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NoTW XIX: The Song of the Nightingale - Game Thread


Demons & Brazil
Oct 8, 2006
Night of the Werewolves XIX:

The Song of the Nightingale


A few notes ( Taken from Niklas, as to quote him, " Stealing is the best form of flattery")

Firstly, there will be no lynching and no voting. Yes, you heard right. But of course that doesn’t mean that the werewolves will be allowed free reign. Instead of voting and lynching, something that has always struck me as somewhat out of place and breaking the suspension of disbelief (why the heck would you start voting people to the gallows??), there will be a system of what I call accusation. Instead of placing a vote for a person, you instead state your believe that a particular person might be guilty. So how does this differ from voting? Not much at all really, the only difference is that it helps putting the accusations (votes) into a roleplaying perspective. This is simply to encourage more immersive gameplay, and less of the “I vote for stupid” kind of play. To accuse someone you might say “That Niklas is a sly one, I wouldn’t trust him one inch.” You can also still support a person instead of a accusing, so to counter the above you might say “Bah, if Niklas is guilty I swear I’ll eat my halberd.” Yep, you guessed it, I will use the colors black and (dark) green to explicitly separate accusations from supports.
The person who most people accuse being guilty will be killed in some unspecified mob-induced way. It will not be a hanging though, each situation will likely be unique (subject to GM imagination) and much more impromptu.
So as you will see, this is still very similar to voting and lynching, even though it isn’t. The only real gameplay difference is that anyone who says “I vote for Stupid to hang”, or something equivalent, will not be considered to have accused anyone (a vote is not an accusation) and what they said will not count towards the total. You may of course still use the words “vote” and “hang” if you put it into a proper roleplaying perspective. Just remember that there are no votes and no hangings and you’ll be fine.

Secondly, I will allow the use of voices, as specified by the info thread, and as used by Catharsis recently. You can use both public and secret speeches (each of you will have a voice), to be PM’d to me prior to the evening or morning post, and they will be incorporated in the scene where someone dies (or is found dead).

Thirdly, In this game, your job title is not public, only your surname and role in your family. As such, it is your choice whether or not to reveal it.

Fourthly, items may be traded freely, either publically and privately.

Fifthly, read the info thread and have fun.

I just wanted to point out the chain of victory:

First Place:

Good: *Insert Victory condition Here*, Self Survived, Objective fulfilled

Neutral: *Insert Victory Condition Here*, Objective fulfilled, Self survived

Evil: *Insert victory Condition Here*, Objective Fulfilled, Self Survived

Second Place:

Good: *Insert Victory Condition here*, Objective fulfilled

Neutral: Self Survived, Objective fulfilled

Evil:*Insert victory Condition Here*, Objective Fulfilled

Third place:

Good: *Insert Victory Condition here*, Self Survived

Neutral: Objective Fulfilled

Evil:*Insert victory Condition Here*, Self Survived

Please Keep this in mind.
The Lanun

The Riverkings

The Husband: Pinman Riverking ( Died on Night 0, stabbed to death - NPC)
The Wife: Backwards Logic Riverking (Died on Night 1, ripped apart- innocent)
The Son: Kol.7 Riverking
The Bodyguard: Lightfang Riverking

The Wavewalkers

The Husband: Niklas Wavewalker
The Wife: Izipo Wavewalker
The Son: qoou Wavewalker
The Daughter: Chandrasekhar Wavewalker

The Oceandwellers

The Husband: Merciary Oceandweller
The Wife: Tyrs Oceandweller
The Son: Methos Oceandweller
The Daughter: Catharsis Oceandweller

The Riversnakes

The Husband: PrinceScamp Riversnake (Killed on Night 0, impaled by mast - NPC)
The Wife: Rougeknight Riversnake (Killed on Night 0, impaled by mast - NPC)
The Son: Lekkric Riversnake (Killed on Night 0, fell to death - NPC)
The Daughter: Conroe Riversnake (Killed on Night 0, fell to death - NPC)
The Second Daughter: tuxedohamn Riversnake (Killed on Night 0, fell to death - NPC)

The Dwarves

The Hammerfists

The Husband:Hitti-Litti Hammerfist {killed on Night 2, ripped to pieces- innocent}
The Wife: Frozen in Ice Hammerfist
The Son: thomas. berubeg Hammerfist (killed on Evening 1, eaten by sharks- innocent)
The Daughter: Adriana Hammerfist (Killed on Night 0, poisoned to death - NPC)

The Ironsmiths

The Husband:Charles Li Ironsmith{Killed on Night 3, ripped to pieces- innocent}
The Wife: Tasslehoff Ironsmith
The Son: Rheinmetall Ironsmith
The Daughter: Tolis Ironsmith

