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PIE's Ancient Mediterranean on Deity

How do you call those institutions?

EDIT: Gotta return to the game. Don't want to end 3 AM.
Oh wow. I did not know cottages allowed 5% defense. Additive. It's the only improvement allowing increased defenses. Why so? PIE?
I wished I had shipbuilding tech. But no seafaring nations around from whom we steal their ships making secret. Celts cannot learn that secret by itself. Strategea mapscript has a lot of canals and ridgelines, creating isolated sections for those without shipbuilding.
How do you call those institutions?

Junior College or Community College. Often they have vocational programs as well. You can get (2-year) Associate Degrees in certain fields which is like a certification. Often though, kids go there to prep/transfer to a 4-year institution in 1 or 2 years, with the JC/CC coursework translating mainly to "core" college coursework. I'd say there are likely 3 main reasons folks attend JC/CC 1) Financial 2) High School academic performance 3) Career goals don't require 4-year degree....also "close to home" could be a factor.

They can also be good/cheap way for professional adults out of Uni to pick up some additional certifications (like IT/computers)

We need a full report here, Tachy, so we know what is going on here :lol:

How would we get these techs we can't tech? Can you steal them through espionage.
Will do. For now, there's a good screenie. If you want. I can upload the latest save while I play towards Lydia's capital conquest. That's the end of my turnset. I got so many bad events since the beginning of the game (except the useless fish tech and the wonderful buggy duplication of Trojan Horse, which I haven't found the explanation).

BTW, I opted a duck instead of a cute kittie this time. It was funny when a duck roamed near me at the job. That was, like, so random. Usually, it's bobbing pigeons, not ducks. There was a diver, like on the canadian dollar.
Tough luck, I lost Fred the Mighty at 24% on the defensive. This game is still sh-tting crap on me. :(
Looks like Fred the Mighty has been ressurrected through keltic arcanes. (A chariot killed a hero chariot).
must.....not...lose...Fred......and..........Parsifal !!!! :lol:
I can't believe the strike of bad luck striking us. Not only the Minoan Labyrinth got destroyed like a regular building, but when I saw a GProphet kicked out of the Lydian capital and attacked while being guarded with a companion dog, well, it also got destroyed.

Pierre Vauk! Repair those gross bugs. It is simply gross!!!!
Are you having a conversation with yourself there, Tachy? :lol:

...or am I supposed to interpolate

check out the necro fasciitis on General....wow
Well, we have lost a freebee GProphet and Labyrinth of Minos through bugs. Sadly. And as a fair player, I have to clench my fists and swallow it. That wonder was simply marvelous for a large conquest of the world. All remains is Abu Simbel, which I could use that GProphet for a >14 turns GAge. Simply gross.

I have noticed this bug about destroyed units that should be captured when guarded by a capturable unit.

It becomes obvious to me there was not a single serious player testing this mod before. Just a bunch of casual players. *rage rage rage*
I don't fully comprehend what happened with the GP, but wonders should not be destroyed if you capture a city, unless Pie specifically intended for that to happen.

I think the wonder should be added back in WB, unless it actually is not a wonder. (I've not heard of it) (edit: Not of heard of it in the game...I've actually been to it)
Last decision before finishing turnset. I will destroy Lydia. I thought make peace and take a tech, but I reconsider. His last city is really weak and now is the chance to erase Creosus off the Earth. Each city has a prob for stolen tech, so I may get a free tech!
Will direct my research on a tech Hatty doesn't have, so I can trade.
Destroy the Crouton! I'm not familiar with this stolen tech mechanic. Still a few mod mechanics I don't have down.
Crouton's head on a pole. :D

Will do a proper description of what happened tomorrow. Needs a proper night. :p

I left you an empire struck by popular rage and riots.

I gotta admit destroying Croesus didn't help in the tech department. Now, Hatshe doesn't want to tech trade several techs she was willing to a bit earlier.

I recommend you now to reharness the economy first, then make a small visit to female Ragnar for more slaves. She's so weak and so abusable.


  • Boodycah BC-0820 - End of Turnset! Sworn Foe destroyed!.CivBeyondSwordSave
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