• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Old World Quick Questions and answers (and FAQ)

Hello folks,

the game will release on Steam and with its expansion in less than two weeks - do we still have no idea what the new civilisation is? Can we also expect it to launch with a new balance patch? Will this be savegame compatible?

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
There's no greater technical changes to the game, saves will remain compatible as they are now. And of course they'll be compatible across all three platforms.
I cannot find out how to remove units from the QUEUE. In tutorial 2 you need to build a warrior and I click it 6 times when I realized I am building a queue. The X on the warriors does not work.
Please help :)
I cannot find out how to remove units from the QUEUE. In tutorial 2 you need to build a warrior and I click it 6 times when I realized I am building a queue. The X on the warriors does not work.
Please help :)

Sorry, queue cancel is blocked for the tutorials. I'll take a look next week at what I can do for this situation.

Meanwhile you should be right for tutorial 2. The warrior is the only required build, the rest is free. You can shuffle your queue till the tutorial ends.
I tried asking on the Steam forums, but haven't got a reply yet, so may as well try here.

Can I marry off my nephew heirs? Or is it only children/grandchildren?
My king can't have kids, he had an event where he can't be married or have kids but that's fine, he has nephews...

But they are 23 and 24 years old now and no event for them to get married yet. I thought there was a way I could do this manually but I don't see an option in either of their screens, or in screens for like houses, other nations, tribes, etc.

When it shows living relatives, they have no spouse. If I can't control their spouse I would still like them to get married so I can have more heirs lol. I'm getting worried...
I tried asking on the Steam forums, but haven't got a reply yet, so may as well try here.

Can I marry off my nephew heirs? Or is it only children/grandchildren?
My king can't have kids, he had an event where he can't be married or have kids but that's fine, he has nephews...

But they are 23 and 24 years old now and no event for them to get married yet. I thought there was a way I could do this manually but I don't see an option in either of their screens, or in screens for like houses, other nations, tribes, etc.

When it shows living relatives, they have no spouse. If I can't control their spouse I would still like them to get married so I can have more heirs lol. I'm getting worried...
I don't think so but I would ask in the Old World Discord.
I don't think so but I would ask in the Old World Discord.

I tried. Also tried Reddit. (As well as Steam.) Nobody seems to know. lol

I think you're right, that I can't marry them off. Was going to wait a few turns then consider abdicating, but one of my nephews got married the next turn. Phew! Children will be on the way soon. Can't wait to be a great uncle!
My ruler has the "Jugde" archtype and I already sucessfully used the ability to upgrade an Odeon into a Theatre in one of my cities. However, for some reason it isn't possible in another city:

Spoiler :


I suspect that this has something to do with a Theatre already present on another tile, but I wonder what exactly is the matter here:

a) Not more than one Theatre per city?
b) Number of Theatres per city depending on culture level and my city having not enough culture?
c) Two Theatres adjacent to each other aren't allowed?

I browsed the ingame wiki, but didn't find an answer.

EDIT: I guess its a) - when I upgraded the Theatre into an Amphitheatre it was suddenly possible to upgrade the Odeon into a Theatre. So probably one building per city only. I think the help articles should include this info, as the limits on the number of improvements per type and city vary in OW - and only some contain the info (ranges/barracks list the falt maximum of 2, but abovesaid cultural buildings miss it and you also don't find e.g. the limit for Granaries/Villages, which depends on culture level IIRC.
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Oh yeah, that confused me when I had my first Judge ruler. At first I thought, oh, this is awesome, I can upgrade the Odeon and Theater and have three Amphitheaters in my city! But like you said, it's still only possible to have one of each.

I know hamlets and granaries show the limit when you hover over them in the worker options now, not sure whether they always have. There's a learning curve with those, but it's only the Judge where I found it to be a bit of a "gotcha".

I'm also impressed by how many trees you have chopped.
The "Upgrade" ability is completely useless, as you have found out. You can only have 1 of each tier in the city, so if you want all you can get, you build all 3. And you don't need any special ability to build tier 1 building in one tile, tier 2 in another, and on yet another you place the last one. Even if you lack space, you can always build the tier 3 building on top of the tier 1 building, since the tier 3 building only requires the tier 2 building, so replacing the tier 1 with tier 3 works for everyone, even with normal rules.
The "Upgrade" ability is completely useless, as you have found out. You can only have 1 of each tier in the city, so if you want all you can get, you build all 3. And you don't need any special ability to build tier 1 building in one tile, tier 2 in another, and on yet another you place the last one. Even if you lack space, you can always build the tier 3 building on top of the tier 1 building, since the tier 3 building only requires the tier 2 building, so replacing the tier 1 with tier 3 works for everyone, even with normal rules.

Upgrade costs less resources, and less turns, than a full build. I'll agree the ability is weak, but it has its uses.
Is there a way to break a peace treaty when using the No Characters option?
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Is there a way for adjacent units to directly switch their positions without having one of them to move to a third tile first? My feeling tells me that it is probably not possible, but maybe I have just missed the trick (some shortcut?). And if is not possible, I assume it is intended and not an oversight - but why? Simulating the need for manouvering space?
I think I've done it, just by clicking move onto that tile, and it consumed only 1 order, iirc.
Ok, thank you - might have failed in my case as I tried when the game already get unstable and started to behave weirdly.
Is there a way for adjacent units to directly switch their positions without having one of them to move to a third tile first? My feeling tells me that it is probably not possible, but maybe I have just missed the trick (some shortcut?). And if is not possible, I assume it is intended and not an oversight - but why? Simulating the need for manouvering space?
Yes, but both units have to have available pips and no cooldowns.

I also think (haven't tried) that you can't swap a unit out of enemy ZOC.
Do hills provide a defensive bonus?

Does building a city on a hill provide a bonus for defending units on the city tile, vs building it on flat terrain?
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