Nominations for Chairman of Foreign Issues

Fe? Think you can hold down this office AND the UN?

I happily nominate you to this position!
I prefer the term Affairs :groucho:

While I am 'sort of' interested I feel that perhaps someone else may be interested in this position.

However I did like how we ran it in MIA, it was very ordered and easy to access information. We also had input from the entire team when it came to drafting letters :thumbsup:

I'm thinking someone with this magic CivAssist programme could begin an intel thread so we can keep an eye on our rivals :evil:

We also had someone keeping an eye on population changes in rival cities.

So what am I saying :crazyeye: if no-one else steps forward, I will happily take it up.

However I will not 'role play' as much as I did in the previous game as it led to frustration and tension :lol:
I would be willing to take this on. I think donsig might be better to be our first turn-taker, to establish the way reporting gets done.
Well, it's occurred to me that I was never really nominated, approved, agreed on by consensus, or anything for the job of Chairmen of Foreign Issues. I sorta just took over from AutomatedTeller a while back and have been running things with an iron fist ever since :evil: ;)

Anyone interested in taking over this position?

I'll happily continue to serve, or make way for new blood. I'm very happy with what we've all managed to accomplish diplomatically thus far.
I'm sure I speak for all of us ;) when I say you're doing a tremendous job with this. [party]

The fact that no one has spoken up against you is an agreement by consensus as good as any. :thumbsup:
...I sorta just took over from AutomatedTeller a while back and have been running things with an iron fist ever since :evil: ;)

Anyone interested in taking over this position?

And be confronted with your iron fist??? No way!!!


Seriously, please continue, you're doing great! :cool:
zyxy’s noble attempt at an orderly transfer of power in the First Chairman’s office has got me thinking…

It’s been a while since I seized power and intimidated anyone from speaking up against my rule. :)

Perhaps it’s time we had an election for Chairman of the Foreign Committee?

Please Voice your opinion!

Ballot Options
  • General_W
  • Please torture and kill me and my family

Go ahead and vote however you want. No pressure! :D

Spoiler :

seriously, anyone else interested in this post?
I also vote for the General! :salute:

It's hard for anybody to succeed him in this job. Carry on, please.
:lol: I definitely vote General_W, can't put my poor wife at risk!

Seriously though, what Paul said, I have a hard time imagining anyone managing to do the work even half as well as you do it. You're the epitome of a foreign minister. :)
You are doing great.
I see no reason for a revolution just yet.
Spoiler :
Thanks all :blush: I appreciate the kind words and hope I can continue to earn them.

Attention: All Councilors that have NOT posted positive comments about me:
Your names have been noted, and I will be watching. Consider yourselves warned.

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