The Hippus

The Plainsriders

The Husband: Brisingamen Plainsrider {Killed on Evening 3, commited suicide- Innocent}
The Wife: Ghandi Rules Plainsrider (killed on evening 2, hanged to death-Innocent)
The Son: Renata Plainsrider

The Silver-riders

The Husband: D'artagnan59 Silver-rider {Killed on Night 4, ripped to pieces- innocent}
The Wife: Stuck in Pi Silver-rider
The Son: mythmonster2 Silver-rider
The Second Son: Rowen Silver-rider (Killed on Night 0, poisoned to death - NPC)

Update List

Prelude Pinman gives his soliloquoy.
Morning 1 A massacre occurs on board the Nightingale.
Evening 1 thomas. berubeg, the singing dwarf, is eaten by sharks.
Morning 2 Backwards Logic is found dead just a day after her husband.
Evening 2 Ghandi Rules commits suicide rather rather than face the mob's anger
Morning 3 Hitti Litti is found dead having spent the night in the mess hall
Evening 3 Brisingamen is elected to die and chooses to do so with honour.
Morning 4 Charles Li, the consumate materialist, is found dead.
Midday 4 The Nightingale burns as the storm arrives.
Evening 4 Niklas is pushed off the lifeboat as wind carries everybody to the island. The survivors are visited by a special guest.
Morning 5 D'artagnan is found dead while Pinman is revealed as Ashen Veil.
Midday 5 The Nightingalers are revealed to be alone on the island.
Evening 5 Pinman and Niklas face off on the island's shores.
Morning 6 The poisoner is killed in the night.
Evening 6 The first wolf, Tasslehoff, is finally killed in retribution.
Night 6/Morning 7 Strange rituals take place in the night, and Niklas is ressurected in the morning.
Evening 7 Merciary attempts to kill Captain Kol after accusing him of causing his suffering.
Morning 8 Catharsis is blown up after which the orb begins to shriek.
Morning 1

The records would later refer to it as the massacre, or occasionally among academic histories the catalyst. No men sung songs of the sea shouted in drunken merriment that morning, or indeed for a long time after, nor did birds riding above the clouds emit their joyful chirps to welcome the sunrise. It was a dark day, and everybody knew it.

The men and women residing within The Nightingale awoke late that fateful morning a sure sign that something was wrong. Even the passengers, both the Hippus and the Dwarves, recalled the sound of the Captain ringing the great bell on the deck calling them all to wake. He hadn't rung it that morning, as the sleepy yet curious passengers and sailors alike were about to discover, because he couldn't.

His wife Backwards Logic Riverking found him first, by barging angrily into the cabin that he had claimed as his own. Of course, she promptly fainted at the sight, so the others had no warning about what to expect. Captain Pinman lay dead in his cabin, a knife stabbed right through his breast. Although the captain had died quickly, it appeared that his murderer had other plans for the former leader. The captain's blood was spread out on the floor in a series of strange runes, which nobody on the Nightingale admitted to understanding. Lying next to the bloody shapes, was a book identified as belonging to a priest of the Ashen Veil, however the blood had rendered it unreadable.

Although there was a general rush away from the Captain's Cabin towards the toilets, one clever sailor opened up Captain Pinman's clenched fist to discover a bloody silver amulet with the engraving Nightingale on it. He decided to bring the matter up later.

At the same time, curious that they could not find their son Rowen anywhere, the Silver-riders went to check on him in his cabin. What they found shocked them to the core. Rowen Silver- rider was lying in bed, deader than Elvis but he was not alone. In the bed with him was Adriana Hammerfist who was also dead. Neither of the two had a mark on them and both appeared to have been poisoned. Both the Hippus and Dwarf family involved joined the lines to empty their stomachs.

After a half hour to clear their heads, those left standing decided that going up on deck to get some air was a mighty good idea. It might even help them figure out what their next move should be. Obviously there had to be consequences. Somebody had to pay for these vile crimes.

Lekkric, tuxedohamn and Conroe Riversnake had always enjoyed climbing up the mast. It drove their parents, PrinceScamp and Rougeknight to distraction, but they still went ahead with their fun. That fateful day, with the adults occupied elsewhere, the three children decided to climb up the mast as they usually did. They were just starting to have fun when a cracking noise was heard on the deck. In their horror, Catharsis and Rougeknight ran up to the mast screaming for their children to come down but it was to no avail. the mast snapped in half plunging the three children to their deaths and impaling their two parents who were standing close by.

