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New Unit: Canadian Mountie

Alpine Trooper, I suppose your taking about Khomeini? That’s true, he did give the kids 'Plastic Keys to heaven' then sent them out to be shot at.
Are you saying America wouldn't roll over North Korea?
thisismysn20, This isn’t a game, you could expect North Korea to Give us Hell every step of the way. For instance, look at Vietnam, The we lost some 50.000 troops, and the North Vietnamese lost 1.000.000. As for the size of military, Ill go back to last time we had the draft, once again Vietnam, For every combat soldier, there were 12 support soldiers. Or People who were relaying coordinates, clerks, and so on.

I agree with Alpine trooper with the fact that hes not anti-american, If you think he is, you haven’t seen much of the world. For instance, (I read this in a local Newspaper) In Britain, A member of the Al-Muhajiroun, said the destruction of the World Trade Center, and the outcome of September 11 2001, “A towering day in History”. They will meet in the Finsbury park Mosque, And discuss the “positive outcomes” of the “battle” against “an evil superpower” In most of the Muslim world, They are not thinking starting a war, They know that for the past Decade a war has existed. Its our Ignorance that makes us blind to see it. And The worst part is Its not a country that we are at war with. Be cause of this, we cant go around Bombing the crap out of Countries that don’t agree with us.

I agree with Onmimower, this is way O-T. I think someone should open a thread there, with quotes from this section.
Alright. So its agreed that the US will not attack North Korea. So this brings us back to my question again: Are we getting set up to attack Iraq just because its weak? We all know North Korea is part of the axis of evil and would love as much as any other wacko rogue nation to put a nuke into america so why are we only threatening to attack Iraq when N.Korea deserves it just as much? Or Libya, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran etc etc. Russia's got a pretty scary record of atrocities in Grozny if you think crimes against humanity is an issue.

And I'm canadian so I'm here wondering all the time about why does America pay $3 billion protection money a year to the egyptians? To keep the dogs off of Israel? How much of their military budget does that cover. A lot I'd say. How many US soldiers salary could be paid by that amount? America is just too damn generous (and needlessly overestimating).

BTW What does OT mean? Overtime? I think not. Off topic perhaps? So what? Everyone here is enjoying a good debate. We all love Alpine Trooper for standing up to us all. No need to shut it down. Besides, it sure beats dumb topics like "what was your best starting position in civ 3?" Yeah?
My best starting position was in the middle of...

OT = off topic, I had to ask omnimower in an PM, I kept thinking to myself, we are in overtime? WHAT

I believe the U.S. is doing quite a lot right now, we have sent troops to Georgia, Yemen, Phillipines, Afganstan, and Iraq. We can't fight a 10 front war... Sure the most troops we sent to any one place was less then 10,000. But still, we can't just scatter them world wide. We hit Libya pretty hard a while back, and since Kadaffi (sp?) got a cruise in his lap he's stopped quite a lot. However I agree that some of these nations REALLY have to be dealt with. Espically Saudi Arabia, even Syria/Lebanon. But when you account for 14% of SA's oil exports, it's hard to do much to them. If you could get that oil else where, I'm sure Saudi Arabia would get a niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee present...

I've said/thought for a long time. All this money we are giving to countries for no god damn reason we need to stop. 3 billion to Egypt, why... WHYYYYYYYYY!!! They back stab us, screw over Isreal... Same with Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria... 3 Billion would pay for roughly, 70,000-100,000 soldiers a year. Not to mention countless weapons, research.

Yet we give them it for no damn reason. I can see giving Isreal 7 billion, after all if it wasn't for the money we gave them, the Middle Eastern countries would blow them off the map.
So what's behind the US sending its troops all over the world??? Perhaps for overseas training. No chance. All they do is smoke weed. I heard during the cold war the entire american army in W.Germany was permanently stoned. So why??? To keep them employed and hopefully get the host countries to foot part of the bill? I live in Japan and all the people here would much rather America departed. Or they just don't care (Japanese never watch the news if you can believe it. All they watch are stupid game shows like 'let's see who can jump the highest onto the wall wearing velcro' :o ).
For a few reasons; rapid deployment, intelligence, training in different areas/terrains, and getting used to those climates.

