I have indeed been super busy. Bought a business from my father-in-law and I'm my own boss now.
Been crazy, but things are starting to normalize a bit.
By the time the next turn comes around I hope to be able to play.
(It's been hectic craziness around here for a month)
I've got a battle log - nothing earth shattering, but have a meeting with a client I've got to run to. will post as soon as I get a sec. Thanks for your patience everyone - I'll try to get better here now.
Bomber gets lost in the fog. Bomber destroys Harbor! Bomber vs. 4/4 Bomber => 2/4 Bomber Bomber vs. 3/3 Bomber => Bomber Destroyed! Bomber vs. 3/3 Fighter => Fighter Destroyed! Bomber gets shot down by Flak Bomber vs. 2/4 Bomber => Bomber Destroyed!
Off the Coast of DerWall:
Artillery vs. 4/4 Frigate => 3/4 Frigate Artillery vs. 3/4 Frigate => 1/4 Frigate Bomber Sinks Frigate
Artillery vs. Infantry in MoTM:
Misses: 2
1 HP: 1
2 HP: 1
Bombing MoTM:
Bomber shot down by Flak! Bomber gets lost in the fog. Bomber destroys Barracks! Bomber vs. 4/4 Destroyer (?) => 3/4 Destroyer
My turn:
At Der Wall 4/4 infantries
6 misses
5 1 hp
2 2 hp 3/4 infantries
3 misses
4 1 hp
1 2 hp Bomber hits 3/5 infantry --> 2/5 4/4 infantries 4/4 flak
2 misses
1 1 hp 2/4 infantries
2 misses
1 1 hp
Destroyers 3/3 muskets
2 misses
2 1 hp
2 bombers hit near Fabrication Bomber shot down at Der Wall Bomber misses at Der Wall Bomber hits 2/4 infantry --> 1/4 WTH 3/3 destroyer sinks 3/3 destroyer --> 4/4
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