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New Units: Egyptians (September 10th 2004)

Fantastic.......i've been praying to the gods for ages. these are great. Now my Egyptian empire actually looks egyptian....great work!!
Very nice work. :goodjob: This would work quite well for an Egyptian scenario.

But I think it's kind of strange to have a Monk unit replace the Longbowman. I think it should just be renamed to something like a "Nubian Mercenary" or something like that. Nubians were often hired to serve as soldiers in the Pharaoh's armies and were first-class warriors. :)

Other than that, this is some really top-quality stuff. :)
whats next on the list of wonders hopes for that little beauty which can finally tidy up the long list of main game Roman foot units... ;)

I have monitored this site for years. I joined just a couple of months ago specifically to ask CivArmy some questions. There have been dozens and dozens of decent, good, and (mostly) extraordinary units come out over the last two years or so. I have admired Aaglo's ships, UtahJazz7's units, Dom Pedro II's units and unit packs, as well as your work and many others' great work. In many cases, the units created by all of you wonderful artists puts the "professional" units to shame. In the past, I have downloaded more than one hundred units by a variety of artists, and the use of those units have given me hours of enhanced enjoyment.

Before today, however, I have never had even the slightest inclination to post a "wow" or "great job". Your units are absolutely breathtaking. I actually got goose bumps as I downloaded your units and looked at them in-game. I don't know what you do for a living. For all I know, you could be a brain surgeon, a captain of industry, or even the Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. But whatever you do ... no matter how successful you are ... you missed your calling.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you and the rest of your comrades who so unselfishly and graciously choose to share your incredible talents with the rest of us mere mortals. Whatever units you and others choose to make in the future, I gratefully will download and use.

Thank you.
Kinboat said:
So that's 8 units in 7 days... I think that's a record for me :D

Man you're a freaking units pumping machine ! :goodjob:

What is doing Firaxis ! They should offer you a job right now ! :rolleyes:
HooDoo said:

I have monitored this site for years. I joined just a couple of months ago specifically to ask CivArmy some questions. There have been dozens and dozens of decent, good, and (mostly) extraordinary units come out over the last two years or so. I have admired Aaglo's ships, UtahJazz7's units, Dom Pedro II's units and unit packs, as well as your work and many others' great work. In many cases, the units created by all of you wonderful artists puts the "professional" units to shame. In the past, I have downloaded more than one hundred units by a variety of artists, and the use of those units have given me hours of enhanced enjoyment.

Before today, however, I have never had even the slightest inclination to post a "wow" or "great job". Your units are absolutely breathtaking. I actually got goose bumps as I downloaded your units and looked at them in-game. I don't know what you do for a living. For all I know, you could be a brain surgeon, a captain of industry, or even the Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. But whatever you do ... no matter how successful you are ... you missed your calling.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you and the rest of your comrades who so unselfishly and graciously choose to share your incredible talents with the rest of us mere mortals. Whatever units you and others choose to make in the future, I gratefully will download and use.

Thank you.

Now theres a message worth reading and responding to Kinboat...
Actually I'm a librarian :D I really can't see doing this as a full time job... It would quickly drive me insane (when fun becomes work it's no longer fun)

I'm glad people use my units... It fuels my God complex :lol: And that certainly is a glowing review. Thank you.

Names can be changed obviously... If Monk doesn't fit then call it whatever you want to (I just went along with the names Kal-el used in his concept sketches... Without which I wouldn't have done these). I often have trouble coming up with names that don't sound recycled and boring. I'm sure someone with a little knowledge of Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs could post the appropriate symbols here so we can call them by their true names... (My Crane, Ankh, Waterbowl will now be attacking Thebes :lol: )
I for one use your monk as a Ku****e/Nubian Archer; though it would certinally be nice to have a Ku****e proper serving the role... ;) :D
Great, awesome. fantastic and so on ....

Thanks Kinboat for these egyptian units. I hope they will all find their way into TAM and many other mods!
These are great! I'm certainly going to put them in my mod.