Plus just a lil fact, the U.S. has military bases in a number of countries, to many to count... yet it has 0 bases in the U.S. from any other country. At least none that I no about, and I'm almost 100% sure on this.

As for your saying that they were permently stoned in west germany, or all they do is smoke pot. I used to live in upstate NY. 30+ miles from me was Fort Drum, one of the biggest Army bases in the country/world. And also Griffis AFB, which was a sac base. One of the biggest in the country and also on the top 10 list of places to be hit by a nuclear strike from Russia during the cold war.

Seeing how I lived so close to two main bases I knew quite a few military people/friends/relatives, and I know of very few that are potheads. In fact I can't name any that get stoned on a regular bases like you seem to mention. And only a couple get stoned period.
O-ver-Time! O-ver-Ti. . . . . Well anyway, if you two ever go look at Off topic you would find a lot of good discussions. Why Iraq? It’s the only Mid-Eastern country that wont let us look in there. The only one (if I remember correctly) that didn’t condemn Terrorism. And I think the Bush’s have a problem with Iraq’s existence.

What the hell are you guys talking about? trying to keep Egypt of Israel??? No way!?!?!? Israel has the manpower and the support to eradicate anyone of those Middle eastern Countries. And has done so in the past. Something Im totally against. The outrage against The Palestinians needs to stop. Its nothing less than Genocide. Picking on weaker countries is, and you might find this surprising, Beneath us.
So what? Everyone here is enjoying a good debate.
Huh? How would you like it if you made a new unit, took the trouble to post it, then a bunch of threadjackers come over and turn it into a debate about Iraq???
While it is OT, I have to respond to Alpine on the points
he made in regards to my post, call it defence. This
could be long

"I wonder if Quebec would hold another referendum if we did."

If we merged with the United States? That will never happen, a vast, and I mean vast, majority of Canadians oppose the U.S. in a number of ways and a common currency. There will never be another referendum. Seperatism has fallen extremely in Quebec, the liberals will win the next election. Not many support seperatism, and actually have very strong love towards Canada in Quebec.

You might be surprised at the amount of people who would
like to join. Because there is no real survey or study done on
it, I would venture to say that its a matter of personal
opinion and we'll never know unless it actually happens,
which it won't, peacefully anyway. As far as
Seperatism falling, I hope so, I get very tired of
the PQ whining about how horrible our country is when
in fact, its the best IMHO. Though, I question your
note on there never being another referendum, the Current
PQ leader has promised one within 500 days...Well
498 if you count the 2 days that passed when I heard it on
the radio. The point I was trying to make with the Quebec was
that I have never heard of a American state talk about
seperation and would probably viewed in a more hostile way
than it is in Canada.

"Our government is becomming communist."

That's a ******ed thing to say. You need to differentiate and get educated if you think that; on the basis of what Communism and Socialism means. If you mean Socialism, I would say that, that is an excellent thing. The more socialism, the better for us all. Last time I checked Jean Chretian wasn't a Tyranical dictator who said something and it was done.

Who voted for this fool? The majority of Canada did, so you must be the fool. He's infact done an okay job for this country, sad to see him go. It's great that we in Canada can enjoy the choice of tons of political parties to vote for, without the fear of our vote 'being wasted' as in the United States. How you can say that George Bush is a better world leader is beyond me. Firstly, they aren't comparable, and secondly, George Bush is a flamming ******. Though he is good at inhierting things...

