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Nobles' Club CXXXIV: Pacal of the Mayans

I started this back in November 2013...
...and now I've finally finished this game (four months it took me to complete it!).

AD 1668 :culture: Cultural Victory! :culture:

Spoiler Some Info :

I have no screenshots here, but I'd say this:

I was never declared war upon...
I never declared war upon anyone else...
I refused a myriad of "join-our-war" requests...
I spent eleven (11) Great Artists to bombard my cities to legendary culture...

Spoiler Specially interested persons only... :

And if anyone has a special interest in boring YouTube video's...

Spoiler The NC 134 Kjotleik playlist :

The NC 134 Kjotleik playlist

Be advised, though, that this was my very first full recorded game of any sort... On my main channel I have released a couple of CM videos, but those were abandoned once I made my gaming-channel...

So I was thinking more about the recording process than the actual gameplay during the first few video's (if not most of them...). Well, at least I can only make better series' in the future.

I would actually advise to look at the 53rd (and last) episode for the statistics of the game. But if you have some free time (a day and an hour) and nothing better to do...:(

Deity Culture 1680 AD

1 Turn before Victory:

Spoiler :

Ramasses Culture Flipped my NE City oO. It was a poorly settled city as 3rd City. I don't know what i was thinking. Overall i only had 12 Great People(10 Great Artists):

Spoiler :

My three Legendary ones:

Spoiler :

Wimpy Portrait, wimpy score:

Spoiler :

Thanks for the map NC :)
Emperor, no huts/events, normal speed, 1942 Space Victory
Spoiler :

A fun but relatively uneventful game.

SIP for the gold in order to take Oracle. Got Oracle but found out that I'm on a large island/continent with only one other AI - namely Egypt. Egypt was already in Buddhism, so I used my missionary to explore (actually I was looking for the Ottomans since they contacted me but weren't in a religion - by the time I located them, they were in Buddhism too).

I decided to cut off Egypt from the rest of my continent using 2 cities to do so. This might have been a bit of a mistake since it slowed my economy.

With both AIs with whom I was in contact in Buddhism, I followed suit.

I teched up the Music line and used the artist for a great age, building TGL along the way.

With horses and iron available, I used lib to grab MT for cuirassiers. Once those were in, I pushed Egypt off my continent and got the pyramids in the bargain. I took Egypt as a vassal.

Using the mids, I switched to police state and built up an enormous number of cavalry with which I attached the Ottomans. I decided to wipe Mehmed from the map. Unfortunately, he vassaled to Saladin with just 3 cities left. No matter, I continued the war, taking all of Mehmed's cities. I eventually got peace with Saladin for 50g.

I was behind in tech, but had 30 cities and I was financial. Relations with other AIs were good, except for Saladin. I decided to take the easy path to victory - Space.

All went well, except that I had to bribe Saladin off of Ashok at one point. I became Saladin's worst enemy for about 15 turns and then he just disliked me. He never attacked though so I was able to focus on my economy.

I cottaged everything, built banks/universities/observatories/factories, etc. for quite awhile. I built the Internet, but lost out on the Space Elevator (apparently the SE is a waste of time according to what I've read, but with 30 cities, what the heck).

I built and launched my spaceship without incident - Frederick was my closest competition and appeared to be 20 to 30 turns behind me.

So, 1942 space victory with a pretty terrible 42,008 score. But truth to tell, these continent maps can get tricky and scores are usually lower than Pangea.
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