• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Play the World first Screenshots!

You'll notice that they're also in a depotism long after they should've changed governments. Chances are its not an accurate game, probably just cheated together to show off the new stuff. They wouldn't unbalance the game by giving a civ cavalry before chivalry...
Must have been a couple of days of hard work Jeff! Any clues on content and release date of the expansion pack?
Its a Horseman unit that requires iron, in Exchange it outclasses the mounted warrior for attack. I have a funny feeling I'm going to fear the mongols more than the Persians....

Edit: I meant Iron and horses of course, but I just realized that having 4/2/2 in bronze era no matter what the cost would screw with the balance big time. I'm stumped.
Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris
Lots of cheating going on. Had a brutal deadline...
I hope you are joking. An incomplete expansion probably will be enough to incite riots all over the world. :D

Question: Why give the multiplayer setup screen a new color scheme? It reminds me of Test of Time, and that's not good. ToT's color scheme is notorious. :eek:

Edit: It's nice that the "No Goody Huts" option is on the MP setup screen. Maybe Firaxis should add that option to regular game setup screen too... GOTM could use that. :)
Originally posted by Thunderfall

I hope you are joking. An incomplete expansion probably will be enough to incite riots all over the world. :D

E3 website deadline, not product's.

Originally posted by Beammeuppy
Must have been a couple of days of hard work Jeff! Any clues on content and release date of the expansion pack?

Check the reports from E3 throughout this week. The stuff they mention in that avault article is our focus for the E3 demo I just finished. MP, Single Player and editor.

woooohhhooooo!nice screenshots!
i hope that dont allow restarting civs will beincluded in sigle player!
and check out that terrain....just awesome:eek::):D
Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris

Check the reports from E3 throughout this week. The stuff they mention in that avault article is our focus for the E3 demo I just finished. MP, Single Player and editor.


Jeff, guess it is stupid me, but where can E3 be found? Cool to read there is a demo!
Originally posted by Beammeuppy

Jeff, guess it is stupid me, but where can E3 be found? Cool to read there is a demo!

E3 is being held here in L.A. this week. I hoping to be able to go just to see the demo of the Play the World XP.
Originally posted by Beammeuppy
but where can E3 be found? Cool to read there is a demo!
E3 stands for Electronic Entertainment Expo. It's an annual event and takes place in Los Angeles. Gaming sites always have detailed coverage of the event. :)
Nice screenshots.Looks like the Vikings,Carthage,the Mongols and the Spanish will belong to the X-Pack.Any news about what u call "a complete editor"?.Will the limit of 32 civs be held?Will we be able to customize the leader heads?
There are two new buttons on the screenshot # 2 and #5.
Any comments ? Stacking and autobombard ?
the viking uu is a guy with a big axe. ok...
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