Nobles' Club LXXV: De Gaulle of France

It was great to play a relaxed non XOTM game.

SIP and expanded and built many wonders.

1AD Capital and Empire
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My first 2 cities also built the Stonehenge and the Oracle for CS.

I need more workers for improvements. The 9th city was founded on the marble to the south.

500 AD Capital and Empire
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1000 AD Capital and Empire
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More than half into my 1st GA. Due to poor planing the capital is not grown enough, but it will have a few biology powered farms.

Need more workers still.

I left JC un touched and he built a few wonders and learned a few techs for my spies to steal. I am in the process of getting ready. slowly, to get rid of him. It took me a while to relize that he built the GLH and I am finally heading toward Astro

1200 AD Capital and the world
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Finally learning Liberalism. I was supposed to get Astro from it but forgot. I will get Physics instead. This capital is unusually small for me. No mm except for worker action.

The world

Finally get rid of Rome.
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Decided to play a little over the weekend.

Immortal/Normal (huts/events on)
To 1665AD

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SIP. I forgot my tech path, but If I recall correctly I chopped out Stonehenge and TGW. I was planning on knocking JC off the mainland, so I teched Construction fairly early and started building a stack of cats/swords/axes. As luck would have it, JC decided to come calling around the time I was about to launch my attack. I initially lost that barb city I had taken the turn before. The next turn, I razed his copper city, so he was left with only building archers.

Then I took Rome, Antium, and the rest of his mainland cities. I have no idea why I decided to tech HBR instead of Currency or Alpha as the only thing keeping my economy afloat was capturing cities and revolts. My units ended up going on strike for a turn, but I managed to grab currency in time to pull myself out of it. I made peace with JC in 400AD.

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I wasn't close to winning the Lib race, but I did manage to grab Taj and be the 1st to circumnavigate the world. Nothing else really to note other than settling the rest of the mainland and the decent island spots. Also managed to grab the SoL, which is pretty nice for this map. I'm teching OK, finishing building my infrastructure. Catty will probably be the toughest nut to crack as she is teching fast. Luckily, she doesn't have oil, which leaves her open militarily. Seems that a bunch of the AI are planning to DOW Shaka sometime soon. I'll save my GE for one of the hammer boosting corps and probably tech Bio to catch up in the tech race. The game seems open for any type of victory.

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Emperor/Normal & Immortal/Normal
Domination win 1844 and 1840

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Decided to try my wings on immortal after a successful Emperor win/annihilation, turns out that this map on immortal wasn't especially hard.

Both games were "kinda the same", built stonehenge and did Oracle -> CoL slingshot on emperor and Oracle -> cs slingshot on immortal by bulbing mathematics.

On immortal I lost the lib race at 980 AD (!).

Spanked & vassalized romans with rifles/trebs. Built lost and lots of galleons and killed shaka with rifle/cannons in order to have a safe spot on that continent.

Teched infantry, marines, fighters, carriers and transports. Set slider to 0 and produced / rush buying lots and lots of troops, in total going from +2000 GPT to 800 GPT due to unit costs and city costs.

Ran over the opponents on emperor. On immortal they started getting heavily upgraded sea troops as well as submarine but eventually the french managed to pull of a domination victory.

Emperor : 142k score
Immortal : 152k score (My highest score so far that I'm aware off).

My first immortal game and my first win, YAY!
My third emperor game and my second win, YAY!

Think this map was a bit too easy, although I didn't really like the semi-isolated start.

Should probably have focused more on doing cannon slingshot on immortal, rifles could have been delayed, instead killing romans with macemen & some cannons upgraded from trebs.
This was a fun map. Starting position was very handy indeed!

Monarch/Normal (no huts/events) up to 1250AD.

