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New Victory Conditions


May 26, 2002
Anyone else want more victory conditions? I personally would like some sort of economical victory. Not a "He who has the most money is the winner" kind, but something that involves resource or some such.
I wouldn't be surprised if they made an economic victory similar to what they have in Civ Revolution. If you're not familiar with it, if you reach 20,000 gold, you can build the World Bank and win.
I want the Mastery Victory put in, where victory is determined by accrual of points across a range of different endeavours-Religion, Culture, Technology, Diplomacy, Conquest-rather than focused on a single endeavour!

Isn't that what time victory does? If you are really good at a lot of things, you have the most points, thus win.

What would be a good condition of victory for culture is a split of Rev/IV: Need three legendary cities but need to build a super statue for the win. But allows other to declare war to prevent the victory, kind of like space race.
Actually Mastery Victory was very, very different. So much so that it required a special mod in Civ4 to have it!

I'd like some sort of economic victory. Not "set your slider to 100% tax and wait and wait and wait and wait and build a bank and win"

that's laaaame. :cringe:

Let's try something different. Say, perhaps, a monopoly on a number of resources like oil, iron, etc., as well as a certain amount of wealth, and perhaps other things.
I tend to have an easy time making money, 20,000 is some what easy(I tend to sit at 10K) Maybe 200K?

I would prefer something that ties it all in. A condition that takes into acount money, taxes, resources, trade routes, and so forth. Cause if you leave it at just money and resources chances are a warmonger would get an economical victory before they take over the world.
I wonder if there could be some kind of wonder victory? Although something like "build X amount of wonders before everyone else" would be kind of pathetic and easy... And something like "build X wonders from all eras" would also be kind of boring. Oh well. :lol:
I want the Mastery Victory put in, where victory is determined by accrual of points across a range of different endeavours-Religion, Culture, Technology, Diplomacy, Conquest-rather than focused on a single endeavour!
I'll second that! :goodjob:
Isn't that what time victory does? If you are really good at a lot of things, you have the most points, thus win.
[Shameless Plug]Check my signature for an explanation of the Mastery Victory[/Shameless Plug]
A Mastery victory sounds really good. You could be the Master of all trades. :D

How about a flawless victory? Maybe you could lose no military units, work boats and have no hex pillaged the whole game?

Here are the victories that I can think of right now that I would want to be in the game:
1) Conquest
2) domination
3) space race
4) time
5) economical
6) culture
7) other victory conditions for shorter games
I tend to have an easy time making money, 20,000 is some what easy(I tend to sit at 10K) Maybe 200K?

I would prefer something that ties it all in. A condition that takes into acount money, taxes, resources, trade routes, and so forth. Cause if you leave it at just money and resources chances are a warmonger would get an economical victory before they take over the world.

The amount is completely irrelevant at this time. I said 20,000 was the amount in Civ Rev, which was also fairly easy to achieve. But there's no point in trying to decide an amount of gold to reach now since we have no idea how easy/difficult it will be to make gold in Civ V, nor do we have any idea how the economy works.
Hey Jawa's revenge-I suggested Civ-specific victories much like RFC in another thread. Not so much victories in & of themselves, but where achieving Civ-specific goals gets you points towards ultimate victory!

Also, Thormodr, ROFL :lol:!!!!

I dont see the point of economic victory. Simply stockpiling gold is not fun...

Realistically, governments are not suppose to make profits. They provide services for the people and protect the state.
Anyone else want more victory conditions? I personally would like some sort of economical victory. Not a "He who has the most money is the winner" kind, but something that involves resource or some such.

The new Marco Polo challenge: you build a "Silk Road" through several countries/city states, linking different cities with caravans exchanging different ressources.:)
I would like to see a cultural victory condition that relates, not to condensing your culture in your own legendary cities, but to spreading your culture to the cities of other civs.

This spread could happen along trade routes, through corporations, through your religion (if it still exists in any form), across open borders, etc, etc. The spread could be hastened by the existence of airports, harbours, etc. in the targeted cities as well as your ownership of wonders such as Hollywood and the subsequent trading of the associated luxury.

This to me would represent a more sensible cultural victory as your culture infiltrates other civilizations and becomes the dominant worldwide culture.

In the real world there are many examples of this cultural seeding...a McDonalds in Delhi, Nike hats on children in Africa, Hollywood movies in China, Greek artifacts in museums worldwide, Egyptian artifacts on tour, German cars, English as a killer language, even the spread of British sports such as cricket and rugby through the Commonwealth and beyond.
I would like to see a cultural victory condition that relates, not to condensing your culture in your own legendary cities, but to spreading your culture to the cities of other civs.

Well, now you have to generate culture in all of your cities as opposed to just 3 legendary ones to get enough to unlock all of those social policies, which I think will work out better.
Well, now you have to generate culture in all of your cities as opposed to just 3 legendary ones to get enough to unlock all of those social policies, which I think will work out better.

Wow! Legendary thread bumpage. ;)

That wasn't actually known back in March when msj0 wrote that.
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