Oh I know the difference between the two, but Socialism comes
at a high price, in regards to what comes out of the taxpayers
pocket. Actually anything Chretien wants does get done,
thats part of the point. The fact that he will kick any MP
out of the party if they do vote against anything he wants.
This has been done and there is no reason to think that
it won't happen again. So the point there is Liberal MP's have
to vote for what he wants or else. I'm sure if he could have, he
would have kicked Paul Martin from the party as well.
Dictatorship I guess is a better word.

NO the majority of Canada did not vote for this
fool. If you count up all the votes that went to the other
parties then more people voted against him then for him.
The problem was the votes were spread out amoung the other

I didn't say George Bush was a better leader, I said
the US has a better government system. That works in both
the way that democrats are free to vote against democrat
bills (without having the their party leader kicking them
out of the party or backbenching them) and that they
have a better voting system, in the way that they
vote for a Rep and a President.

"For example the Kyoto pact that will be passed by
the end of the year. The Canadian people don't want it,
it will devastate our economy."

Another ill-educated response? Firstly, the majority of Canadians want to ratify the treaty. The only people of Canada which have a problem with it is Alberta, because it will effect their business. You must be from out west? It will hurt their economy, but won't devastate it. The Kyoto pact will not devastate the economy of Canada as a whole either. You make it sound like it's the end of the world for our economy. Mind you that 55 developed countries will be ratifying this treaty, and we will all be on fair playing ground. The U.S. will also push forth with it's own initiatives, which will further even things. Such you would perceive to be the nature of Canada to follow what the U.S. does, this is a clear example by signing this treaty that we are independent and a player on the world stage. Canada will survive Kyoto.

Again, there has been no survey or official study on this
topic so its again mostly a matter of opinion and
regional opinion. My region (Southwestern
Ontario) doesn't seem to want it,
based on newpaper articles and radio talk shows. I
guess I should have rephrased that to "I think the Canadian
people would be against it if they knew the details of the
As a matter of fact, I was listening
to a Toronto Radio station 1010AM and they had a
whole segment about this and almost nobody who called in
was for the Kyoto Treaty. The only person who was for it
was a member of greenpeace. Do you know the
contents of the treaty and what it means to the average
person and industry? Mark my words and you can come back
here and flame the hell out of me if you want, but if this is
passed you personally will spending more money for certain
things and there will be a major loss of jobs and it will
devastate the economy. So until that time, lets just drop the
Kyoto subject. "Another ill-educated response?" I'm quite
educated on the treaty, I'd rather like to think of it
as a flame attempt on your end.

Less taxes overall if we join the U.S.

Wrong again. Taxes will be less in some provinces, and higher in others. Not only this, but will it depend on who you are. You have to take into account the fact that each province mandates it's own tax too. If I didn't want to pay 15 cents in Ontario, I am more then obliged to move out west and pay 7 cents.

Sorry, your wrong. I wasn't refering to just sales tax, please
note the OVERALL in that statement. You would pay less
income tax (because you wouldn't have as many social programs
or health care to pay for). You would also pay less for other
things such as gasoline (out of the 66 cents a litre you pay
for gas, roughly 25 cents of that is tax, if you don't believe me
just take a look at the many large stickers that are on several
gas pumps that spell out exactly how they get their gas
prices. Though they may not have them in your area).

Military power ie: security

Canada is backed by so many nations it's not even funny. Infact, if it had to go to war it could boost its spending in no time. The military spends a lot per soldier, considering the scale of our army. I don't know why people like yourself expect some Army of Jesus Christ in a country of 30 million people, that's beyond me. By the way, if Canada were to draft it could have 8 million soldiers, which is pretty damn good.

What if I told you the U.S. only had 4, 4 aircrafts loaded with weapons on the continetal United States during the Sept. 11 attacks. It's true, so you tell me... If Canada gets invaded, whos going to run to our help? Well, it will take some time for the American army to get back home. Meanwhile you have a nice contingent of the Canadian army at home and abroad.