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SIP then went min/BW/AH/writing/myst/pott/alpha/IW. Caesar apparently decided not to tech in this game so all I got was fishing... helpful.
In capital worker, warrior, warrior (to pop 3), worker, settler, completed warrior, warrior, library

I settled pretty aggressively once I knew where he was. Just trying to stake out some land.
At 975BC:
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However, remembering his slow tech and scouting a bit further N and seeing the land he was bound to take I decided I don't like his city spam meaning longer wars so went for construction and set out to kill him.
Managed to get ready for war by 100BC:
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The war was short and sweet. Took all three cities on main island but annoyingly he settled on the island to the W so Rome was a bit culture screwed. Also no Feud so no cap :-(

Spammed settlers and workers for a while and started filling up the land. Teched towards optics hoping not to fall to far behind the main island then raced for lib. Met all the other leaders and got lib at about the same time 1250AD.

Now to decide who to be friends with (4 diff religions on main island...) and how to go about trading... Don't think I've played a game before with this much available trade - too many choices.
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Given the land difference I guess can be fairly optimistic for the win now though...


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Update: 400 A.D.

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I horse-archer rushed J.C. I'm planning to settle the entire continent plus that island to the west. Not much to do now but build settlers and infrastructure.

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After taking out J.C., my tech pace was god awful until about 700 A.D., when I got currency and began bulding wealth. With no civs to trade with or steal from, it is increadably hard to get techs fast. When I met the other civs, about three turns before I got currency, I was last in tech. By selecting my next techs wisely, and by buikding wealth in my four major production cities and running the slider, withing twenty turns I was the tech leader (out of the three civs who met me).
1170 AD lib
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1290 AD
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first neighbor visible. It's the dutch. Wonderful. Maybe some will move to pennselvania and mail me some donuts. I trade heavily with willem for the rest of the game. I mean my tech lead is so huge no one is in danger of winning.

1430 AD
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Built the Taj for golden switched into universal suffrage, free speech, free religion, emancipation. BTW Tours spams units for most of the game.

1505 AD
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Nor the past 4500 years my people have been living in an atheist paradise full of objective reasoning and all that jazz. Now for the first time irrational beliefs from the west have spread through my many open border agreements.

1635 AD
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I found mining inc orleans. Second best hammer city. Later built the iron works their.

1876 AD
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Catherine has the AP and is trying to cheese an ap win. Luckily she does not seem to have spread it to all the civs on the map because time and time again she gets enough votes but no victory screen. I spread the AP religion (hindu) to my cities to try to block this. Pictured I just reasearched mass media and strategically gift it to her. No more ap shenanigans.

1900 AD
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Sorry I don't have the victory screen, but this should be good enough. It's a forgone conclusion that I win in 5 turns. No one else is even close to winning. Number 1 in everything that matters. Except for soldiers I think i'm number 2. I have 1-2 cities building troops almost the entire time. About 0.9 the power of Shaka.

I have 1 peace vassal Willem, and a defensive pact with Catherine. Most cities are building units. The slider is off. Some are working on hospitals and airports. The only thing that has to happen tech wise is I live for 5 more turns.

Save is one turn post victory.


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Monarch/Normal/No events or Huts/ and choose religions for the hell of it
To 1645 AD
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Great capital and amazing coastal site to the west. The only problem is that stupid jungle to the North and we are.... semi-isolated with Julius. That's very annoying because he refuses to trade any tech. Self-teching's gonna suck. I think it's even worse than isolated starts because Julius likes to declare war.

Quick BW and myst, and snagged stonehenge. Oracle'd Metal Casting and went for Collossus. Industrious forges are really cool and I had like several cities spinning wonders out. Forgot about Great Lighthouse zzzz.

6 cities @ 150 BC, currency researched, and a 7th city to grab the random furs and whale down there. I also have monarchy but should have waited for that since the happy cap was hardly reached.

With the ease of snagging wonders, I make it a priority to build the AP since I hate that thing. Since nobody has founded that many religions, and seeing that Theology is still open, I bulbed that (called it Islam :lol) and built the AP. That also allowed Julius to reach please once he got the religion over. I took this time to build more wonders.

Discovered Lib in 1100 and went Taj as usual, caravals were deployed but it took forever to find anyone... I feared a runaway AI on the other continent, but fortunately these fears weren't too much to worry about.

