Yeah, time victory begins somewhere between 1800-1700BC, its different with every game.
=> MaxTurns wasn't set to 0 in those scenarios. I found it in 7 scenarios and set it to 0. thx!
Playing as Macedonia i didn't found any black holes, but when playing Egypt, Nubia, Persia i did, is it possible that it happens only on desert terrain,
cause that's where i saw it?
=> No, because it happened in north Italy too. Perhaps I will find a fault in the sdk some days.
Also, few minors - i got a spawn of group of panthers and tigers with Nubia on jungle tile

=> Jungle is ok! they spawn in jungle. remove that jungle and they will never spawn again there

it's perhaps an intended by the scenario maker to set jungle there.
And question, Is it really possible to build Wind Kiln site, where 8 wind kilns are required before Bellows, even on marathon, it seemed impossible to me.
=> ah, I understand. this is set in the world size. huge has +100% of prereq_num_buildings. So 6 cities (instead of 8) for a huge map is ok?