Pandora: First Contact (Civ, SMAC & Beyond Earth like game)

Hi there, Pandora fans! :)

Monaldinio and I are currently working on reviving the good old Alpha Centauri with the help of this brilliant game! So far, we currently have the 14 factions (only the diplomacy texts are currently missing) added to Pandora and are now working on the technologies, buildings, weapons etc.
We are currently lacking of writers - so if you are interested in writing several diplomacy texts for the 14 Alpha Centauri factions, please say so! I will send you a PM with more detailed instructions for what is needed.

If you want to have a look what we already have, feel free to download the attached file and extract the folder "Data" to "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Proxy Studios\Pandora" (or "C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Proxy Studios\Pandora Beta" if you're using the beta version of Pandora). To disable the mod, just rename the folder "Data" to something like "Data_".


We are currently lacking of writers - so if you are interested in writing several diplomacy texts for the 14 Alpha Centauri factions, please say so! I will send you a PM with more detailed instructions for what is needed.

I'm interested.
Hi warpus!

I'm glad to hear that. :)

So I assume you already have Pandora: First Contact? Then have a look into the install directory of the game. In "\Data\Core\Languages\English" you will find several XML files which contain all the texts you see as a player. Let's have a look in Economic.xml, for example. This file contains all the diplomacy texts for the faction "Noxium Corporation". There are also comments with some explanations in this file.

What we need is this file for all of the 14 factions. I can give you a text file from Alpha Centauri which contains the faction's diplomacy text blocks - you can use these word groups to form the sentences for Pandora. A very welcome side effect would be that the player is reminded of the faction's Alpha Centauri texts when playing this mod.

So what do you think? :)
I've been playing this a bit lately. It is utterly transparent in its attempt to be a modernised Alpha Centauri, I mean there is zero attempt to hide it whatsoever. The factions are a complete cut-n-paste job (except they shafted poor Pravin Lal), the xenofungus, the techs, the quotes for everything, the unit workshop, etc. It's fairly stripped-back in comparison, but it's a small team with a small budget so it's understandable. However, the one thing I'm not sure it can ever have is the sheer character of Alpha Centauri - they did something really amazing with the writing of that game that made all the factions and the world ooze character, and I don't think a retread can possibly capture that.

And looking at their forums, the devs are actively adding new features (seems like more terraforming and supply crawlers are next), so I have some high hopes for it. That said, while it seems perfectly stable, it does feel a bit work-in-progress at the moment, with a bunch of stuff that could really use balancing or fleshing-out.

All that said, it does a lot of really interesting new things, and I really like a lot of what they've done that's different:

- First off, the planet hits back really fast and really hard. The aliens (they're more starship troopers-y aliens rather than mindworms) spawn massive hordes, some of which are way stronger than your forces, and they attack relentlessly. It's really a battle for survival where you have to prioritise military techs just to hold them off and then push back to destroy their hives. Expansion has a real calculus of "can I hold this city against the hordes?". Much harder than raging barbs in civ, and really cool. It's only really a short-lived threat at the moment though.

- Production is de-linked from cities in a really cool way. Citizens either farm or mine a tile, or act as worker or scientist specialists. Food goes into a civ-wide pool, and mining produces minerals that also go into a civ-wide pool, which can then be used by workers to convert into production in their own city. The result of this is that you can really specialise cities hard - one city can be producing nothing but food, feeding your whole empire; another can be producing only minerals; another can be the seat of production, etc. It also means that any city can throw all its people into worker jobs temporarily if you need to build something - this is a really nice change from the civ games where that city in the middle of the grassland is never going to be able to build anything without gold. This system works really fricking well.

- Perhaps a bit of a polarising one, but the tech tree is semi-randomised, so you can't just follow the same beelines every game (and by default you can only see a small way ahead). But beelining is really worthwhile, and it emphasises making the most of the random stuff you get along the way rather than trying to fill the whole tree. I like it.

- Combat is much more Civ IV than Civ V (despite the hexes), but has some interesting mechanics to try and make it less stack-of-doomy. There are pretty significant flanking bonuses, different unit types get different bonuses and penalties on different terrains, artillery can damage all units in a stack (and can attack without taking damage), and there are orbital bombardment attacks that can damage all units in an area. There's also all kinds of crazy rock-paper-scissors interactions going on with the five zillion weapon types you can equip units with. Not sure it all quite balances out at the moment, but it's interesting.

Anyway I'd probably still counsel holding off on this one for the moment unless you're an Alpha Centauri die-hard, but I'm really really interested to see where it'll be six months or so from now.
Just found about the title myself and played it about 8 hours or so. The game as it is - is a complete disappointment. SMAC's gameplay is still sooo much better. Though it looks really promising for modding.
The randomised tech tree shafts you pretty hard when you need certain combat units to survive.
Hi warpus!

I'm glad to hear that. :)

So I assume you already have Pandora: First Contact? Then have a look into the install directory of the game. In "\Data\Core\Languages\English" you will find several XML files which contain all the texts you see as a player. Let's have a look in Economic.xml, for example. This file contains all the diplomacy texts for the faction "Noxium Corporation". There are also comments with some explanations in this file.

