PDF: Civ4 BtS reference sheet

I love the printer friendly version. Is there a reason why you only published the booklet version? If not, I would love to have it. Single pages offer more options for everybody.

For example, even though Acrobat (Reader) offers booklet printing (which is why I don't understand why there is a booklet version btw), I don't like to use it because it means you have to fold the pages and every page you add sticks out a little more. :(
Sure, you can try to cut it, but it is a very delicate job and since I'm not very handy, I usually mess it up and it looks horrible. Instead, if I really want a small booklet, I just print A5 (half a normal page) and leave a little room for staples and then I use a binder to put the pages together.

Of course, having the pdf with single pages also makes it possible to put two pages on one paper and then put them in a folder. :p

Anyways, all I wanted to say is that I really appreciate all your effort and that I hope that you will release a fourth flavor with the economic layout and single pages!

Btw, even though my printer supports borderless printing (Canon iP4200), there are still white borders when I print. My guess is that the pdf is intended for paper with the letter format (USA) instead A4 (Europe, etc). That's why the economic version is perfect, the white borders wouldn't be noticeable there.

Kind regards
Thanks a lot for this reference booklet. It's just so handy and usefull!

Two suggestions:

1. Make a grayscale printing friendly version (i.e. replace the red characters by black semi-bold or something)

2. Add the alt-s key to the keyboard shortcuts on the last page. Alt-s allows you to mark a square. This is very usefull f.e. when you are planing the location of your next cities to build, or to mark the corner points of your future cities' fat cross for optimal city spacing. Or as a reminder where you want to place a fort, etc. etc.

I'm referring to the 2nd edition. If you have already updated, this post is obsolete.

Thanks again for this little masterpiece!
Keyboard shortcuts: You don't have the shortcut for patrol (P) and also "Rotate Camera Clockwise" is Shift, not Alt (green, not blue)

Units: Units that get bonuses against other units types have that part of their special abilities listed under strength. I think they should be under special abilities.
And also the Animals are not listed.
21st August update:
– East Indianman and Carrack icons corrected on pages 43 and 44
– Alt S shortcut added on page 68
– Rotate camera shortcuts corrected on page 68
– Ball Court info corrected on page 18
– Ger, Hippodrome and Rathaus infos checked and was good
Are there any more? I really hope it can be fixed completely so I can finally stop reprinting it.
BTW, how would you guys STAPLE this thing. I was thinking about opening up the stapler and stapling it against the cement in the backyard.
Someone mentioned taking the A4, double-sided page format to Kinko's and having them print it. I thought that was a good idea so I did it. When they told me it would cost $1.78 US per page it didn't sound like such a good idea. $60 US is a lot to print this. Even though it would be nice to have it in color I will now print it in A5 format on my home printer in black and white.
Are there any more? I really hope it can be fixed completely so I can finally stop reprinting it.
BTW, how would you guys STAPLE this thing. I was thinking about opening up the stapler and stapling it against the cement in the backyard.
That's exactly why I hope dj_anon will release the printer-friendly version on single pages. This way, you can leave a little room on one side (most printer drivers support this) and then use a clip folder to bind it (costs about 30 cents here). ;)
Are there any more? I really hope it can be fixed completely so I can finally stop reprinting it.
BTW, how would you guys STAPLE this thing. I was thinking about opening up the stapler and stapling it against the cement in the backyard.

I did it against a thick folded over piece of card, thick enough for the staple to go all the way through the booklet without touching the desk, and then bending the staples round. Maybe not the easiest way, but it was the only way I found that would keep the staples straight and lined up. I do have quite a chunky stapler though.

Or you could just borrow a big stapler from somewhere.
I did it against a thick folded over piece of card, thick enough for the staple to go all the way through the booklet without touching the desk, and then bending the staples round. Maybe not the easiest way, but it was the only way I found that would keep the staples straight and lined up. I do have quite a chunky stapler though.

