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News: TSG12 Announcement

Here is the list of players who want to take the no RA challenge :


Scholastisism will be needed. Diplo victory is nice for this kind of challenge. Money goes in CS instead of RAs and make more beakers. Education with at least 4 cities may be needed. We can at least keep great scientists until the end to not take too much time to research by ourselves modern techs. I may use one of them or Oxford to pop scientific theory and rush buy at least one public shool in my high pop capital. Combining a wave of GPs to get at least one extra ge for the UN is vital. Or wait for Meritocracy if maths are ok.
Might give this a try. Settling next to Mt. Fuji is tempting. Work it as soon as you hit 2 pop and quickly get a settler + worker from the liberty tree.

Working it for 12 turns = 2 free culture ruins, seems pretty strong.
Here is the list of players who want to take the no RA challenge :


Scholastisism will be needed. Diplo victory is nice for this kind of challenge. Money goes in CS instead of RAs and make more beakers. Education with at least 4 cities may be needed. We can at least keep great scientists until the end to not take too much time to research by ourselves modern techs. I may use one of them or Oxford to pop scientific theory and rush buy at least one public shool in my high pop capital. Combining a wave of GPs to get at least one extra ge for the UN is vital. Or wait for Meritocracy if maths are ok.

You can add me to the list if you'd like. I've already completed the GotM and submitted it, but I didn't sign any RAs. In most games I take Scholasticism, because it can be quite a huge boost.
sign me up for the Tabernak challenge... that's how I generally play anyhow. :cool:

And with a whole month, maybe I'll even finish this game.:king:
Dunno why you guys keep saying you have a whole month...
From the TSG11 Announcement thread:
We have been running the games with two week intervals. After the two weeks have past, we will post results.

As this is not a competition, I've asked Alan to leave the submissions page open for an extra couple of weeks past the deadline in case players wish to play and upload. The results page will be updated to allow players to see how they did compared to the results of those that finished within the two week period.

Sorry for any confusion.
I will try another GOTM this time.

I also want to join the "no RA" list. I might take lump sums of gold, but promise not to declare war during that agreement.

I'll probably lose anyway, haven't been lucky with the last two, one of the patches must have changed something thats detrimental to my playstyle...
The thought occurred to me that instead of a no RA challenge (or perhaps in addition to a no RA challenge), how about a "no partial research of a tech" challenge? You must research a tech all the way through once it has been started...

I normally play that way anyway; the tech blocking is so gamey it isn't fun for me.

I'm almost definitely gunna lose, but I'm gunna bite the bullet with this one and not replay turns in the middle of the game (last time I replayed so I didn't submit) and see how far I get. My goal is to make it to the Renaissance.... :)
Looks like I'll have the day for the 12th instalment tomorrow. I'll probably settle on the sugar if the warrior can't find anything to the west of interest the first turn, or maybe even cross the river... It will probably be an impulsive settle. I think I will go on the no RA challenge too, extra cash could come too use. And I think Ship of the Line could make a really fun game too.
Here is the list of players who want to take the no RA challenge :


I have submitted a game where i did not use RA. MrFrien
Put me on the list too. RAs are just not my style, I don't think I'd ever signed one before trying my hand at a gauntlet game.
You can add me to the 'No RA' list as well. I generally use my gold to buy alliances with the city-states anyway.
Are all of the GotM games played at emperor difficulty? I'm not at that standard of play yet :(
We have been playing them at Emperor as so many players win them. If the community wants easier difficulty games, it can be done.

I think that with the training series concept, if you try to play these games, you have some support from the community of players to help bring your game along? Please try them and post questions in the In-Progress and After Action threads to help understand what the other players are doing. In creating the games, I am learning with them. :please:

Good Luck improving your play.
Thanks - maybe reading the AAR's will give me the edge I need. I'm currently on Prince and really finding it hard to get into king.
Thanks - maybe reading the AAR's will give me the edge I need. I'm currently on Prince and really finding it hard to get into king.

Something that has helped me recently is MadDjinn's deity-level playthroughs on youtube. I had been noodling around at prince and struggling with king, and now I'm doing reasonably well at emperor and taking a stab at immortal.
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