Switched to FR for diplomacy and gained the favor of the Russians. Because Julis no longer liked me, I Took up a bunch of musketeers (which are great at reinforcing btw) and cap'd Caesar.

Meanwhile, Shaka's cap'd 2 civs and is quite big, but fortunately he and his vassals are backward, plus he's at odds with the rest of the continent. I have a GE saved for Mining Inc which will help matters. Once I get infantry, I should be able to roll them without problems. Failing that, I can always go for culture or space or something lame. ;)

Lol 4 of the best cities in the world are mine. If I'm cocky enough, I'll go for sushi as well.

1943 Diplomation
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Well I was gonna go for space or something but Shaka had to declare war for some stupid reason.

Not really a problem here as my defense pact with Cathy helped a lot.

Rifles are no match for infantry/artliery when backed by 4 fighters in every conquered city.

The maintenance cost was actually starting to kill me, so I cristo redentor'd into State property sadly, as I didn't want to bother setting up new cities. I guess I could have done a colony or actually build courthouses or the forbidden palace, but meh, it doesn't matter at this point.

Shaka's vassals broke off one by one. Sadly I was 4% land off from domination (laem!), and invading Cathy was gonna be annoying. So I just built the UN...

Not really what I wanted, but any option would have took too long. Also, I managed to build Versailles; that almost never happens.


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Nice play, Archon_Wing :)
Trying again at Prince :crazyeye:

Starting position: SIP. I can't see moving off the hills/plains/riverside with all those bonus tiles around. My initial plan is to go M->BW->AH->Mys, while building a worker for starters. The worker will first build the farm. I can either start chopping or build one mine, I will reevaluate. After the worker is build I will start a second warrior.

The starting warrior will sweep CCW just out of range of Paris to reveal the surrounding terrain. My goal is to figure out quickly where city 2 should go and what strategic resources are available, i.e, copper and horses if any.

My loose strategic view is that the Frog Prince (DeGaulle) is industrious, and I have a lotta wood, so I am going to build some wonders. DeGaulle is not creative so SH stands out. I will need workers to chop it out, so as soon as Paris hits 2 I will build another worker. After AH I will study mysticism and chop out SH.

All of this depends on whether I discover another civ close enough for a rush, whether I have copper, etc. But that's the general plan.

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the first hut I hit gives me a scout, which I use to quickly explore east while the warrior continues up until he hits JC. JC is too far for a rush imo. The warrior heads back to guard the first settler. When BW completes, natch, the copper is close to JC, so I will put my second to grab the copper. Hopefully JC doesnt have any other metal!

I change my mind and go Mys before AH. So I can get SH started earlier. The tension will be between the first settle and SH. My instinct tells me to chop the settler then the wonder. That's what I am planning anyway.

First city placment:

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This is going to be tricky (for me!) I need to settle red dot fast. And getting SH will help it get some culture to hold the copper. Settler first. There is no food near copper, but there is grassland. After red dot I will need a city in between to connect up. Need to think about where that one would go.

I decided to build a mine on the gold after the farm. The extra bulbs will be very handy. I know I am putting off AH and developing the pigs, and I am slowing growth of Paris somehwhat, but I need those techs.

Pause for strategy/assessment at 2400 BC:

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I whipped the last three turns of SH in fright, only cost 1 pop. So I have my copper city and I have SH in Paris. I teched pottery and writing. I also got an event that left me with -1 vs JC. Well, here is the big problem. Clearly I am going to build city three next, and some workers. Then, how am I going to deal with JC? Obviously I need to kill the Romans and take this area of land. Go to all out axes or axes/chariots (if I get lucky)? Roman swords really scare me; I sense waiting won't help.
Picture shows where I will place city three; a save is included so perhaps someone can yell at me about my mistakes! Hopefully.


