverage so as to look "good" on global television: "They are EVIL- soooo... we must be the good guys then ?"


Communism is a very nice theory- but it remained a theory- not because it doen't work in general- but because it will not work if challenged by extraneous forces, and by the human corruptiveness. (Xcuse me spelling- very late where I am) The Soviet Union, for instance, was never a communist state- it never claimed to be: UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST (!!!) REPUBLICS

Pseudo-Communism works in Cuba (another misconception if you really take it for real communism), and has worked in countries making up about 3/5 of the world population for some decades. And I am really afraid of the moment that the Chinese regime will collapse... all those Chinese running around :( (mind you, I love Chines- had a Chinese girlfriend once- but they are sooo many and they are already comming to Europe these days)


Communism equals "Direct Democracy" ! And even Marx said it would take a long adaptation period with government action to gradually establish such a system- it does, however not mean that there is no government in place (Marx speaks of the DICTATORSHIP of the proletariat), yet that votes are proportional and that citizens have the right to cast their vote for every decission with equal right- an admistrative body would remain to guarant this state. The state always remains in hands of those that are legitimised even by a communist regime


NATO is usefull- but not for Europe- at least not directly. It serves as the Transatlantic way for Middle- and East European countries to be drawn Westwards into WEU, NATO, and most significantly- into the EU (the 2004 entry of 10 new EU members will coincide with the full membership of the largest of these entering NATO) The entire West has its benefits from this, in one way or another.


Ralendill, there is reall no point in comparing such things as they are taken out of their historical and factual context. There are no evil regimes, equally there are no "good(-guy)" regimes- despite of some stupid people (I am not going into detail on the name of any current -or past; hi there Mr. Truman and Eisenhower-US president) like to make things a bit simpler by clanging to this childish concept of how the planet turns


thisismysn20, sooo which of these subjects should we make a new thread for then ;) ??? (sorry for threadjacking)
W.i.n.t.e.r- [/b]thisismysn20, sooo which of these subjects should we make a new thread for then ;) ??? (sorry for threadjacking)[/b]
Actually, I did make one, I removed it after a while, The last post (the one before Goonie’s) is 10 months old, Its a problem, and but now I really don't care about it anymore, after I opened a new thread in OT, it was closed:lol:, then reopened, its still there, if anyone wants to look at it. It lasted approximately one day!:lol:
Originally posted by W.i.n.t.e.r
Yes, the USA has funded many terrorist organisations, freedom fighters, criminals, and dictatorships (including Mr. Saddam Hussein). The US Government (sposored by the CIA) is very capable of secretly creating monsters to its own benefit- and later removing them again with lots of media coverage so as to look "good" on global television: "They are EVIL- soooo... we must be the good guys then ?"
I've always looked at it as "we need what you have so we'll help you out to get it, but if you get out of hand we'll take action". behave, and you get a cookie. if you don't, then you get spanked with a big splintering shingle.
Seems like that's how it works. Most or our little puppet dictators are damn ingrates, that's the problem!

What the world needs is more imperialism from developed countries. Seriously. Third world crapholes have proven that they can't take care of themselves. We could be more fair about it that Britain and France, but some constant involvement is needed if there is to be any at all.
Yes, but Imperialism leads to rebelion because those countries want to be on their own. Castro was a product of that, and most "ingrate dictators" are.
Originally posted by sween32
Yes, but Imperialism leads to rebelion because those countries want to be on their own. Castro was a product of that, and most "ingrate dictators" are.

The problem remains that Mr. fix-it western countries go "out" into the world and wish to forge it in their own image; make little pets out of those others. Some helpfull little dwarves--- the West rarely sees things from different perspectives- these other countires, nations, cultures are very different from our own and tend to be proud of their own heritage. Now if we go there and show them how puny they seem next to us and that they should develop under our tutelage that usually goes bad after some time- no matter what the involvement.
Call me crazy, winter, but it was my impression that it is the duty of a world power to stick their nose in other countries business. and before you judge "the western world" on how it uses it's power, you should also think about WHY it is a world power.

anyways... how did this convo start in here? :D

i love this unit, btw! :goodjob:
Originally posted by thisismysn20
On a side note however... I remember learning something in history a longgg time ago, and my memory is some what foggy on dates, places, and people... =)

But it was something alone this... During the Revolutionary War the U.S. was sending some troops up to the St. Lawrance. There was a fort there that was believed to have very few people, and no red coats. Taking this fort would open up all of Eastern "Canada" if not all of Canada itself. Some how the fort got word that we were coming and put on red coats to scare us away.

i almost forgot.. how dumb of the americans to write a National Anthem about this incident..
The whole story goes like this...
Americans planned to attack Upper Canada in order to rid the RED COATS..
The American officers came to the Secord’s and insisted Laura serve them dinner. Food was plentiful. The wine flowed. The officers became careless and boasted that they were going to attack the British and Canadians at Beaver Dams.
Colonel Boerstter planned to attack Lieutenant Fitzgibbon and destroy his headquarters and take the detachment that was protecting the military equipment captive.
Not only were the American forces forced to retreat but they were pushed al the way past the (WHITE HOUSE EQUIVILENT)
where the Canadian forces had much fun in burning it down to the ground.... (AND IN YOUR NATIONAL ANTHEM IT SAYS "And Our Flag Was Still There") Maybe so.. but it was scorched laying face down in the dirt.. and was the only thing left because it deffinately wasn't on any building. USA Sucks.. there foreign policy is absolutely rediculous and they have no clue at how rediculous it is... AND AS A CANADIAN.. don't ever associate me with them.!!!! 50% of Canadians i talk to can't even stand the word American. the other 50% tolerate them. 99% are too polite to say it out loud.. This 1% isn't... GRAB A FRIGGIN BONE!!

