• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Play the World first Screenshots!

My guess is that:

-Viking Berserk is an amphibious swordsman
-Mongol Keshik is either a replacement for swordsman (with movement 2) or a replacement for Longbowman
-Korean Hwacha - could be a cannon with lethal bombardment, so that it can tigger golden age
-Spanish Conquistador - an enhanced Knight
What good a Viking Berserker if he doesn't have a good looking Longship unit to land him from?

I wonder if the Zulus settler will be made black?

In reply to sgrig: Wouldn't the Mongol UU replace Horsemen? Afterall, they were known as great Horsemen!

*goes and does a search on Google*

Sorry if someone has said this already, but it appears the Keshik are basically all the legions of the Mongol Army - the main troops. And since, from memory, they were hordes of horsemen, I'd imagine this UU would be mounted as well.

Viking Berserkers (is this name actually confirmed or just our suspicion?) would indeed be a bit useless without the longboats - hence why in AOE they have both units as UUs for the Vikings. I'd personally say the longboats were more important historically for them - most British Isle descendants have the vivid memories of Viking longboats on the horizon blazened into our subconcious just like other basic fears! ;)
Well, four civs are out there now: Spanish, Mongol, Viking, and Carthaginians.

I assume that the Vikings will have some sort of longship.

The Spanish have the Conquistador so I won't be able to get that Procol Harem song out of my head when I play.

The Mongols have that...thingy. Sounds interesting.

I wonder what Carthage will have? Ordinarily they would have the Elephants because Hannibal used them, but the Indians already have them. Interesting.
Originally posted by Frimlin
In reply to sgrig: Wouldn't the Mongol UU replace Horsemen? Afterall, they were known as great Horsemen!

Mongol's strategy in war is basically hit & run, shot their longbows and then run fast and then come back again. Aside from their manuverability they are also known from excellent marksmanship riding on a horse.
Mounted Archers then? There's no obvious bow in the image, but then again - there's no obvious sword either!

As for Carthaginians, they were rather well known for the Cavalry during the Punic Wars.
there have been talk around adding more modern civs (america is already in) to balance the game. but I think there should not be any new modern civ because most of them are not civs, just countries, or an old civ divided in smaller parts.
Question about setup options for PTW:

Can you have a mix of human and computer players. For example, let's say my wife and I network two computers. She's Cleopatra and I'm Mahatma (my wife is a bit more industrious...). Can we decide to add five AI civs?
I think you'll find a lot of people agree, Karl. However, one also has to consider that the US is the largest market for Civ3.

Personally, I've only ever had America in a Civ3 game by mistake - I left one of the rivals as Random. I made my own scenario and changed most of the Civ's names. For example, England became Britannia ruled by Boudicea - France was Gaul, Germany Germania.. etc it seemed much more realistic. I just wish new Civs could pop up out of merged cultures, and that countries could change their names over time to reflect the makeup of their citizens, and their locations. Ahh well, maybe in the future or some other game.
Originally posted by King Of America
Question about setup options for PTW:

Can you have a mix of human and computer players. For example, let's say my wife and I network two computers. She's Cleopatra and I'm Mahatma (my wife is a bit more industrious...). Can we decide to add five AI civs?

I'm fairly certain this should be possible. It's a rather standard multiplayer option. Fingers crossed eh! ;)
More modern civs:

What would we add? I can think of a few:

Or - since their culture is similar (note: I did not say it was the same. No flames please) maybe make one Arab civ and put Mohammad in charge?

Australia (my best bet)
Turkey (not modern)
South Africa
Originally posted by zeeter
More modern civs:

Or - since their culture is similar (note: I did not say it was the same. No flames please) maybe make one Arab civ and put Mohammad in charge?

Someone noted this on another thread, but apparently in Islamic culture it is forbidden to display the personage of Mohammed...so I don't think Firaxis is going to do that.

Also, not all Islamic people are Arabs, many are Persians, Turkish, etc., so if you choose Arab, you may not want to have an Islamic leader, although I'd be hard-pressed to think of a non-Islamic Arabian leader.

If you look at it regionally, here are the new choices so far:



North American:

So I'd have to think Incans/Mayans (I'd prefer the latter; can you make it a game mod that it automatically ends in 2012? :D ) and probably Turks or (still hoping) Polynesians.

The Kwacha (Korean UU) is probably the same specs as a Cannon, but can do lethal damage (and probably has better hit chances), making it a nasty piece of weaponry, as anyone who's played the Artillery-focused SGs can tell you.
Since i dont want to read the entire post, to find out if anyone has said something about this, here goes.

1. What are those radar things on the picture and what does they do?

2. Will some of the new civs feature some more modern special units? So far, its only germany and America, who got more modern units, and thats pretty lame.

3. What about the multiplayer? I had heard that it was going to be in a patch in the original version, but has that never been the plan?

4. As far as i can see on the screenshots, the spanish conquastidor is an upgraded version of the cavalery. If they dont change some of the excisting special units. there are going to be like 5 versions of the cavalery, which is pretty lame too.

5. Are they going to add more civ specific abilities, like religous, so all of the civs are going to be unique, like in the original game?

6. Will the game feature more pre-made maps? In the original there were only two, one small and large world map. It would be nive to have maps like the Mediterranean.
Originally posted by animepornstar
i was wondering about the korean uu. do you think it can trigger golden ages without changes in the editor?

Good question since UU's are supposed to trigger a Golden Age if they win a combat, and artillery can't. Another reasonable possibility is that this is not a UU, but an artillery available to all, in which case Korea is not necessarily one of the new civs.
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