PAE VII (Jan 2025)

Scenarios: Idk, those things are probably intentional by the creator
Cults: should coexist
Boats: I think I got it, due to the unload bug
reed boats: intended
merchants: ok, I have to check
Pyramids: Idk... have to check
Oh ok, tnx. So far so good, didn't had any major bugs :), ai is def better than VI.
Except the black holes (fog of war, unexplorable, which hides the unit, but they disappeared after a while), very weird, but ancients enjoyed mistic phenomenon :lol:
Only about the map, i like the aesthetic, but didn't like copper/tin/iron scarce.
Also, even the time victory is off, i got ,i think from 1800BC, countdown turns to win.
you have black holes too? oO...

Time victory begins? uff.... sdk makes troubles,.... nobody can plan this before..
Yeah, time victory begins somewhere between 1800-1700BC, its different with every game.
Playing as Macedonia i didn't found any black holes, but when playing Egypt, Nubia, Persia i did, is it possible that it happens only on desert terrain,
cause that's where i saw it?
Also, few minors - i got a spawn of group of panthers and tigers with Nubia on jungle tile :)
and got stuttering when barbarian unit attacks mine (never got stutter before).
And question, Is it really possible to build Wind Kiln site, where 8 wind kilns are required before Bellows, even on marathon, it seemed impossible to me.
oh, I have to check that next patch....

now, PAE VII is officially online and ready for download.
Hello Pie, great news about PAEVII, congratulations! I wanted to give it a try but I get a message in the loading window: "GFC Error: failed to initialize the primary control theme"

I googled it an it seems other users have seen this in other mods, and the solution is about the folder in which the mod was saved. What is strange is that I saved the mod in the same folder I have all others, including PAE VI and they all work fine. I am lost

Hello Pie, great news about PAEVII, congratulations! I wanted to give it a try but I get a message in the loading window: "GFC Error: failed to initialize the primary control theme"

I googled it an it seems other users have seen this in other mods, and the solution is about the folder in which the mod was saved. What is strange is that I saved the mod in the same folder I have all others, including PAE VI and they all work fine. I am lost

View attachment 716032

Hey, I had the same issue. If you change the name of the folder in any way it creates that error. If you change it back to "Pie'sAncientEurope" I think you shold be fine. Worked for me!
Hi Pie
As I said before on a number of occasions, a fabulous mod, thank you for changing my life!!

So have played vii with Romans on Brechmitts fantastic xxxl. Got to 1700bc and black holes started to appear in northern Italy. Had discovered 20 civs at that stage. No other major bugs.

Note that on capturing a City it seemed to catch troops trying to go through even though the movement round number indicator said it would go the other side. So I now always move troops around these cities incase it over loads the city population.

Thanks again for a great mod

Yes, please don't rename the mod because in some files there is the correct folder path required.
So, for just using just one folder name in future, I call it "Pie'sAncientEurope" for now. All other mods also don't use the version number in their folder names.
I recommend patch 7.1 (in the download-thread), it fixes some nasty python bugs.

About the black holes: I don't have a clue atm

@Jaguar55 : I'll check that next time. I had no time the last days for that.
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Yeah, time victory begins somewhere between 1800-1700BC, its different with every game.
=> MaxTurns wasn't set to 0 in those scenarios. I found it in 7 scenarios and set it to 0. thx!

Playing as Macedonia i didn't found any black holes, but when playing Egypt, Nubia, Persia i did, is it possible that it happens only on desert terrain,
cause that's where i saw it?
=> No, because it happened in north Italy too. Perhaps I will find a fault in the sdk some days.

Also, few minors - i got a spawn of group of panthers and tigers with Nubia on jungle tile :)
=> Jungle is ok! they spawn in jungle. remove that jungle and they will never spawn again there ;) it's perhaps an intended by the scenario maker to set jungle there.

And question, Is it really possible to build Wind Kiln site, where 8 wind kilns are required before Bellows, even on marathon, it seemed impossible to me.
=> ah, I understand. this is set in the world size. huge has +100% of prereq_num_buildings. So 6 cities (instead of 8) for a huge map is ok?
Question to all:

Do you prefer if the folder is called PieAncientEuropeVII instead of Pie'sAncientEurope ?!?

and perhaps PAEVIII etc... ?
I'm good with both options :), maybe with number, if somebody playing different versions idk...

tnx for the quick patches btw:)
So 6 cities (instead of 8) for a huge map is ok? Sounds good :thumbsup:

As for the jungle spawns, i know that, just thinking more about how they spawn - like an army of tigers and panthers (10 i think) going in group on killing spree through your empire :)
But thats no big deal, just an annoying observation.

So far in 7.1 i really didn't have any major game breaking bugs.
Only bug that could ruin an experience for me was damn goats :) btw they are still attacking

Quick question, when you are at war and attacking vassal, what are the odds to trigger joining you and turn against their master?
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Hi Pie
Defo with the roman numerals for me ie PieAncientEuropeVII

For info and I'm not sure if it was by design but I have found exploration up the rivers easier, because animals don't attack across. So if you/team have thought of this, as exploration obviously followed river valleys historically, well done.

Reed Boats when I played Egypt last, but not on VII, I found worthless.....are they meant to go up the river tiles?

Thoroughly enjoying.........1,745hrs in total since I started your mod many many years ago.......... OMG

Hi Pie
Thank you for the latest patch. Presume we have to delete the maps in the maps folder?

Also will I encounter black holes with this latest patch do you think?

PrivateMaps folder: the 9 included should be replaced. the other ones (of the PAE VII fullversion) shall be ok.

I don't know, if black holes will happen again. I just fixed rare but important python errors. we will see.
Thanks Pie, I'll let you know if Black Holes appear. Just re=started a Roman game.
Kindest Regards

Patch 7.3 will come soon.
I added the ability for hunters to construct camps. I miss that! But the hunter will get removed. For that, the unit gets cheaper.
Two good reasons, why the unit gets disbanded when a camp is built:
1) I have no animations
2) the camp would be "stay empty" if the hunter moves away again.

An important movement bug for chariots gets fixed (they ignored enemy units on forests with roads).
7.3 is online! I recommend to patch Pie'sAncientEurope with that, it solves the chariot bug, removes the start screen bug and even removes some CtD bugs. It is the most stable version atm!

PAE VII should finally be playable now! Have fun!!
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