Or you could just borrow a big stapler from somewhere.
It's gonna be really hard to drive the staple through that thick piece of card. May I suggest using something softer, maybe just an inch thick stack of napkins (grab a wad next time you're at Micky-D's) That's what I did, not a problem to do it at all with your standard swingline stapler (swung open of course)
Here are some corrections for the last page keyboard shortcuts. If something is already done just ignore it - my printed copy is already several days old ;)

NumPad 5 - center on unit
Shift P - Pillage
Shift Ctrl C - improve nearest city
Shift W - build watermill (on river), windmill (on hill), winery (on wine), well (on oil), whaling boat (on whale)
Alt R - rebase mode
Alt F - satellite view
Alt O - change perspective
Ctrl C - set all units of same type as active
Ctrl F - flying camera mode (must be enabled in INI file)

City Screen:
Alt item - produce item indefinitely
Mouse forw/backw - cycle through cities
MMB - exit city screen
Ctrl item - add to beginning of queue
Enter - exit city screen
NumPad left/right - cycle through cities
Shift item - add to end of queue

Alt LMB - select all units on tile
Alt LMB city bar - select all cities
Alt LMB enemy name on display - declare war
Alt mouseover enemy unit - show combat odds
Alt RMB any tile - move all units from the same tile to the new tile
forw/backw - cycle throug units
LMB RMB - drag map
Ctrl LMB - select all units of same type on tile
Ctrl LMB city bar - select all cities on same continent
Ctrl LMB enemy name on display - open trade window
Wheel - zoom in/out
Shift LMB city bar - select multipe cities (i.e. change production)
Shift RMB city bar - set rally point

Alt N - ping map for team

I think this is enough now :crazyeye:
Some minor points, and some comments, on the econo version I downloaded on Aug.21st after Anion's update.
Pages 3 and 63-67: better to say CITY not "cities".
p.19, top 3 items: ChristianITY not "ism".
p.26, Scotland Yard: this does not seem to be a normal National Wonder. I was able to build one in a city which already had the Globe Theatre and Mt. Rushmore, and later built a second Scotland Yard in another city when a second Great Spy popped up (well against the odds).
p.34, Great General: should say 'allows free upgrades' not "provide free promotion".
p.35, Horse Archer: 'first' not "firts"
p.36, Jet Fighter: 'interCEpt'.
p.45, Accuracy: should say 'City Raider 1 OR Barrage 1'.
pp.60-61: it isn't absolutely clear where the boundaries between the different civics classes lie. For example, "Government Civics" almost overlaps into Legal ones.
p.62, Great people: should say 'needS' to be settled.

Now some comments. My printer also will not do marginless printing, and insists on the final "footer" margin being wider than the top (first printed) one. This means that the front and back pages are offset from each other and when folded the side margins of the booklet are widely different, the left-hand panels almost entering the gutter. Looks very amateurish and does no justice to the author's work. Anybody else found this a disappointment ?
Tech costs, now. Those given apply only to a duel-size map, Noble level, and normal speed. Factors for other conditions are, for the record :-
Quick 0.67: Normal 1.00: Epic 1.50: and Marathon 3.00
Duel 1.00: Tiny 1.10: Small 1.20: Standard 1.30: Large 1.40: and Huge 1.50
Settler 0.60: Chieftain 0.75: Warlord 0.90: Noble 1.00: Prince 1.10: Monarch 1.15: Emperor 1.20: Immortal 1.25: and Deity 1.30
These are multiplicative, so for Animal Husbandry (costing a convenient 100 beakers at normal/duel/noble) on marathon/huge/deity the cost becomes 100*3.00*1.50*1.30 = 585 beakers.
Finally, I find no mention of the extra hammer given by a Railroad to Mines, Quarries and Lumbermills. None the less a truly splendid work, desrving the highest praise.
Posts #196 and #197 was very, very helpful.
Big thanks to you!

So, I decided to update files as soon as possible.

Here is the update from 23rd August:
- p. 68: Shortcuts rebuilded, Mouse Shortcuts added
- pp. 18–23: Removed Academy and Military Academy from Buildings
- p. 26: Removed Scotland Yard from National Wonders
- p. 27: New Special Buildings table created, Projects moved down
- pp. 23, 26, 30, 39, 55: Additional infos about costs added
- p. 45: Accuracy info corrected
- p. 49: Promotion Tree corrected
- pp. 60–61: civics boundaries cleared
- pp. 3, 19, 34–36, 62–67: typos corrected
- other minor changes
Many thanks for this new version. Just great!
I particularly appreciate the econo version. The light grey characters are now considerably better readable without background (on a b/w laser print). Thanks!
Love the econo version, but thinking I'd rather not print the title page due to all the colour. Can't the background be removed from that page as well? Or replaced with 'line graphics' instead?
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