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Next Patch?

They got the other two out rather quickly, so i suppose that the rate of patchs will slow down, and additionally they are thinking about expansion packs too, so they might feel that there is no reason to go to the work of issuing the patch, when all the major issues have been fixed and everything else can wait a couple months till the expansion pack.
They need to correct the 'Bad Peer' issue in multiplay... before they release an expansion pack. I bought Civ IV for the multiplay....
lost_civantares said:
They got the other two out rather quickly, so i suppose that the rate of patchs will slow down, and additionally they are thinking about expansion packs too, so they might feel that there is no reason to go to the work of issuing the patch, when all the major issues have been fixed and everything else can wait a couple months till the expansion pack.

Ummm major issues are NOT fixed, I still basically cant play the game longer than 10 -15 minutes tops. Somtimes if I'm lucky I can play for a few hours before the slow downs come , the hardlocks then CTD's, and the laggy mouse pointer......but I know the game is working as intended... bah... But they already have my money so..........why do I even bother to post nothing is gonna get fixed !
I think they need to re-fix combat. I preferred how it was in 1.09 more than 1.52 (both had/have problems).

And please, Firaxis, IF your going to fix bugs AND issue an expansion pack, make a bugs only patch for those that do not wish to purchase the X-pack.
EricTred said:
Ummm major issues are NOT fixed, I still basically cant play the game longer than 10 -15 minutes tops. Somtimes if I'm lucky I can play for a few hours before the slow downs come , the hardlocks then CTD's, and the laggy mouse pointer......but I know the game is working as intended... bah... But they already have my money so..........why do I even bother to post nothing is gonna get fixed !
I really feel bad that you can't play, that is something that is horribly frustrating :sad:, but for most people with 1.52, the game was fixed, and was made a whole lot better by it. That is what I'm saying. I not saying that everyone will be happy eventually, it can't happen, if they do they just "de-fix" it with someone else that was already fixed (just look in the problem forums). That is how it is for most games, and civ4 has definintly had it's share of problems. It really stinks, but unless everyone's computer was the same, or nearly so, it will always be that way. I'm not saying for clarifications sake "too bad your out of the loop, that stinks really bad and I don't care", I'm just telling you why I said that previously and why the patchs seem to be slowing down (somewhat), they fixed what they could, for better or worse, (but then again, never give up hope on the patchs! ;))
V. Soma said:
I expect the next patch to come out in two week's time...
Along with the SDK!
Two week? May I have any reference or ground for guess?

I think that patch is separete thing from the uncoming SDK.
I don't think that we will need patch to play game modded by SDK.
SDK is planned thing from the begining of CIv IV development. So current version of game should have enough components to play mod made by SDK.
It would be unrealistic to expect game company issuing a patch (not a small event for game company) to all gamers to satisfy small fraction of gamers who actually plays modded game.
As far as I know, Civ gamer who downloded and played *any* modded game is just small fraction of whole millions of CivIII/IV gamers. Just compare number of whole Civ gamers and number of Civfanatics site population.
EricTred said:
Ummm major issues are NOT fixed, I still basically cant play the game longer than 10 -15 minutes tops. Somtimes if I'm lucky I can play for a few hours before the slow downs come , the hardlocks then CTD's, and the laggy mouse pointer......but I know the game is working as intended... bah... But they already have my money so..........why do I even bother to post nothing is gonna get fixed !

Have you tried turning down the graphic setting or playing on smaller maps? It sounds to me like your computer just can't handle the load. It's the same symptoms I get when I try to play on a large map, with standard I don't get the same issues. If I do start getting lag then, I just turn off the game and restart and the problems clear up for awhile. Usually for several hours.
zx1111 said:
I think that patch is separete thing from SDK.

No it's not. The SDK is essentially the source code and if the patch makes changes to that, it will have to change the SDK as well. So it might take a bit longer to beta test this next patch because of that. They'll want to make sure they both work properly together.
Willem said:
No it's not. The SDK is essentially the source code and if the patch makes changes to that, it will have to change the SDK as well. So it might take a bit longer to beta test this next patch because of that. They'll want to make sure they both work properly together.
Will SDK contain bunch of game source code? I don't think so.
There are lots of SDKs for other software and systems. Most of them contains many header file, libraries and example sources but not much source code of core software.
For example, Win32 SDK does not contains source code of MS windows above short code sample. Of course it contains some sources like libraries ( MSCRT/MFC) but it is just small and very low level code segments compared with windows system itself.
I thinks that source part included in upcoming Civ4 SDK will be small fraction of whole game which is stable or nearly locked part of the game not much affected by feature-dependant individual patch versions. So delaying SDK release to match patch version or vice versa is neither needed nor practical.
zx1111 said:
Will SDK contain bunch of game source code? I don't think so.

Yes it will. I'm not sure how much, though I do know that the AI code will be included.

I thinks that source part included in upcoming Civ4 SDK will be small fraction of whole game which is stable or nearly locked part of the game not much affected by feature-dependant individual patch versions. So delaying SDK release to match patch version or vice versa is neither needed nor practical.

That depends on what they change. If they go into the source and do something different there, they may have to release a new SDK as well. If it's only a change in an XML file here and there, then no, a simple patch will do.
Trip said:
The SDK will include all of the code for the game core (game rules) and the AI.

Awesome. :king:
ZippyRiver said:
And please, Firaxis, IF your going to fix bugs AND issue an expansion pack, make a bugs only patch for those that do not wish to purchase the X-pack.
Make a bugs only patch even for those that do wish to buy the expansion. I'd probably be willing to buy the expansion, but only if I knew it was probably going to be stable. Right now, Civ IV is not stable enough for me to play it. Paying more money for an expansion would be a risk I'm not willing to take at the moment. How do I know they fixed the problems that are occuring on my computer (assuming they are software problems to begin with)?

Willem said:
Have you tried turning down the graphic setting or playing on smaller maps? It sounds to me like your computer just can't handle the load. It's the same symptoms I get when I try to play on a large map, with standard I don't get the same issues. If I do start getting lag then, I just turn off the game and restart and the problems clear up for awhile. Usually for several hours.
I know I have without success, and I also know that I don't care to play on maps any smaller than Large. If it got really slow, I could live with that. Crashing every other turn is unacceptable, though. Thus, I haven't played in a month, waiting for a patch, and more or less forgetting the game even exists. (I suppose I should be glad that I'm not experiencing an emotional breakdown over not being able to play, like some people apparently experience. :) )
They need to correct the 'Bad Peer' issue in multiplay... before they release an expansion pack. I bought Civ IV for the multiplay....

They "supposedly" know the cause now of much of this as posted on the main page a couple weeks ago here. Even knowing the cause, the programming for netcode / memory clearing is so poor they still don't have the multiplayer fix done.

THIS is what needs to be fixed NOW. Not in another week, TODAY. They acknowledged the problem and people were patient, but the patience is running out.

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