Easy fella, I don't recall ever saying that I required some
Army of Jesus Christ in a country of 30 million. How you
get that out of a "Military Power ie: Security" statement
is beyond me. I suppose though for people like yourself
one does have to explain every little detail of a statement.
There is no debate that the United States has a stronger
military. As a matter of fact, I think for its size
and the small budget the military is given that Canada has
a commendable army and that our soldiers are very well
paid (and trained). We just need to spend a bit more of our GDP
towards it. Nato has asked us to do so to be more on
par with the Nato defacto. Yes, we do need to spend
a bit more on equipment and R/D. I don't think there
are many people in the military who would debate that
fact. However, Security isn't always
based on what allies you have but rather your own
ability to defend yourself. I don't know about you, but
I would prefer to say to myself, if anyone attacks my country
that we'll be able to deal with them ourselves as opposed
to relying on another country to help us.

Higher dollar value if we join the U.S.

Are you insane? Why do you think our economy is the fastes growing on earth right now. Hint! Low Dollar! That low dollar attracks MASSIVE international investment, especially from the United States. IE ; Hollywood North. And just for note, our dollar is actually pretty high compared to most currencys, and the dollar was purposely lowered, and could go back up whenever the Canadian government feels like it. May I remind you that Canada had a higher dollar then the U.S. in the 80s.

Well, if you actually read that part of my post in detail you
would have seen in the Con - Economic fallout section
that I said Canada has a stronger economy than the US right
now and basically said exactly what you did about international
investment, in the sense of businesses moving to Canada.
Your argueing for the sake of argueing.
I'm quite aware that Canada had a higher dollar value in the
80's. I also question your statement that we our dollar
is purposely lowered. If you consider having 62 cents to
the American dollar an asset, you might want to consider
Canadian companies doing business with the United
States. Trade is a two way street. I also wonder why
statements come out of the government about how they expect
our dollar to be at 70 cents to the US dollar by the end of next
year....why would they try to raise it if they like it where it is.

Thats all i saw that you wrote in response to my comments.
I will not talk about some of your other responses to other
people's comments, I will leave that to them. If you want to
talk about this further, then by all means, PM or Email me or
start a new thread and link it here. I love a good debate but
this thread is becoming more and more OT than it should
be for a new units thread and as such I will not be
responding to any more of your posts on this thread.
oh god, i leave for my friends cottage for 3 DAYS and my small comment has turned into WW3. and wasnt this thread about a mountie unit? it seem anytime i say ANYTHING patriotic about canada and has a slight bit of anti-US government sentiment in it, the thread becomes a war zone. i think this subject should be retired alond side the KILLER JOKE, and the larch.... the...larch
(all non-Monty Phython fans here please disregard the last statement)
Are you also gonna mke sort of an enraged caribou too ?? :D
@ Doragon

Nice work on the unit. Good detail. I especialy like the high boots.

I will not take part in this OT discussion, honestly I dont understand what the point is. :lol:
I think Canada is a beautiful country, and I like to visit as often as I can. If I ever left the US, its Australia or Canada. ;)

Thanks for being such great neighbors. :D
Wow, so much I wanna reply too...

PCHighway, I agree with you, Isreal many times has proven that they are no match for any middle eastern country. There is no reason the U.S. needs to kiss up to any country, egypt or other, to keep Isreal in good. Perhaps the U.S. should take their leash of Isreal for a little while... maybe that will finally stop some of the bs going on there? Cause begging, pleading, giving land and cash isn't!

I personally dunno how many Canadians would want to join the U.S. but from living in upstate NY, about 45 minutes from Canada, I did meet a lot of Canadians. First I must admit, your license, health care card, so on look AWESOME. I also will say that I have seen countless Ontario, Quebec... cars driving all over NY and America for that matter. So they must not hate us too much heeh.

As for Chretien, I don't know much about him but what you guys are saying... him kicking people out, forcing his way, that HAS to be illegal or something. That is just total BS!!! Dorgagon is right, DICTATERSHIP.