at 25 AD

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(See fuller discussion below --- I decided I need the 25 AD save to fill in the situation).
After the second war with Rome (one city left to go): the continent has been cleared. I kept Cumae, and I will keep the Roman city across the bay after I take it in stage three. See the next spoiler for more of the story. Notice I was building HG while taking the two Roman cities left on the continent. I judged I had plenty of units, and I like HG.


at 475 AD

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(Discussion includes previous save and pix) I decided to spam axes as scouting Rome showed no metal resources. After I had 12 or 13 I attacked and took Rome, which I kept, and hit one other city to the east of Rome, which I razed because it was in the jungle. I then offered Rome peace if they gave me three techs...which was accepted. After 10 turns I attacked again and took 2 more cities quickly, leaving one more across a water channel. I again offered peace in return for another tech. This was also accepted. I then build three galleys and loaded on my best city attackers and after 10 turns went and took this city. A three stage war seems inefficient, but I did get four techs out of it, and the actual number of turns I was actually fighting was short.

I now face the problem of quickly developing my continent and getting some sea power going.

The save here shows after the last captured city was pacified.

Cultural Win 1971 (had SS build for some time, but trying for a different win)

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@bamdorf.If theres a civ you can argue the case for building SH its De Gaulle-IND for cheapness but just as important CHA for the happy monuments.Never built it myself though this game.
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nothing wrong with your 1st city securing a strategic resource,but why settle your 3rd city on a GH?1E from there is better.Personally I,d settle the gold/rice as 3rd city and have a rethink on where to put a city in that area.

Your worker in the cap is building a grassland mine while the city is working an unimproved FP and the other gold mine hasnt been built yet????the FP should of been improved 1st either with a farm or a cottage as soon a you got pottery.(I realise you chopped out SH but nonetheless)

Looking forward to seeing how the rush goes.
Now that I'm done, now to look at others' ;)

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It's extremely hard to tell if you're ready for war, since we don't know your tech, nor do we know about your actual stack. I assume you must have gotten crossbows or macemen. Though honestly, I think you will spend too much time warring right now and prefer you won lib first. It'd be so much easier to overrun him with musketeers and cannons.

You built the AP, that's great, as you won't have to deal with it later. +2 hammers from religious buildings is key here.

I can't approve of the stone city out there as I'm not sure how much it helped the mids. You also settled directly on it, so it can't even be occasionally worked to speed up infrastructure. Because there's no food there, it'll be a long drain on your economy. Walls are cheap and aren't integral to winning a war. That's actually the last thing you should be worried about. I'd actually worrying about him pillaging your titles than actually conquering a city. Maces just take copper so losing iron isn't terrible.

But you have the GLH, so I'd say if you want any offshore properties, it'd be to the north where the sugar and seafood is; you should explore and colonize that area.

I'm also a bit worried about land that Rome has managed to steal so much land from you. There was no reason to let him settle Cumae and especially not Ravena there; usually priority spots should be settled near your opponents; I would have settled tours as my 3rd city. It doesn't matter too much because you are still #1 in land, but it shouldn't have been this cramped and your northern cities are being utterly pressured by culture because they haven't had the time to establish their own culture.

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I didn't worry about snagging SH too much; grabbed it after AH and BW, so my 2 workers were happily improving tiles and chopping. The thing that grabs my attention is that you whipped SH; which I felt that it was too early to switch into slavery so early in the game when you don't have the growth to come back that fast (no granaries). Plus if you figure SH takes about 10 turns to build for Degaulle, that 1 turn of anarchy really cuts into you getting it. Sacrficing 3 pop for 3 turns faster (and -1 for anarchy) is not a good deal, since you'll get +1 happy for charismatic and +1 for monuments. It doesn't change the fact that SH is very nice to have, though, but it's not game breaking to not get it, either.

As for your new city, you don't want to settle on a grassland hill if possible, as it wastes the hill (no city bonus) Settling on a plains hill gives +1 hammer to your city though. I'd actually place your city up a 2-3 tiles northeast somewhere between the cows and rice up there. Fresh water, manageable food, and most importantly, it helps stop JC from coming down south. I actually settled on the hill itself for earlier production and fear of JC, but that may be a bit too safe.

