Niklas°cubsfan6506 v Whomp°Beorn-eL-Feared GPS

238 - GPS to Whomp and Beorn.

Battle log will follow as soon as I get another break.
Nothing too dramatic - just lots of bombardments.
Turn 238 – Battle Log

Bombing Perf’s Avatar:
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber vs. 4/4 Infantry => 2/4 Infantry
Bomber Takes Perf’s Avatar down to 3 Population.
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber vs. 4/4 Infantry => 3/4 Infantry
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber vs. 4/4 Infantry => 2/4 Infantry
Bomber vs. 4/4 Infantry => 2/4 Infantry
Bomber vs. 4/4 Infantry => 2/4 Infantry
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber Takes Perf’s Avatar down to 2 Population.
Bomber vs. 4/4 Infantry => 3/4 Infantry
Bomber Takes Perf’s Avatar down to 1 Population.
Bomber vs. 3/4 Infantry => 2/4 Infantry
Bomber vs. 3/4 Infantry => 2/4 Infantry

Artillery vs. Infantry in MoTM:
Misses: 4
1 HP: 5
2 HP: 2

Bombing MoTM:
Bomber vs. 3/3 Fighter => 1/3 Fighter
Bomber vs. 1/3 Fighter => Fighter Destroyed!
Bomber vs. 5/5 Destroyer (?) => 3/4 Destroyer
Bomber Destroys Temple in MotM
Oops. I left a message for Beorn and if he doesn't respond I'll play this tomorrow.
Beorn's turn:
Bombers hit inner island and do damage every time without any return damage.
Arty hits 4/4 Aztec cav --> 2/4
Bomber extricates 2/4 cav
Arty hits 4/4 Jag--> 2/4
Bomber hits flak
Bomber polish's off 1/3 flak
I think some folks might be unhappy about this. :p

Whomp's turn:
5/5 cav smites 1/4 Aztec cav --> 3/5
Bomber does in 3/4 Sumerian cav
Bomber crushes 2/4 Sumerian cav
Bomber wastes 1/4 Sumerian cav
4/4 destroyer sinks 4/4 Aztec frigate --> 3/4
4/4 cav dispatches of 2/4 Jag --> 4/4 cav workers taken

Artillery bombardment on Sumerian infantry:
9 misses
14 1 hp
4 2 hp

Destroyers bombardment on Sumerians:
3/3 musket --> 2/3
3/3 musket --> 1/3
3/3 cav --> 2/3
4/4 EW --> 1/4
Bomber run:
Obilerates 2/3 musket
Snuffs out 2/3 cav
Rubs out 1/3 musket

GPS to Niklas.
C'mon folks! :bump:
:run: Will get to it this afternoon.
I did play it yesterday afternoon, but that's not much worth if I don't remember to send it too...

Bomber run over the Beligerent Sea:
B: Frigate 4/4 => 1/4

Bombing Perf's Avatar:
B: Injured unknown enemies

Bombing outside Perf's Avatar:
B: 4/4 Cavalry => 1/4
B: 1/4 Cavalry smoked

GPS to General_W.
General? :salute:
Thanks for the bump Paul. To be honest, this game is becoming increasingly difficult to play without some continuity.
To be honest, I don't think this one will be played to the end... :(
Too many distractions by CIV and real life... :cry:
If General_W can't play on, I'd be happy to play both our turns for the forseeable future unless explicitly asked otherwise. I could maybe play GW's turn tonight, otherwise tomorrow, unless I hear anything from GW to say otherwise. I agree about the lack of continuum.
That's right. Thanks IamJohn.

I should have posted here though - sorry about that.

I'll get this played tomorrow. Promise. :)
wow - missed some of the posts above.
Yeah, I don't object to turning this over to Niklas.

When I got my new job, it just destroyed my free time for playing games. What little time I have left goes to family first.
It may slow down here in the future - but I'm not sure when.
Alright, I'll play until you tell me otherwise. Take care General. :wavey:
Sorry to see you go General, but life and family first indeed.

Speaking of which, :bday: Whomp!
tied game, game over? :dubious:

15th inning tied ballgame in Japan? :confused:
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