Niklas°cubsfan6506 v Whomp°Beorn-eL-Feared GPS

Sorry, no time today, but I should have no problem doing it tomorrow morning.
Grenades over Goldfish:
B: 4/4 Infantry => 3/4
B: 4/4 Infantry => 3/4
B: Miss
B: 4/4 Infantry => 3/4
B: Miss
B: Miss
B: Miss
B: Miss
B: Miss
B: Miss
B: Miss
B: 4/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 4/4 Infantry => 3/4
B: 4/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 4/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4
B: 3/4 Infantry => 2/4

Skies over Goldfish:
B: Failed (fighter)
B: 3/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: Goldfish 6 => 5
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: Goldfish 5 => 4
B: Failed
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: 2/4 Infantry => killed
B: Failed
B: 2/4 Infantry => killed

B: Goldfish 4 => 3
B: Failed
B: Failed
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: Failed
B: Goldfish 3 => 2
B: 2/4 Infantry => killed

Skies over Exospector:
B: 4/4 Spear => 1/4

GPS to Beorn, sent to Whomp as well.
Quiet GPS to whomp
Good to be back...
East Battle Island:
Bomber hits 4/4 transport --> 1/4
Bomber sinks 1/4 transport

On the island:
Bomber hits 4/4 infantry --> 2/4
Bomber hits 4/4 flak --> 2/4
Bomber hits 2/4 infantry --> 1/4 (crap)
Bomber hits 4/4 cav --> 3/4

At Der Wall:
4/4 infantry --> 3/4

3/4 infantries
3 2hps
7 1hp
6 misses

2/3 infantries
2 1hp

2/4 infantries
5 1 hp
2 misses

Destroyer hits 2/4 infantry --> 1/4
Bomber shot down
Bomber 2/4 infantry --> 1/4

GPS to Niklas.
Niklas' turn:

Skies over Exospector:
B: Failed

General_W's turn:

Near Exospector:
B: Failed
B: Barricade destroyed

Skies over Exospector:
B: Failed
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: 2/4 Infantry => 1/4
B: 1/4 Infantry => killed
B: 1/4 Infantry => killed
B: Failed
B: 1/4 Infantry => killed
B: Failed
B: 1/4 Infantry => killed
B: Exospector 3 => 2
B: 1/4 Infantry => killed
B: Failed
B: 1/4 Infantry => killed
B: 3/4 Spear => 1/4
B: Exospector 2 => 1
B: 4/4 Archer => 2/4
B: Failed
B: Failed
B: 4/4 Archer => 2/4

Battle for Exospector:
4/4 Cavalry vs 4/4 Archer => 3/4 Cavalry
4/4 Cavalry vs 4/4 Archer => 3/4 Cavalry
4/4 Cavalry vs 4/4 Archer => 2/4 Cavalry
3/4 Cavalry vs 4/4 Archer => 2/4 Cavalry


GPS to Beorn.
Thanks Niklas! :salute:

I have indeed been super busy. Bought a business from my father-in-law and I'm my own boss now.
Been crazy, but things are starting to normalize a bit.
By the time the next turn comes around I hope to be able to play.
Nice! Hope your moving up the food chain really normalizes - unlike it will in this game!!!! Rawr.
Here we go, GPS Whomp.

1 Destroyer and 4 bombers successfully raided the east coast furs.
At Der Wall:
Artillery bombardment on 3/4 infantries
1 miss
2 1 hp
1 2 hp

4/4 flak knocked to 3/4

Bombardment on 2/4 infantries
4 misses
15 1 hp

Bombardment on 3/3 flak includes a miss and 1 hp

Destroyer hits 3/4 flak to 2/4
Destroyer hits 4/4 musket to 2/4
Destroyer hits 4/4 musket to 3/4
Destroyer misses
Frigate hits 4/4 musket to 3/4

Bomber misses
Bomber destroys 2/4 flak

On battle island:
Bomber destroys 1/4 infantry
Bomber destroys 1/4 flak
Bomber destroys 3/4 cav
Bomber hits 3/4 cav --> 1/4
Fighter hits 2/4 cav --> 1/4

Back to Der Wall:
Bomber hits 3/4 musket --> 1/4
Bomber hits 3/4 musket --> 1/4
Arty hits 2/4 musket --> 1/4
Bomber destroys 1/4 infantry