As for your current city plan, it may be a bit slow without a border pop to work the rice; however you can settle it later. 1w of rice or 1sw of rice is nice.

Also, if you wish to rush, it's best to get your workers on hooking the copper asap. It's a long road to build and you may need a spawnbuster in between to stop barbs.

Also can someone look at the 150 BC save of mine (above) and explain why...

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I didn't notice because I failed to scout to the North, but Caesar is really stupid! He only has 2 cities. Wtf? Did the name screw up make him that stupid?
Noble, No Huts/Events, Normal Speed

1hr 39mins later

1812AD Culture Victory

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Would of probably been earlier if i hadn't had to switch religions afew times due to JC changing and dropping from Pleased. Flipped afew cities from him thou that helped me later by building wealth as my lagging cities built culture to catch up :)
@bamdorf.If theres a civ you can argue the case for building SH its De Gaulle-IND for cheapness but just as important CHA for the happy monuments.Never built it myself though this game.
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nothing wrong with your 1st city securing a strategic resource,but why settle your 3rd city on a GH?1E from there is better.Personally I,d settle the gold/rice as 3rd city and have a rethink on where to put a city in that area.

Your worker in the cap is building a grassland mine while the city is working an unimproved FP and the other gold mine hasnt been built yet????the FP should of been improved 1st either with a farm or a cottage as soon a you got pottery.(I realise you chopped out SH but nonetheless)

Looking forward to seeing how the rush goes.

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You are right I blundered about the FP. Just a brain malfunction. I almost mentioned about the third city as 1E of actual location...but I was actually thinking I wanted the shortest route to Rome and it did seem like the total picture of the location was better... I could be wrong, have to look again.

Might also comment that I had learned the hard way that defending archers on a hill take a minimum of 3x axes. Ouch, it was bloody at Rome.
@bamdorf.If theres a civ you can argue the case for building SH its De Gaulle-IND for cheapness but just as important CHA for the happy monuments.Never built it myself though this game.
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nothing wrong with your 1st city securing a strategic resource,but why settle your 3rd city on a GH?1E from there is better.Personally I,d settle the gold/rice as 3rd city and have a rethink on where to put a city in that area.

Your worker in the cap is building a grassland mine while the city is working an unimproved FP and the other gold mine hasnt been built yet????the FP should of been improved 1st either with a farm or a cottage as soon a you got pottery.(I realise you chopped out SH but nonetheless)

Looking forward to seeing how the rush goes.


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I went back and looked at this and my thinking was that I wanted to hook up the 2 bonus spots, I wanted to avoid serious overlap with Paris, and I wanted a straight shot to Rome (getting a unit there 1 turn earlier could be critical, tho admittedly hard to say.
Noble, normal, huts and events ON, no vassals because I hate 'em!

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SIP - duh.

Scouted around and ran into Julius early on, and figured he was coming in from the north west, so I made sure to pay him a visit ASAP.

My initial build? Worker-Warrior-Warrior-Warrior-Warrior-Worker-Settler-Stonehenge

Can you guess what I was aiming for?

That's right, I bum rushed Julius and polished him off pretty darn early... 3000BC-ish.

Hey, it's noble! And I was fortunate in that Julius's roaming warriors and scouts were getting eaten by bears which just happened to be one tile away from me. Easy early experience gave me two CRII warriors, more than a match for his lowly Combat I warrior. Still, I took peace after my one and only worker steal (I figured he'd be going for workboats, given his start, and worker stealing would be long and boring).

My initial tech path was Mining-BW-AH-Writing-Myst-Alpha-Poly-PH

Having bee-lined Alpha after writing, I was able to get a few techs in return for peace (fishing and sailing).

A fun little opener, but after that I sort of got bored of all this wonder whoring and slow expansion, so I built more settlers. A blow by blow would be pointless since I was isolated and thus spent most of my time building, teching and slowly expanding.

By 1AD I had 7 well established cities with most of the basic infrastructure, including cheap Forges.