And just to point out something about NATO, it isn't just Canada who was asked by "NATO" to spend a little more and get up to par. The United States in fact asked nearly every nation in NATO to do this, I guess they are a little tired of carrying the weight? I dunno...

"My spearman lost to a tank" hahaha
Yeah, I can't leave for 24 hours without having 8 million posts handed to me, and there's no way I am spending years on all of them, so I'll sum up what my 5 page argument would in an essence conclude :

You're wrong, I am right.

Concerning North Korea, if the U.S. wanted to, it could invade, but it doesn't look good invading a country who allows weapon inspectors in, is complying with international laws to its best of its ability now, and is prospering. I don't understand why North Korea is a member of the axis of evil.

Ofcourse Canadians drive around in the U.S., it's vice versa. We're good neighbours and enjoy shopping in each others countries.

Why do the Americans spend so much worldwide? Because they're crazy. That's why. George Bush will promise all the tax breaks he wants, and why the next president comes into office, he'll be faced with a massive defecit and slagging economy and be blamed for it! That's how the world works kids!

Oh, the unit is neat-o-.
i totally agree wit u Alpine Trooper, and i do know why he put N.K. in the axis of evil.... so he could call it an axis of evil. in ww2 it was japan, germany, italy and now there want any other country that he could think of that evil and since they were the last country the US had a REAL war with, its easy to put them in the "axis of evil" well im done here so people please lets take this discussion somewhere else. IM REALLY REALLY SORRY for starting this all. it is the UNIT CREATION forums for gods sake so people, say a quick thing or two then take it out side.

(time for cheezy and nice :) end to this debate)

let us all US and Canadian stop the fighting, but down the guns, the bombs and most importantly...the keyboard and bask in the warth and goodness that unites us all that is Civ 3 :D

thank u and goodnight
First of all, you guys seem to be under some sort of misguided notion that there is such thing as a "perfect country". Canada and United States both have their bad points. Hate for Government and love of your country should always be seperate.

Secondly USA will NEVER attack North Korea, why ?
China can raise an army 200 million soldiers. They could help North Korea, they did it before, and they could do it again.
USA would have to pull a series of diplomatic tricks/deals to get China to not start spitting threats.

The average Canadian would never vote for joining the United States Union,myself included. My reasons go beyond my love for Canada. A North American Union would have a negative effect on the world as there would never be another super power to keep them in check. They could do whatever they want with no prospect of any country stopping them. The world needs 2 super powers, to keep the other one from misusing its power.

Canada's raw resources + USA's manufacturing and military power = Bad news for the rest of the world.

I also feel during the American Revolution our path was chosen, or the people living in Canada at the time would have accepted the Revolutionary's invition to join them in their goals. They did try to force our French Canadian brothers into joining them, but on the outskirts of Montreal they drove them back. In the War of 1812, we were outnumbered 25:1 and we defended ourselves against aggressors who wanted to make us part of their Manifest Destiny. (One invading American general sent a letter to the people of Upper Canada offering them "Liberty" or "suffering and enslavement"). Nearing the end of the War of 1812, thousands of Canadian Militia, Natives and British Regulars who were veterans of the Napoleonic Wars were waiting for Spring to launch a large offensive into the States. Also the New England states were in rumoured to be talking of removing themselves from the US Union. With the capital partly destroyed, and the Whitehouse burning, the situation for United States did not look great in the ending months of the War.

With the exception of the Battle of New Orleans or course :).

On Kyoto :
I live in Vancouver, if this treaty does not have some sort of effect my province is basically f*cked. Same goes for Alberta, unless they enjoy the desertification that would strike them.

My point is, the short term costs of Kyoto are NOTHING compared to the long term costs associated with Global warming. Imagine a world where you could say "remember that country where Dutch people use to live, it's called Bay of Holland now isn't it?". That is not a world I would want my ancestors to live in no matter how I was related to them.