Someone suggested you work on Carthaginian/Phoenician units. That's a good idea, but might I suggest making units for India? I think there is a shortage of UUs for them.

Keep up the excellent work! :goodjob:
Xen said:
I for one use your monk as a Ku****e/Nubian Archer; though it would certinally be nice to have a Ku****e proper serving the role... ;) :D

Darn auto-censor!

Hi Xen, do you still have problems with the Anubis and Horus Knights?

I thought of one possible explanation for them. You know how the Azteks used the Eagle and Jaguar as totems with the belief that those animals/gods would grant them their strength? Maybe the same could be said of the Anubis and Horus Knights?
The the horus knight looks liek he comes from the movie stargate, Aubus from return of the Mummy; in both cases i pan to use either only for fantasy monsters, and neither for historicle purposes; thats merelly my opinion on it; I (doubt I ) could care less what other people choose to use them for, as its really noen fo my buisness i suppose.

dont get me wrong; they are excellent qualiy units; just nothign that woudl have appeard historically, given the asthetic tradtions present in the anceint Egyptian state, and lookign at the styles of things from different natiosn that have inhabited the same region
Wonderful work :)

I understand that these are historic units, except the two knights? Just curious.....
technically, the pikeman isnt historicle, but seeing as its simply the best quality "black" pikeman out thier, I use it anyway ;)
The scenario im working on starts in 1300bc and goes all the way to the future age, so im making the Knight and pikeman units egyptian units of the middle age, since I expect egypt to survive in my scenario, and no im not talking about an arabic egypt, the arabs will have their own units ;)

I agree with Flamegrape, we could use some more Indian units too.
I'm not sure I completely understand the absolute rejection of those two... I know archeologists have found masks of Anubis used to represent the presence of the god in funerary preperations. (http://www.harrogate.gov.uk/museums/egypt/detailspage.asp?RecordID=HARGM11076) So I'm not sure how this use goes against their 'asthetic' traditions. I also have something of a problem with anyone claiming to know what the Ancient Egyptians would or would not have done. We really have very little information on the subject... Maybe more than some other ancient civilizations but certainly not enough to 'know' what they would have done.

That said.... Use it or not, it's no skin off my back.
Sorry I'm not adding anything constructive, or anything that hasn't already been said several times in this thread, but I can't go without saying that these units look fantastic. And your complete line of Egyptian units is a dream come true. Thank you so much Kinboat. :)
...hope we're not inflating your head too much. ;)
Kinboat said:
I'm not sure I completely understand the absolute rejection of those two... I know archeologists have found masks of Anubis used to represent the presence of the god in funerary preperations. (http://www.harrogate.gov.uk/museums/egypt/detailspage.asp?RecordID=HARGM11076) So I'm not sure how this use goes against their 'asthetic' traditions. I also have something of a problem with anyone claiming to know what the Ancient Egyptians would or would not have done. We really have very little information on the subject... Maybe more than some other ancient civilizations but certainly not enough to 'know' what they would have done.

That said.... Use it or not, it's no skin off my back.

the egy[tian empire survived wel into the times of classcal greece, when a good deal of different regions dress for battle was determined, and the little quirks and traditions military wise were formed;

howeve,r that dosent matter' Aubus wasnt a god of war, and only the pharaor himself coudl be justified in using a mask of horus; which rules out both for being the basis for unforms liek you depict (besides, heavy, ammord infantry like that isnt a particuraley smart thing to send into the desert, and to date, only the Imperial Roman armies had any notable successes in the area with such a force; though even then, the majority fo troops were equppied with mail amrour; which, although just and heavy and bulky, I would imagien woudl let a good deal more air in out to, if even slightlly, offer a cooler uniform then any kind of plate mail)
Well, perhaps the Horus and Anubis Knights could represent Warrior Priests fighting to protect Egyptian Holy sights? The Horus Knights are priests of Horus...and the Anubis Knights are priests of Anubis...and the Pharoah gave them permission to dress like that.

Oh, and you may actually be able to use Dease's Pikeman after all....as an Egyptian Halbreadier.
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