After just missing out on Judaism by way of Mono, I figured I'd better start collecting those religions! With the Oracle and Stonehenge in Paris, I was producing Great Prophets and figured I might as well make use of them by building shrines!

With the science meter being around the 100 mark for an obscene amount of time (given that I was alone, units were not a top priority, except a brief sword rush for a nice barbarian city near the flood plains north of the jungle patch), I teched at a fairly brisk pace. Again, isolation meant libraries were placed in each city and scientists run as often as possible.

Settled scientists and built an academy in Rome, my official science city, while Lyons (next to Paris, near the western river and Pig/Gold) had cottages thus making it my commerce city. Rome would also end up producing tons of GP along with Paris (seriously, Paris and Rome are just disgustingly good spots).

My wonder whoring gave me quite an edge. Early Rep by virtue of the Mids, along with minor boosts from religious buildings thanks to the religious wonders (AP, SM, US etc.) helped me chug along while I figured what to do with myself.

I went down the Aesthetics line, thinking I'd go for a cultural win. But then techs just kept coming in and soon enough I was building caravels for the heck of it instead of going gung-ho for culture.

Saw that my rivals were on the other side of the ocean and locked in a boring status quo. The Dutch were the tech leaders, but a long way from Lib and gunpowder, while Shaka was holding more territory than the others. Fred had barely discovered CS and Bureaucracy when I first step foot in German territory (although his "pals" all had macemen and LB by now - what happened to the guy? Who did he piss off to be left out of the great AI tech trading circle jerk??).

Not feeling threatened in the least, I continued to populate the western islands, even though I realized that with Communism fast approaching, my island cities would be losing the Colossus. Dumb move, I think, I dunno, by then I was getting a little lost.

It's 1400AD, I can tech almost anything in 4 turns. I've proven the world is round, I'm under communist rule (with workshops being built everywhere there's a grassland in a BFC), I have gunpowder (but see no need for musketeers), and have to decide whether to go for more civil or more military techs. Hell, I need to decide how to win!

Fast forward to transports and launch a maritime assault with infantry? Nukes? Culture? Paris could get legendary soonish, Rome could go cultural with artists specialists, and I'm sure another city could use the GA I have in reserve to get a boost, along with the Cathedrals and other 50% culture buildings. Space is without a doubt more than possible too.

Were I to play again, I'd get better times. But isolation and dominance gets to me...

And lastly, the only wonders I missed were the Hanging Gardens, Sistine Chapel, and uh another minor one. GL, GLH, and the important ones were all built in due time.

Seriously, I should have tried my first monarch game here. The start, along with Rome as early spoils of war make this far too easy for Noble.
t101/1500BC - Deity w/ huts, Archery added

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Nice start, lots of Gold. Decided AH first to get Horse visibility and to improve the Sheep, Worker first. Got a Scout from a hut, who spawnbusted the south. Found Horse, improved Corn while periodically doing micro using the +2C from the Gold. Found Julius Caesar, who came from the north. Have all the south spawnbusted quick, using 1 scout + 2 warriors, and spawnbusted close to Caesar with 3 other warriors. My second city worked the Horse for the monument, Crab for Workboat, then Improved Horse/Improved Clam. Once I got Writing and a TR with Julius, I signed Open Borders and traded for Clam (for Corn) to get diplo going. Settled City3 to try and block Julius abit, as I planned on settling my next city between City3 and the Capital. A decent amount of whipping + chopping's been done. Sent Confu missionary to Julius to get more diplo, so hopefully we live in peace and prosper <3. Only until I backstab him ofcourse. Stopped at t101.