What we need is this file for all of the 14 factions. I can give you a text file from Alpha Centauri which contains the faction's diplomacy text blocks - you can use these word groups to form the sentences for Pandora. A very welcome side effect would be that the player is reminded of the faction's Alpha Centauri texts when playing this mod.

So what do you think? :)

Nope, I don't! I assume that's the link you posted several posts above this one?

When do you need stuff by?

Just hopping here to ask for your help: Pandora is lacking an essential feature, and we need to show the devs that a lot of people badly want it.
I'm of course speaking of hotseat multiplayer!

If like me you think playing side by side with a friend is half the pleasure of 4X games, please consider to sing your love for hotseat multiplayer there:


Oh, and if your first try of the game didn't convince you of its potential, have a look on what the 1.3.0 update is bringing to us:

In a nutshell: new actions for formers, including the ability to be used like the Supply Crawler in SMAC, and new diplomatics options.

I've seen a mention of sea formers by a dev somewhere on Pandora's forum too, so they're coming in a future update.

While I agree that this game still has a lot of room for improvement, I think it has a great potential.
Hey, it's not everyday you can report a bug and see it fixed less than an hour later:
I just received this incredible information from the game designer:

The upcoming Steam version (May 30) will include the Pandora addon with the former working title "Alien Invasion".

All current Pandora players with a valid serial key will be able to
register their serial & redeem a FREE steam key on May 30.

This way, all registered Pandora players will be able to receive the addon for free!

From the Steam description:
On 30 May, the ancient Messari will return to Pandora with all their might. Build up your army and fortify your garrisons to withstand the greatest challenge in the history of mankind.
Hey guys, long time no see.
Just wanted to say the game is looking awesome, after trying it out in the alpha development, I think the game came a long way into adding flavor and strategy.

Of course as any other awesome game, the experience becomes heightened when playing multiplayer. Which this game has great support for.
Anyone out there available to it?
Hey guys, so I've recently found out about a very similar game that looks almost identical to beyond earth, it's called pandora: first contact. Check it out -

Link to video.

Here's the URL -

The games description -
Pandora: First Contact is a science fiction 4X turn-based strategy game on a planetary scale.

In the future, factions have risen up from opportunities and ideologies independent of governments. Private corporations and religious movements have started wars over greed, ideology and power. Many have died and many lands lay in ruin. Planet Earth has been exhausted and colonial attempts on other planetary bodies have been in vain.

What do you think about it? It has som distict features but what looks better, this or BE? Tell me in the youtube videos comments or below! :)
I bought it quite some time ago. It's ok. Wasn't super glued to it. I think quill18 late last year did a video, which is when I picked it up. Maybe I should give it more of a chance.
More like the other way. Pandora got out of the gate first, and it's not a AAA studio either.
I've seen Total Biscuit's first impressions of it and I'm not overly enthused. It seems much more of a SMAC/X clone than BE is shaping up to be. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I picked up SMAC/X for a fraction of the price of Pandora on, so I am in no rush to buy Pandora.

Be is going to be an unholy union of CiV and SMAC/X and there are things it does its own way so I'm more interested in it.
Yeah, I was very hyped for it a while ago... then read the reviews and even later TotalBiscuit's first impression video.

The consensus seems to say that it's a serviceable, solid game with some interesting innovations, but nothing special. Trying to do what SMAC/X did without having the knack of connecting gameplay with story to make things memorable (and I'd argue that's why Civ is so successful, too, all the mechanics feel "attached" to real buildings, armies civilisations and so on).

Example: the victory conditions, Pandora's victories are... "discover 75% of all techs", "control 75% of the population" and "have enough money to buy 75% of all other factions combined".

These victories work, but they're bland as hell.
Yeah, I was very hyped for it a while ago... then read the reviews and even later TotalBiscuit's first impression video.

The consensus seems to say that it's a serviceable, solid game with some interesting innovations, but nothing special. Trying to do what SMAC/X did without having the knack of connecting gameplay with story to make things memorable (and I'd argue that's why Civ is so successful, too, all the mechanics feel "attached" to real buildings, armies civilisations and so on).

Example: the victory conditions, Pandora's victories are... "discover 75% of all techs", "control 75% of the population" and "have enough money to buy 75% of all other factions combined".

These victories work, but they're bland as hell.

Yes, but alpha centauri is old as heck. I really love old games, but only the ones who have a unique art style that still looks decent even if its 10 years old. A good example of this would be crash bandicoot/rome 1/stronghold. That's just me. And pandora is quite fresh to be honest, it's sadly not as addictive as civ 5. :/
Man, Alpha Centauri... how many hours have I sunk into that? If CIV:BE hits the right notes... oh man.
I took a look at the factions...
So many similarities with Alpha Centauri's leaders, we got an environmentalist female (like Deirdre Skye), a religious female (like Miriam Godwinson), a Chinese man (leading the Solar Dynasty..., like Sheng Ji Yang), a Capitalist male (like Nwabudike Morgan) and so on. Except for the Solar Dynasty (:lol: guy, all of the leaders are Caucasian. I don't know what to think about them basing factions off of Alpha Centauri's...
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