4/4 cav avoids bombardment and loses to 1/4 infantry--> 1/4 infantry
4/4 cav avoids bombardment and takes 1/4 infantry--> 3/4 cav
4/4 cav avoids bombardment and takes 1/4 infantry--> 5/5 cav
4/4 cav avoids bombardment and loses to 1/4 infantry--> 1/4 infantry
4/4 cav hit by bombardment and loses to 1/4 infantry--> 2/5 infantry

GPS to Niklas.
Bombing over Perf's Avatar:
B: 4/4 Bomber => 2/4
B: Barracks destroyed
B: 4/4 Bomber => 1/4

At Cape Fur
1 destroyer and 3 frigates bomb: 5/5 Cruiser => 2/5
4/4 Destroyer vs 2/5 Cruiser => 1/4 Destroyer

GPS to General_W.
General? Still looking for your disc? :dubious:

I had hoped this was going to get exciting, finally... :coffee:
Wow -I'm so sorry about this! :blush: Totally forgot.

Turn 237 - GPS to Beorn and Whomp.

(It's been hectic craziness around here for a month)

I've got a battle log - nothing earth shattering, but have a meeting with a client I've got to run to. will post as soon as I get a sec. Thanks for your patience everyone - I'll try to get better here now.
Turn 237 – Battle Log

Bombing Outside Perf’s Avatar:
Frigate vs. 4/4 Flak => 3/4 Flak
Bomber vs. 3/4 Flak => 1/4 Flak
Bomber vs. 1/4 Flak => Flak Destroyed
Bomber => Destroys Fortress!
Bomber => Destroys Rail lines!
Bomber => Destroys Road & Irrgation!

Bombing Perf’s Avatar:
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber destroys Harbor!
Bomber vs. 4/4 Bomber => 2/4 Bomber
Bomber vs. 3/3 Bomber => Bomber Destroyed!
Bomber vs. 3/3 Fighter => Fighter Destroyed!
Bomber gets shot down by Flak
Bomber vs. 2/4 Bomber => Bomber Destroyed!

Off the Coast of DerWall:
Artillery vs. 4/4 Frigate => 3/4 Frigate
Artillery vs. 3/4 Frigate => 1/4 Frigate
Bomber Sinks Frigate

Artillery vs. Infantry in MoTM:
Misses: 2
1 HP: 1
2 HP: 1

Bombing MoTM:
Bomber shot down by Flak!
Bomber gets lost in the fog.
Bomber destroys Barracks!
Bomber vs. 4/4 Destroyer (?) => 3/4 Destroyer
Bear-Babes? :bump:
Oops sorry about this. If you can send the save to me that would be great. I haven't heard from B lately.
OK I'll try to hit it tonight.
OK sorry for the delay.
Beorn's turn:
Bomber hits 5/5 destroyer --> 4/5
Bomber hits 4/4 destroyer --> 1/4
Bomber hits 4/5 destroyer --> 2/5
Bomber hits 2/5 destroyer --> 1/5
4/4 destroyer sinks5/5 frigate--> 1/4 destroyer

My turn:
At Der Wall
4/4 infantries
6 misses
5 1 hp
2 2 hp
3/4 infantries
3 misses
4 1 hp
1 2 hp
Bomber hits 3/5 infantry --> 2/5
4/4 infantries
4/4 flak
2 misses
1 1 hp
2/4 infantries
2 misses
1 1 hp
3/3 muskets
2 misses
2 1 hp
2 bombers hit near Fabrication
Bomber shot down at Der Wall
Bomber misses at Der Wall
Bomber hits 2/4 infantry --> 1/4 WTH
3/3 destroyer sinks 3/3 destroyer --> 4/4

Save to Niklas.

Vacations were fun, one day we caught 65 trouts! In July!!

Anyways, sorry for the no heads up, back home now. Hell of a clean-up to do, too.
Thanks for the bump, Beorn. :blush:

Hard rain over Perf's Avatar:
B: 3/3 Fighter => destroyed
B: Perf's Avatar 5 => 4
B: Shot down!
B: 4/4 Infantry => 2/4

Outside Perf's Avatar:
1 explorer liberated, pillages some rails in gratitude
4/4 Cavalry vs 4/4 Cavalry => 1/4 Cavalry
1 worker + 1 slave liberated

GPS to General_W.
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