Improvement Path (Worker1): Corn -> Sheep -> Gold -> Gold -> Flood Plain -> Road to City2 -> Road + Improve Horse -> Chop + Cottage riverside grassland -> Mine riverside plains hill ->

Improvement Path (Worker2): Road -> Road to Julius -> Road to City3 -> Farm riverside grassland -> Farm irrigated Corn

Improvement Path (Worker3): Chop riverside grassland hill -> Chop riverside grassland -> Cottage -> Mine riverside grassland

Techpath: AH -> Mining -> BW -> Mysticism -> Pottery -> Fishing -> Writing -> Meditation -> Priesthood -> Sailing -> Mathematics -> Code of Law (Oracle) ->

Buildpath (Capital): Worker, Warrior x4, Settler (@4 pop) -> Worker -> Warrior x2 -> Settler (@5 pop) -> Worker -> Settler -> Oracle -> Library

Buildpath (City2): Monument -> Workboat (whipped) -> Granary -> Workboat (whipped) -> Granary (con't) -> Lighthouse (whipped) -> Granary (con't)

Buildpath (City3): Monument -> Granary

Buildpath (City4): Monument -> Granary



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1894 UN diplomatic victory. After realizing from other peoples' comments that I'd messed up initial city placement quite a bit, I restarted and dropped down to Noble to make it more likely I'd actually finish.
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I took out the Romans AD 370-730, with one cease fire to build some galleys to take out Neapolis, which he'd built on the island to the NW of Rome. I was aiming for a space victory, but on contact with the rest of the world found a Jewish block allied against Shaka; when they invited me to war I wound up (eventually) conquering most of his territory (the part not taken over by Hammy) and in the process got everybody but Cathy to Pleased or Happy. Fred peace-vassalled to me, and I had the domination fraction of the population anyway. I built the UN; on the first vote I banned nukes, thinking I'd still go for a space victory, but on the 2nd decided the game had been going on long enough and took the diplomatic win. I managed to get my highest score ever. If I understand the game mechanics properly, with a vassal and that much population I'd have won the vote the first time it came up as a possibility, so the game could have been shorter.

I built Mining Inc and Sid's Sushi, which made for a lot of very productive cities.

I'm trying to get my first Emperor finish. Actually, I got a win before, but it was a succession game. Note that I haven't got an Emperor loss, either. I simply stopped playing them at various stages. :)

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What else can I say about the start? :lol: Not only the starting duel golds, the wet corn, and the river, but also golds everywhere on the map with loads of food. Yes, we are semi-isolated. But doesn't that mean 20+ good city sites at your disposal?

SIP, worker first, teched Mining, BW, AH, Hunting, Archery, Myst, Writing, Medi, PH, Pottery, CoL, Math, and Oracled CS at 1200BC with 3 Cities with SH built. Barbarian was pretty minor before I got CS, giving me false illusion that the continent was not very big. My first 2 settlers went west to share the Gold and Pig well growing. I made sure that the Gold mine was always worked by either of the cities.

After CS, I backfilled Fishing and started working towards Calender to enable the 2 Incense resources in the Capital. The cities went into a new round of settler/worker/defender cycle to fill out the place that was still available.

Next Goal: REX

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I was able to settle 1N of the 4th gold nearby, successfully denying JC of copper. Then, the rice/cow city to the north of capital. Later, after filling the east, I figured JC was really slow, so I put yet another city to the dye/cow site entirely blocking JC. By 1AD, I got 9 cities up, peacefully. This somewhat looks like a Noble game.

I got Alphabet earlier, but found that JC was not an easy trader. So be it. I'd tech alone, just like the Noble game. Currency was another priority for REX. Then, I teched to Construction and started to get Cats out. While building up my army, I figured that JC doesn't have any strategic resources. So, I decided to go for Machinery first before going through the mid tech line, using Maceman to minimize the upcoming war loss.

I did a lot of micros to the capital. I was using binary research. Whenever, I push the slider to 0%, I made capital to work on a lot of food tiles. And when 100%, I made coins as priority. So, by 1AD, I had 12 pops in Capital and the total beaker output was 250+ at 100% and about 125 at balance. I slowly built the MoM, while waiting for the Marble city to hook the Marble up. Then I started the GLib. I think the extra 2 free scientists are good for both beaker and GP points.

Next Goal, Kill JC, own the continent.

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