New Unit: Coyote - November 28, 2016


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
No, it's not Wiley Coyote :lol: but a "Real" Coyote with Excellent Hunting Skills, Very Sharp Teeth and Fast Reflexes.
If you want a Coyote that will Attack and Defend in your game, this unit is for you.

note that the Flc speeds are better in game.
Default - Fidget - Default - Fortify - Attack - Victory - Default - Fortify - Attack - Death

Run Preview:
Actually a Fast Walk that is a little faster in game.

Included Files:

Civilopedia CoyoteLarge.pcx and CoyoteSmall.pcx,

Extra images:




Adjusted .ini file.

Game Tested as Usual :)

You can Download the Zip File Here
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Very cool, I miss the animals you hunt in civ 4. I thought animals would be apart of the game from then after. Sadly no

I wonder how slow the game would run if you added like 10-20 animals that run around in game. :)
... a "Real" Coyote with Excellent Hunting Skills, Very Sharp Teeth and Fast Reflexes.
If you want a Coyote that will Attack and Defend in your game, this unit is for you. ...
Actually a Fast Walk that is a little faster in game.
Wonderful! My favorite animal & you've done a great job. I've watched them hunt & your attack animation is very well done. They do run, but I've often seen them do a fast walk similar to what you've got there.

If anyone wonders where to place them on the map ...
Spoiler :

The most extensive range of any Canid. They thrive everywhere from remote wilderness (both desert & forest) to major urban areas (downtown Chicago, for example).
I made the attack animations so the Coyote hits the enemy unit. The E and W directions were made separately as those directions are longer.

I am considering adding Coyote Dens and Coyotes for the Zombies in EFZI2 Complete. "The Coyotes have become infected with the Radio Active Zombie Virus and have grown large, aggressive and fierce...YIKES!" :lol:

Many Coyotes where I live and many of them are Huge like a Wolf. Much larger than what is stated about the normal size of a Coyote. They are very aggressive. My wife and I Watched one trying to get a fawn hiding in some brush in our front field late one afternoon as the Mother Deer protected her baby. The event lasted about 10 minutes and the Mother Deer was Spectacular, showing no fear as she boldly attacked the Coyote. She was finally able to chase the Coyote back into the Forest. Seemed like watching "National Geographic" or "Nature" on TV. I would have liked to have had a Movie Camera to record it.

A National Forest is just past our Hay Field so there are a variety of Critters around here... Mountain Lions, Bobcats, Black Beers, Foxes, Coyotes, Deer, Rabbits, Armadillos, Ground Hogs, Opossum, Skunks, Squirrels, Snakes, Birds, etc... even Road Runners (Meep, Meep) :lol:

Here is a Closeup of the Coyote Default.
The model is not a high resolution model but works well enough for a CIV Scale Unit. Naturally, due to the Unit size, you will not see the eyes blink in game :) This is true for many unit details such as snarling.

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I wonder how slow the game would run if you added like 10-20 animals that run around in game.

...that should not slow the game noticeably at all unless one is using a very slow computer.
Airports and Harbors slow the game due to the AI deciding factors concerning them.
Haven't seen any as big as wolves, but definitely German Shepherd-sized.

Watched a trio hunt quail with two of them "herding" the bird toward the third. They took turns, everyone got breakfast. :D Don't know if it's different where you are - around here the packs are matriarchal.

One of the spookiest experiences I've had was one night doing some stargazing while listening to Krishna convince Arjuna to do his duty and attack his cousins, when suddenly there were the typical hunting coordination howls quickly followed by yipping as the coyotes converged & "took care of" a dog.

About the only thing they're afraid of around here is the cougars. Somehow I think the Coyotes would be like the Farmers only more so. Watch the humans and zombies duke it out, then eat whatever smelled right. :D
This looks good! I remember animal animations are a difficult change of pace when you're so used to humans.
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