Play Your Custom Maps

Play Your Custom Maps 1.1

I haven't purchased my game on the Steam so... I don't know where I may place my custom maps... Can you help me?
Thanks for the reply. ;)

PS: Sorry for my english :)
I think this mod needs to be updated. Is anyone else having problems since the summer patch?
I tried making a test map but although I see Custom Map in the drop down list, the game doesn't seem to read the map size or players from the file, and the player Civ certainly doesn't start in the right place.
I don't see any "Custom map" in the ruleset... Thought it worked well with the previous versions of the game
I downloaded custom Earth Map.

In which folder do i place it so i can play with it?
Is there anyone else still having issues with archaeologists? Anytime i go to the archaeology site and dig it crashes?
Hi all! So today I spent a little bit time playing around with custom map. I wanted to play my custom map but with Rise & Fall rules. After digging a bit a game files, I found out that R&F expansion ruleset is called "RULESET_EXPANSION_1", so just replace in your config file following line:
  • <Row Ruleset="RULESET_STANDARD" ParameterId="Map" Domain="StandardMaps"/>
Into this:
  • <Row Ruleset="RULESET_EXPANSION_1" ParameterId="Map" Domain="StandardMaps"/>
BTW still didn't figured out how to be able to put random nations for AI and player or any city-states SO that game will not crash. It obligates me when creating a map to chose exact nations and where do they start, and I need to chose the same exact nations in exact order when starting a game. Also adding any City-state AI with any settings (Random CS, Any CS, Particular CS) makes it crash.
Hi, i have been trying to get this to work and i may be close but its still not working, I see the custom map option when i go to creat a single player game in the map drop down box. I have save my created map and moved it to the folder.

My path is not as you described , my path was C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\970184582

The folder 970184582 was empty.
I have tried to add my custom map there that did not show up in game

I also tried to create a folder named maps and place my custom map there that also did not work

When i start a game with the custom map it is not the one i created only the default you created

Please please please help
I have a few problems.

How do I install the mod ?
Why isn't there the 876864462 file ?
Does this work with Rise and Fall? It was created a year ago and I'm seeing posts that say older maps can't be used with Rise and Fall.
Does this work with Rise and Fall? It was created a year ago and I'm seeing posts that say older maps can't be used with Rise and Fall.

Sort of. The problem is that you can't load custom maps without editing Expansion1_Config.xml. You need to change

<Row Ruleset="RULESET_EXPANSION_1" ParameterId="Map" Domain="Maps:Expansion1Maps" />


<Row Ruleset="RULESET_EXPANSION_1" ParameterId="Map" Domain="Maps:StandardMaps" />

- and then you have to change it back if you just want to play R&F without custom maps. It is an absolute PAIN until Firaxis pull their finger out and make the game and Worldbuilder compatible.
It does work with R&F - you just need to edit the Mod File.

1.) Navigate to this: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\876864462
2.) Open CM_Config with notepad
3.) Locate the line: <Row Ruleset="RULESET_STANDARD" ParameterId="Map" Domain="StandardMaps"/>
4.) Change it to: <Row Ruleset="RULESET_EXPANSION_1" ParameterId="Map" Domain="StandardMaps"/>

When you create a map in world builder. You find it in:
Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\WorldBuilder

Your Custommap file must be named: CustomMap.Civ6Map
If its not that, rename before copying and pasting.

Copy and paste your custommap into:

The "Custom Map" should now be available to select from the Map drop down list.

this mod worked for me and even the ruleset issue wasn't a problem. But when I start my custom map, no great person is available. So nobody can found a religion or aquiere great works.
Do you know a solution for this?
Hello all,
I am having a similar problem as Nitram0. After lots of fun finding information on how to get Rise and Fall mod to work, thanks to pugpug and others, I got the map to load after making the changes to CM_Config, and then going through every mod I use because Civ kept telling me "recommend disable all mods". Joyously I set off with Victoria to enjoy the time consuming and lovingly created map. I might as well have played with the original Civ 6. I have Great people, but no Governors and no Ages. Anyone else have this? Has anyone actually got a Rise and Fall map to work?
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