Also YES I know that the effect of these environmental laws will not be immediate. I know the effect of these laws will be small when it comes to stopping global warming, but it is a start.

I may be a victim of watching a new program reporting incorrect information, but from what I understand if a great enough number of countries sign on, it is INTERNATIONAL LAW, and even if Canada did not vote for it, they would have to do it anyways.

I think Canada should have some exemptions though, for some reason European countries can't seem to accept that Canada is still a country in the building process and is not as settled as their countries are (what do you expect from a country that isn't even 200 years old).

On the Canadian military, I do agree it needs more funding, but not that much more. In both World War's our country fought, we were unprepared at first, similar to how we are now. These days large numbers of soldiers arn't really needed, what matters is the quality. Our soldiers are not low in quality, though we do need more professional soldiers. Our Snipers are world class (read the American publication Soldier of Fortune to find out why). Our new Camo uniforms are also world class, some US branches of services are going to be making something similar. The Canadian government should be getting the desert camo ready and to the soldiers though.
As for the Victoria Class subs we bought from the U.K, the concept of buying them was not flawed, what was flawed was the fact that the U.K. tried to pull a fast one (selling subs with problems).
I would agree that there is no excuse for the Sea King helicopters, but the government is currently shopping around for something new. The Airforce needs some more funding, but if I remember correctly we recently bought into a US Fighter Jet program that will see us getting some new state of the art fighter jets.

Also, last time I checked, there wasn't any threat of a country invading Canada. USA is the only country I believe would have an easy time doing so. Say a force landed on the west coast of Canada to take us over, Canada is so vast they would most likely be stopped quickly. If they landed on the East coast, they would face a larger defence and if they established a beachhead by that time reinforcements from the west would be going east. They would be screwed if they hadn't conquered Canada before winter.
No country would want to be fighting in -25 C or -45 wind chill in the centre provinces.

In the modern world we don't really need to worry about "world powers" fighting, so I doubt Canada would ever be invaded.
Chretien can be stopped.

The Governer General or Senate can theoretically stop any law that the parliament passes. Though the prospect of the Senate stopping a law is low ;)

We all know how the Senate is though, I agree it should be reformed. It should have 100 members, who are elected from the percentage of the popular vote their party obtains. So if the Liberals got 40% and the Canadian Alliance got 33%, they would get 40 and 33 seats respectively.

The Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives are lost causes though :) Really, they are pathetic, they must really not want to get into power, there is no reason other then pride stopping them from uniteing. A Steven Harper, lol, that guy is about as dry as a desert there is no way he could lead this country. What we need is another political centre party, because that is what people want these days, not too socialist, not to capitialist.

As for Welfare, instead of Welfare checks, they should get Welfare cards. They would be a picture ID with a monthly allowance added each month. People who used these cards would only be able to buy food, rent and trasportation with them. Never alcohol, never illegal drugs, and if they didn't like it, well I guess they would just have to go get a job.
Alpine Trooper I think you are all right !!!!!!

I am french so I can't judge for government or other things...
But USA seems wanting to impose its own vision of the good way to live.

I don't think Canada is communist ! That's a joke... I had visited Canada and I can say there are far away behind us (france) for social help. Even if in France the social part has to fall down with Europe.

For thisismysn20 i suggest you to read also the atrocities done by USA in name of liberty. In Vietnam war, in Corea war (the kill in the non fight zone under a bridge of a refugies column !!!! by marines !!!! it is only one example) the nuclear essaies of USA on its own army, etc...

And it is right that US is the biggest polluter of the world. See statistics ! You make the biggest damage to the ecology !
Moreover we don't have to make effort us if you destroy the entire environnement ! There 's a problem here that could provocate separation into Occidentalis traditionnals camp (not sure the expression is good forgive me all). The entire world won't have to always pay for USA policy....

Now in TOPIC :lol: ...

Good unit !!! Maybe I will integrate Canada as a new civ :D
I will about that for my mod :D
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