News: WOTM 05 Pre-Game Discussion

GOTM play has pushed me up to the higher levels and greatly improved my play to the point that I have had some fairly decent results, but I still like playing the lower levels as a different kind of challenge. I also would like to see 200+ submissions for some games, and the attraction of new players to GOTM play. I think moving the WOTM game down as the GOTM progresses up is a good idea; it fits the moderators plan to keep the difficulties out of sync, it attracts more players, and it gives us a less intense challenge as GOTM play pushes up the expected Deity level game.
...or I might give a OCC a try again. :)

I'll pick up that challenge. What about vasals? Is that for wimps?

In my test game I managed to build the Great Wall (2360 BC), Stonehenge (2160 BC) and the Pyramids (1360 BC). I also founded Judaism (2160 BC). My intentio n with WOTM5 will be to build as many culture generating buildings (to span as many tiles as possible from my only city) and found a couple of religions (without adopting any) to be able to build monastaries and temples and to spread religions to create a suitable amount of tension between the AI (AI research too fast => spread different religions, AI research too slow => spread one religion).
mayby i'm crazy but i like that starting location :D
research masonry and you have a decent city already? 2 stone and gems + food? and on plain hills.

cant wait to start this!(although i have to finish wotm4 too :D )
I'll pick up that challenge. What about vasals? Is that for wimps?

You brave person! ISTM that OCC is going to be particularly difficult on a fantasy realm map due to the likely difficulty in finding any spot for your one city that doesn't have quite a number of near-useless ice/mountain/desert/tundra tiles in it. OTOH I guess the stone makes things easier.

btw I'm intrigued by the stone. Is it there because Gyathaar chose to give us a helping hand or because stone is one of the resources that the map generator selected as a common, appears-almost-everywhere resource. The fact that there are two stones suggests the latter - in which case building the great wall/pyramids/stonehenge ahead of the AI might not be the total walkover that it will be if Gyathaar was being nice and we're the only civ that has stone.

Impossible to answer until that scout has done some wandering.....

I also btw notice that high food spots are a lot rarer on fantasy realm maps, since the map generator seems to have a tendency to stick all the food resources (except, strangely, deer) on tundra or ice. I think I'm going to find that a real issue since I tend to go for long sciency games and so am looking for city spots that can easily grow to size 20-ish cities in reasonable time. I predict Erkon is going to struggle with that too...:mischief:
Why do those two ice spaces have the food that a flood plains would?
This spot has an absurd amount of food and I'll bet moving to that blue circle has even more.

I'd say it has an excellent amount of food at the beginning (especially with that ice-flood-plain-sheep), enough to get the city up to size 8-10 comfortably, and certainly more than adequate for early conquest games. But for late game, beyond size 8-10, you'll start to run into increasing food problems because of all the marginal tiles (unless you start farming over all the cottageable tiles, in which case the city won't actually be doing much useful).
You brave person! ISTM that OCC is going to be particularly difficult on a fantasy realm map due to the likely difficulty in finding any spot for your one city that doesn't have quite a number of near-useless ice/mountain/desert/tundra tiles in it. OTOH I guess the stone makes things easier.
I think I'm going to find that a real issue since I tend to go for long sciency games and so am looking for city spots that can easily grow to size 20-ish cities in reasonable time. I predict Erkon is going to struggle with that too...:mischief:

Brave or Stupid, the final spoiler will tell :lol: I plan to settle in place. The starting site is excellent (extra hammer from plains/hill) with lots of nice tiles to work. In my test game, I reached about size 14 (with 5-6 specialists), and around 1600 AD I had 5k gold in surplus, running 100% science from the start. I had settled 10 great people and I had a solid tech lead.

The Great Wall and the Pyramids are key wonders to build.
Dude! At least write "spoiler" on the post! I didn't want to know that! :(
Comments about the test map (like no iron nearby) won't necessarily apply to the real map, and isn't a spoiler. If you don't want to hear things like the city can grow to 16, you probably shouldn't be reading this thread. That's the kind of thing it's for.
Brave or Stupid, the final spoiler will tell :lol: I plan to settle in place. The starting site is excellent (extra hammer from plains/hill) with lots of nice tiles to work.

Starting position is about as good as it gets on Fantasy/Random. Build it up, settle one other city on a military resource, and take the remaining good city sites away from the AI's that have so conveniently settled and developed them for you.

The Great Wall and the Pyramids are key wonders to build.

Agreed. On a test map it was easy to beat the AI's to both. I'd have gotten Stonehenge too, had I realized it had not been built. Great Wall keeps the barbs away, and Pyramids gives Representation for pop growth/science, or any of the other government civics as needed.

For any of you lurkers who have been wondering about playing a GOTM, this is the one to try. Use the adventurer save. With Mining and Mysticism, you'll rock!
Hey one can allready submit Wotm 05! My guest one does not need initial save for that! ;)
I'll pick up that challenge. What about vasals? Is that for wimps?

Hehe, are you sure you dare to compete with me? ;)

Ok, let's make it official and put some pride on stake. Winner = highest score? Or do you have any other idea? Most cities razed? Highest culture?

Good luck!

Btw, wassals are definitely for wimps.
Just got Warlords for my birthday, haven't even noticed there's a fantasy setting yet. Should be interesting.
Comments about the test map (like no iron nearby) won't necessarily apply to the real map, and isn't a spoiler. If you don't want to hear things like the city can grow to 16, you probably shouldn't be reading this thread. That's the kind of thing it's for.

IMO stating there is no iron around is a spoiler for any game. It ruins part of the game as you already know certain information. It doesn't matter if its a test game or not, out of respect for other peoples enjoyment of the save, it would still be nice to state its a test save spoiler. Just my two cents.

re: WOTM5: I considered playing challenger for this one, but in the end decided to go with contender. I'll probably settle in place. I've never played this type of map.
Comments about the test map (like no iron nearby) won't necessarily apply to the real map, and isn't a spoiler. If you don't want to hear things like the city can grow to 16, you probably shouldn't be reading this thread. That's the kind of thing it's for.

Oh, hey... Don't get me wrong. I just wanted to play the map without knowing no iron was around. I knew it wasn't a spoiler for the real game... Knowing some resources like that could be centralized was important. Just looking forward to playing the test this week-end, was all.
Moderator Action: Do not post here once you have started the game
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