There was utter silence on the deck as each remembered that the mast shouldn't have fallen, in fact couldn't have fallen, unless somebody had weakened its supports. There was a saboteur aboard the Nightingale. The silence continued until the brave fellow who picked up the bloody silver amulet came forward and placed it on the ground. Nobody remembered who he was afterwards, but he said " I think we should vote on this, the captain had it clutched in his hand when he died and I think he would have wanted us to do things democratically". That suggestion brought on another one, that the Lanun should elect a Captain from amongst their members. This was also agreed to, and the survivors became determined as the last suggestion was give. Everyday they would vote on somebody to lynch, starting today, to kill those responsible for the brutal massacre.

Of course, there was no way that this morning could end like this, with a semblance of happiness, thought all as yet another terror struck them. The Nightingale had begun moving of its own accord! A map maker quickly looked at his map to determine their destination based on their bearing and followed the trend set by Backwards Logic. That is to say that he promptly fainted. A few brave souls looked over at his map and gulped. The Nightingale was headed right towards the land of the Infernals!

All around them the stranded men and women began to hear a sound, neither good nor evil in its nature. They began to hear a song, a tragic song. They heard the Song of the Nightingale.

This day will be 72 hours long. The first 24 hours are for roleplaying as well as item adn captain voting.
The final 48 hours are for the death vote.

Votes for the Bloody Amulet should be in Silver.
Votes for the Captain should be in Blue. (Lanun Only)
Accusations should be in Black.
Supports should be in Green.
The Silver-Rider looks upon the stars. After a moment of studying, she frowns.

"The stars have brought us all here. They will determine where we go, and will guide us."
Yes, now that you have the cast list and the morning 1 post, you are allowed to make your own posts. The rules are still coming, but for veteran NoTW players, you don't need them.

The one thing to note is that this game runs on Niklas' accusation system.
OOC: The easy answer is poetic license. The more complicated answer is that we didn't have enough players to fill that family, so i gave it a memorial. It was a planned part of the game.
Sorry, I didn't understand you Tasslehoff. Despite the fact that I used real names, those people weren't actually playing.

I probably should have gotten permission but what is done is done.
The shop keeper stared at the gory mess, then clapped his hands, "All right! You! There! Get them cloth'n stones. We will give them a seamen's burial! And you! Get a few biscuts for all of us to think on a full belly!"

"Ahh, so what wonders do we still have to sell my dear to this group of human sailers before we touch shore again?"

(I might be not able to keep playing: kill me If inactive for 5 days. Thank you.)
*The Oceandweller wife stares at the runes for a long time* We should probably get this mess cleaned up...*gets rags and saltwater and begins to scrubs thoroughly*
A tragedy. The captain was someone dear to me. I will have his death avenged.

Therefore, I say, his son, Kol.7, be our captain now. Lead us now in this time. It is what your father would have wanted. For his son to be captain and lead on in his stead.

Furthermore, as for this bloody amulet...I say we give it to his loving wife, Backwards Logic, so she can remember him with it.

Honestly, how could this have happened...
My father? He's.... dead? No!

*He sits on a handy chair, his right hand holding his forehead.*

I.. I would like to e the captain, as Lightfang said it is what my father wanted.

My mother can have the amulet, as something to remember him by.
*sniff* "My dear husband Pinman!" Tears well up as she tries to compose herself "Who would do such a thing? I... I... don't know how to go on! It seemed like yesterday when I first met him in that old run-down coastal tavern I used to work in. It was karaoke night, he was singing "Stayin' Alive," and I just fell for him then. We had a few drinks, maybe a few more then a few, it's all a bit blurry at that point, but I let him take me home. It's there I learned why they called him "Pinman," and what a night we had! It was like finding a needle in a haystack. And I found it! *sniff* Anyway, we had so much fun together, and I miss him already. *sniff*

"He was a great man, who was very knowledgeable of the seas. He taught our son almost everything he knew, and he is certainly ready and capable to take over the Nightingale. And I would appreciate it deeply if I were to receive the Amulet; it is, besides my fond memories, one of the few possessions I have left that remind me of him, not that I'll ever forget what he did for me."

The pain become too much, and she breaks down into a puddle of tears. "My dear *sniff* Pinman! Why did you have to leave me so soon! I can't...I just can't..."She collapses into a heap on the forlorn deck. It seems as if no one could do anything to console her.
The plainsrider wife is sitting on a chair, just staring at the ocean, remembering her deceased son. She's not working what she works on. She just stars at the horizon, the waves and the clouds. The fact about getting closer to infernal lands don't make it better.
Okay, the bastard who killed my daughter walks here RIGHT NOW!








Oh crap, it's harder to find the killers than I thought it would be...
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