Added new optional work in progress addon SMAC immersion submod. It replaces the vanilla units, buildings, technologies, terrains names and description to ones applicable from SMAC. It also visually replaces the vanilla fungus color from purple blue to reddish pink of SMAC's xenofungus. Future updates to this will include more tech text, icons, images from SMAC.
Thanks to Tiramisu for showing it was possible to edit terrain graphics, thanks to Damjan Cvetkov-Dimitrov for upscaled Peacekeeping base, thanks to for upscaling Planet image used to replace vanilla titlescreen replacing since that site no longer offer upscaling. Thanks to GIMP the software I used to recolor fungus and titlescreen logo.
Added Isard's Empire from Star Wars
Added Northway Expedition (My arctic oc faction counterpart of House Atreides)
Remove extra bulletpoint in faction description for the Black Heart Cabal, Fatherland Empire
Minor fixes in faction description of Morgan, University, Spartan, Hive, Drone, Kavithan
Recycling Tanks and Nerve Stapling icons are now transparent
Stronger Aliens Messari Infestation feature changed spreadRate from 0.5 to 1.0 so it now spreads faster
Isard's Empire
Ecumenopolis: +6 habitat, +100% cost for colonizers and Headquarters
Imperial Center's almost invincible defenses: -75% cost for all defensive buildings
Head of Imperial Intelligence: +10% infiltration attack and defense power, -25% cost for espionage units
Imperial Civil War: +10% cost for military units
Culture of Fear: -2 morale
Krytos Virus: Upon founding their first city, lose -40% growth for the next 60 turns in all cities
Starts with an extra Covert Agent
Begins with Espionage researched
Northway Expedition
Arctic Power: +25% power for units in snow and tundras
Advanced Defrosting Technology: +2 food from snow and +1 food from tundras
Veteran Mountaineers: +25% power for land units in mountains and hills
Colonial Maintenance: +10% more upkeep for all buildings
Snowmobile Scouts: Begins with a Seeker ATV instead of a Colonial Trooper
Changed dialogue in Peace, PeaceAccepted, PeaceRejected, ResearchPactRejected, AllianceAccepted, GiftRejected0, GiftRejected1, OfferGift0, NonAggressionPactTerminated
Slighty changed dialogue in NonAggressionPactAccepted, NonAggressionPactRejected, GiftAccepted0, GiftAccepted1, RejectSanctionsAgainstThirdParty0, AcceptPeaceOfferToThirdParty0, AcceptPeaceOfferToThirdParty1, RejectCreditsForDeal0, LetMeThink
Added standingMultiplier sub to Isard's Empire
Changed faction leader quote. Thanks to for cloning Miriam voice for the new quote audio.
Changed dialogue in Insult2, TerminateAlliance, AllianceRejected, RejectShareMap, AcceptWarDeclarationOnThirdParty0, TributeRejected0, DemandSanctionsAgainstThirdParty0, TradingPactRejected
Changed dialogue in Praise
Human Hive
Changed faction ability: increased growth from +20% to +30% in Rapid population growth, added malus -5% credits from taxes in Little political freedom, added bonus 3 free Nerve Stapling from Ruthless police state methods
Changed dialogue in AcceptWarDeclarationOnThirdParty1, TributeRejected0, OfferShareMap, RejectShareMap, AcceptShareMap, TerminateOpenBorders, RejectOpenBorders, DemandWarDeclarationOnThirdParty0, AcceptWarDeclarationOnThirdParty0, RejectWarDeclarationOnThirdParty0, RejectWarDeclarationOnThirdParty1, GiftRejected0, Crime0, Insult1, NonAggressionPactRejected, AllianceRejected
Slighty edited Dialogue in PeaceRejected, GiftAccepted0, GiftAccepted1, GiftRejected0, GiftRejected1, Crime0, Crime1, Crime2, CondemnAccepted
Changed dialogue in CondemnAccepted, Condemn
Changed dialogue in TradingPactTerminated, Eliminated, AcceptSanctionsAgainstThirdParty0, RejectSanctionsAgainstThirdParty0, AcceptSanctionsAgainstThirdParty1, RejectSanctionsAgainstThirdParty1, DemandSanctionsAgainstThirdParty0, TerminateTradingPact, TradingPactAccepted, TributeAccepted0, TributeRejected1, AcceptCreditsForDeal0, AllianceRejected, DemandPeaceOfferToThirdParty0, DemandWarDeclarationOnThirdParty0, DenounceThirdParty0
Cult of Planet
Added standingMultiplier sub to Sacred Rose, Blood Ravens, Isard's Empire
Free Drones
Changed dialogue in PeaceAccepted
Added standingMultiplier sub to Fatherland Empire, Isard's Empire
Data Angels
Added standingMultiplier sub to Isard's Empire
Changed dialogue in Denounce, WarAccepted, OfferSurrender, RejectSurrender, Crime0
Changed dialogue in Insult0, Insult1, Insult2
Changed faction ability: replaced Tamed Galeth (Power 4) with Battle Ogre Mk1 (Team-colored Messari Mech with Power 8 but unhealable)
Changed dialogue in Insult0, Insult1, Insult2
Changed faction ability: replaced Tamed Galeth (Power 4) with Battle Ogre Mk1 (Team-colored Messari Mech with Power 8 but unhealable)
Sacred Rose
Changed dialogue in GiftAccepted0, Compliment0
Added standingMultiplier sub to Isard's Empire
Blood Ravens
Added standingMultiplier sub to Isard's Empire
Black Heart Kabal
Added standingMultiplier sub to Isard's Empire
House Atreides
Changed dialogue slightly in DemandSanctionsAgainstThirdParty0
Changed faction ability: replaced Well-paid Military: +10% unit upkeep with Building on sand: +15% cost for buildings
Kerrigan's Zerg
Added standingMultiplier sub to Fatherland Empire, Isard's Empire