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Patch - When?

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Aug 26, 2005
Eye of Terror
Question is simple. Firaxis told that it would be "soon" but is there are some precise info? At least it is better to know that patch is delayed than hopethat it'll come "soon".
FIraxis siad just the other day that it is in QA testing now. So, soon.
Oh geez, another patch thread. :rolleyes:

There was a post by Thamer from Firaxis very recently where he stated that it's in the hands of Take 2's QA dept. As soon as it's cleared by them it will be released, provided they don't find anything wrong. He mentioned however that they have other priorities at the moment and Civ 4's 3 third patch is on a bit of a backburner at the moment.
The patch will come out when it is done. It won't come out when there have been 500 posts asking when the post will come out. Soon means soon. It means they are getting close to being finished but still have some work to do on it.

When it is finished, they will release it. Have some patience.
He mentioned however that they have other priorities at the moment and Civ 4's 3 third patch is on a bit of a backburner at the moment.

Other priorities? Like what? Going to conferences and giving interviews? :p
Ranos said:
The patch will come out when it is done. It won't come out when there have been 500 posts asking when the post will come out. Soon means soon.
I'm pretty sure I read an interview somewhere where Soren or Sid said that they were specifically waiting for the 7th Patch thread or 982nd post regarding the patch to come out on this board in particular and then, AND ONLY THEN, will they release the patch.

Seems to me we TOO patient ~ we're still behind in posts & threads, and there's no one to blame but ourselves.
pholkhero said:
I'm pretty sure I read an interview somewhere where Soren or Sid said that they were specifically waiting for the 7th Patch thread or 982nd post regarding the patch to come out on this board in particular and then, AND ONLY THEN, will they release the patch.

Seems to me we TOO patient ~ we're still behind in posts & threads, and there's no one to blame but ourselves.

Seriously, I think people are probably running out of names for threads that have to do with when the patch will come out.
There has been more threads on this subject then my neighbor's ex-s.
elhoim said:
Other priorities? Like what? Going to conferences and giving interviews? :p

Civ 4 isn't Take 2's only game you know, they have several studios producing material for them. The QA team can only do so much at one time. And they're probably short staffed due to the financial problems Take 2 has been experiencing lately. That "Hot Coffee" fiasco cost them big time so they're probably cutting a few corners here and there. They'll get around to it soon enough.
are you impossible to please? the game we have is great (mostly).
lutzj said:
are you impossible to please? the game we have is great (mostly).

I'm sure it is if your above-spec PC will run it for more than a few minutes per session. But for those of us who still can't play through the bloody game we paid for in November...
I said it's June!...
If you can play Civ 4 to any degree (except occasional CTD or graphic glitch or connection problems in MP and other nort-so-critical bugs..) you can wait till June while playing the Civ4 as it is now.. It only 3 month's away... We will be able to enjoy patched game in Summer vaction. Acceptable thing, isn't it?
For most normal Civ 4 players, SDK means nothing to them.. they can't care less.
I have to use OLD drivers to get civ 4 to run at the start of the first time it shows your world in 4000bc (nvidias 71s. The 80s crash civ4 for me) . A fix for that better be in this patch or a backburnered patch 3 will mean i never buy a firaxis game for 45 dollars again. I cant run old drivers forever cause EQ currently doesnt work so well with the 71s in new zones without a specific graphics option on. [ie I got one game that needs new drivers. and civ4 which i cant run without old drivers~]

I remember i had to do this for a bit with civ3 when i got it after release. I had to roll back drivers to get it to work. This time though civ4 is only a few months old! If they through in the towel then ... what can i say. Ill remember that when im shopping for games at bestbuy.
With you, pholkhero!!

CIV4 runs fine on a standard map for me, that's enough to feed my addiction - I'd rather wait for a Patch that doesn't FUBAR my machine and suffer the imaginings of playing Marathon on Huge maps......Oh, the smell of it.....
or a backburnered patch 3 will mean i never buy a firaxis game for 45 dollars again.
If they would never put anything on the backburner, you can bet, the next version wouldn't cost you 45$.
Maybe these guys are at the moment testing a first patch for different game. Seems normal for it to take precedent over a third one for a game that runs fine for most people.

It will be here earlier than june btw, if that would be the case, noone from Firaxis would have even mentioned the word patch.
actually as of this morning im ready to declare my issue was directx.

See i had a hardware change and i updated all my drivers etc. However i had two nagging problems.
1) civ after the 1.52 patch wouldnt work with new drivers.
2) I occasionally got blue screens of death and lock ups in EQ with a nv4_disp.dll error

So to get around problem 1 by rolling back my drivers. But the nv4_disp.dll lockup is still annoying me from time to time in eq.

And while googling that which seems to be a common file for nvidia issues someone mentioned "reinstall directx" as the last step of trying to start fresh.

So I did that.

And its been about 72 hours now of know EQ woes[where as before i would get about 1 an evening]. And now civ will work with the freshly installed new drivers.

So i have no idea what goes on in a directx installation but it seems like it solved my problem. So anyway lesson learned. Before saying you have checked everything you can at your end add reinstall directx to the list. Because in this case as odd as it may or may not seem it was the culprit.
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