Novemberisms strategic resources \ unit balance


Nov 9, 2016
Does anyone know if there is a current mod that does what Novemberisms' Strategic Resources mod did? I loved that mod and I see it is still on Reddit but it hasn't been updated and doesn't seem to work anymore.

I specifically want units to not require strategic resources but to get -5 attack (or some penalty the user could modify themselves) if they don't have a copy of the relevant strategic resource in their empire.

Another mod I'm looking for is something like Rush's Unit Rebalance Mod which gave a "scissors, paper, rock" effect for the units. I.e made anti-cavalry more effective against cavalry, infantry stronger against anti-cavalry, cavalry weaker at defending but stronger at attacking weakened units, etc.

If anyone knows of new versions of these mods or could tell me how to update them myself, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm no modder but I have made simple updates, tweaks to mods in the past.
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