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Old World Quick Questions and answers (and FAQ)

Ooooh ok thanks, missed that. Still weird to have the menu on all the courtiers when it's not possible to marry them, no? I think it wasn't there before, I might be wrong.

Yeah that's why I asked traits.
When I get events that allow me to buy a unit from the AI (you know, those with the hilarious casual threat "if you don't buy it, it may end up in Babylonia anyway"), does that require the AI to actually have reached the required tech and buildings to train those troops?
I hope not, as that would mean I am miles behind the AI. As an example, I purchased an Assyrian Battering Ram and a Roman Hastatus at a point were I was still basically using warriors and slingers. Obviously those two units (led by capable generals) went on to wipe out an entire tribe city by city almost single-handledly. It just made me wonder, if the Assyrians and Romans were that advanced I must've done a lot worse than I thought...
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When I get events that allow me to buy a unit from the AI (you know, those with the hilarious casual threat "if you don't buy it, it may end up in Babylonia anyway"), does that require the AI to actually have reached the required tech and buildings to train those troops?
I hope not, as that would mean I am miles behind the AI. As an example, I purchased an Assyrian Battering Ram and a Roman Hastatus at a point were I was still basically using warriors and slingers. Obviously those two units (led by capable generals) went on to wipe out an entire tribe city by city almost single-handledly. It just made me wonder, if the Assyrians and Romans were that advanced I must've done a lot worse than I thought...

Nope, these events don't require the AI to have the appropriate buildings to make Unique Units (UUs).
Events do a deceptively good job at making the player think the AI is doing something (giving you a unit, threatening you, etc), while in fact they are an independent system, based on triggers that can include AI statuses (opinion level, diplomatic status with the player or other tribes & nations, Leader archetype/traits, etc) but are not directly part of the AI behaviour itself.
I don't even know if there are existing triggers that would enable to check the right conditions for this one if Mohawk wanted to implement it this way. It would have to check that the AI Nation has a city with a stronghold and I don't think this is an available trigger at the moment, although of course it could probably be made.
Roleplay-wise, it can be disturbing when an ally threatens you like that ^^

Oh yes, certainly. It's amazing how compelling the story-telling of the game can be, even knowing how it works it's very hard to dissociate the events in the game from what "feels" like a somewhat understandable net of opinions, relations and overall context.
The conjunction of this beautifully thought out event system, the limited lifespans of characters (see Soren designer's note on the subject) and transparent opinion/relation system makes for amazing immersion and brilliant stories.
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I love those games where a previous leader had imprisoned members of each family to get then terrified status and push opinion positive. Now they’re dead and the new leader has two furious families, distant newly captured cities falling to rebels, and the inability to rush production anywhere. Military is fighting under a strength malus and chasing that last ambition or DV gets so dire. I’m pretty sure the soundtrack changes to the last 12 hours of Majora’s Mask.
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Maybe a stupid question, but which combat system does OW use - stacks, 1UPT or a hybrid (ala. Humankind)?
which combat system does OW use

excerpt from Soren Johnson's Game Design Journal, Old World Designer Notes #3: One Unit per Tile
Because Old World expects combat to last multiple turns, allowing the player to overload a combat front with extra attacks (via stacking) was sapping away an important part of our unique combat system. Counter-attacks (and retreats) are meant to happen during the other player’s turn, and giving the player more opportunities to focus fire via stacking to kill a unit short-circuited that dynamic. 1UPT has multiple other advantages over stacking (including a cleaner UI, more cohesive fronts, and simpler combat rules), and we never looked back after re-implementing it.

In many ways, the Orders system, limited city sites, and one-unit-per-tile all need to be viewed as part of a single holistic system where each part buttresses the other. The enforced distances between city sites ensure that there is enough space between each city for a battle to be fought, instead of ICS-style cities inconveniently clogging up the battle lines. The Orders system prevents 1UPT traffic jams because the game allows a unit to make multiple moves with a single click and to covertly stack on another unit as long as it’s not the final destination. (Civs 5 & 6 do the same thing by allowing units to pass through each other, but because they are still limited to one move per turn, the feature is of limited use.) 1UPT, on the other hand, helps balance some of the extremities of the Orders system by making it more difficult to kill a unit via stacking. Each system cannot be viewed in a vacuum, and debates over the costs and benefits of each need to be made within the context of the game as a whole.

Forums > OLD WORLD > Old World - General Discussions: Soren Johnson on 1UpT in Old World

When a city has tiles in two bodies of water can I determine or assign in which body a new ship appears?
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Why is Eshunna not connected? River tiles connect, urban tiles connect but not the combination of them?

@fjordan specifically, the river trade network only "connects" to the tiles it borders along the river (blue squiggle). Urban trade networks only connect to adjacent urban tiles. There is no connection between the urban trade network and the river trade network. The Road serves as the connector between the two types of trade network. If you were to build a road from one of the urban tiles, to a river adjacent tile (see red arrow) then the two trade networks would be connected. OR...... build an urban improvement on the banks of the river. :)

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Maybe [All nations of xxx] could be a bit more clear? "All nations contacted by / in contact with" maybe?

Forwarded this to the event writers.
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If I conquer a city with Archive I and I don't have Metaphysics I can still build Archive II - not sure if intended

Thanks. Happens for Treasury, Forum and Archive BTW.
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