No intent in thinking the Anthem was created from this incident
A vote of Inconfidence will take place if the Cretien Liberals wage war on Iraq.. Time to say no to a bully (the USA)! The USA don't want this war because it will be fought on their own home turf wether they think it will or not. The Arabic community is not going to tolerate this much longer. Since they know the are out powered technologically.. they'll fight with the suicide bombings the the kamakaze tatics we haven't even thought of yet.. and by those methods we have thought of. Even in Isreal which is expecting such attacks can't stop them from getting past the security. The IRA (Irish Republican Army)had set bombs in public gathering places. You can't monitor all of the places in the world. You don't have the man power. The only way to win this war is to commit genocide. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR???? Only this time 6 million Arabs will not die b4 your country is stopped!!!
The Focus of the world is no longer on IRAQ.. its on the USA.. and in the Back of every nations mind is WHEN DO I SLAP THE BULLY"S HAND!
Purplexus - Dude, you need some looser underpants or something. Although it is nice to have someone from the Canadian Center for Made-Up Statistics trolling around.
From deep in the forgoten threads it rises!
How old is this thread?

I love the unit :goodjob: :goodjob:

But hate the :nospam:

Originally posted by thestonesfan
Purplexus - Dude, you need some looser underpants or something. Although it is nice to have someone from the Canadian Center for Made-Up Statistics trolling around.

Ah thestonesfan you bring me laughter. :lol:
Not to perpetuate this nonsense, but Purplexus, the US National Anthem has nothing to do with anything you talked about. It was written by Francis Scott Key serving as a lawyer for an American detained aboard a British warship participating in the bombardment of Ft McHenry in Baltimore Harbor during the war of 1812. Mr. Key observed the bombardement all through the night ("...Twilight's last gleaming...Rocket's Red Glare...Bombs bursting in air...through the night...") and, when the first rays of sunlight light the fort ("By the dawn's early light"), the American flag was still flying above (...gallantly streaming...). In fact, that exact flag is on display at the Smithsonian Museum of American History where it is being preserved if you are so inclined to visit.

The point - don't speak as an expert on things that you are unsure of. All it does is reduce the effect of your other arguments.
Originally posted by Prussian
The point - don't speak as an expert on things that you are unsure of. All it does is reduce the effect of your other arguments.

RE: Puplexus

I don't think its possible to reduce the effect of his arguments. :sheep:
Purplexus is annoying, but if we don't allow it to bother us, it won't.
Heh, I was wondering why this thread had a two-star rating. I figured the unit must suck, but it turns out the spam was giving it a bad name! :p

Neat unit, BTW, even if it did spark a huge debate!
The U.S. has to intervene... Not because we are the big bullies but because we are the only ones that are willing to do it! Who is going to stop Saddam from killing his own people. The Iraqi people, no... France lol So we have too, because the rest of the world doesn't give two ****s!

We intervene because we have too. We are for freedom everywhere, freedom of speech, religion... Even our constitution says it. We've had our bad times, but we've done more good then any other country.

Think of all of the countries/areas we have helped one way or another; Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Panama, Costa Rico, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, G.B., Isreal, Kuwait, Australlia, Japan, China, ...

We've helped countries we've hated (China). We've helped countries after we went to war (Japan, Germany). We've liberated countries when they were all but defeated (France, Kuwait). We've been friends to countries when no one else would be (Isreal). We've given billions in aid when we don't agree with one thing a country does (Saudi Arabia, Egypt...)

Name another country that has helped so many?
Originally posted by thisismysn20
The U.S. has to intervene... Not because we are the big bullies but because we are the only ones that are willing to do it! Who is going to stop Saddam from killing his own people. The Iraqi people, no... France lol So we have too, because the rest of the world doesn't give two ****s!

We intervene because we have too. We are for freedom everywhere, freedom of speech, religion... Even our constitution says it. We've had our bad times, but we've done more good then any other country.

Think of all of the countries/areas we have helped one way or another; Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Panama, Costa Rico, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, G.B., Isreal, Kuwait, Australlia, Japan, China, ...

We've helped countries we've hated (China). We've helped countries after we went to war (Japan, Germany). We've liberated countries when they were all but defeated (France, Kuwait). We've been friends to countries when no one else would be (Isreal). We've given billions in aid when we don't agree with one thing a country does (Saudi Arabia, Egypt...)

Name another country that has helped so many?

Ok first off this is more of an off topic discussion.
Secondly not wanting to continue this but feel I might as well respond let me say this:

I generally like the US as much as any nation but as to their helping they are not so benevolent. No nation is! The US has helped many nations mine included however largely they have helped nations that are of strategic importance (national defense, that makes sense) however have forgotten situations like the Hutu and Tutsi. There was noting to gain in Africa so why invest time and money into a messy situation.

As for France well they left the French to die until Germany declared war on the US. Nothing to gain by helping a lost nation until it served a tactical purpose. Kuwait provided valuable Oil connections witch is exactly what everyone admitted (as to why Bush senior failed to finish the job :confused: ).

All nations try to do what is best for them no nation has completely been helpful for no gain. All actions of all nations serve a purpose even today’s world situation.

As for this thread I recommend it be closed until this nonsense ends.

Once again I must say Good unit.
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