Old uploads availability


Jul 28, 2005
Been searching and pulling hair for an answer everywhere but no luck.

I currently only have Civ3 vanilla. Most succession games for this version are over a year old, and the game saves don't download - 'no such file'. Are they archived somewhere, or will I have to go buy conquests or ptw to learn better strategy.

This site has helped me get fairly good below regent, but to do better on monarch I need to follow some succession games. It's really annoying that I can't access the saves.

They may have disappeared, unfortunately. :( Occasionally, Thunderfall (the admin) cleans-up a lot of the uploaded files.

The real questions seem to be about learning and about software. First-off, you can buy Conquests quite cheaply now-a-days - especially on eBay or similar. Although its not immediately obvious, conquests includes "Play The World" (for free), so its a good option.

In terms of learning, succession games are great, but there are other options. There are a lot of good articles in the startegy & tips forums, and the "Quick Answers" thread in the General Discussions forum is great as well. Another option is our "Game Of The Month" competition - the 'spoiler' threads for those are a great opportunity to see how different people played the same map - comparing strategies (and we're a very friendly and helpful community ;)) Questions are asked and answered.
Yeah, I do clean up uploaded saves from time to time to free up the space. Succession games generate lots of saves games and take up lots space.

You should be able to get C3C for less than $15 nowadays. Sometimes I see some for less than $10 on eBay.
Well I really love this game so it's probably wise to buy conquests.
Yeah, I've been looking at the GOTM's. Currently downloading the mod.
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