Please Add a Seperate Icon for Artifacts.


Mar 28, 2004
Elmendorf, Tx
When on the culture screen and trying to match up art and artifacts, having both use the same icon means having to read the tooltip on a bunch of them to find the art works or artifacts you're looking for to get a theme bonus, especially since the new art or artifact you're looking for was dumped in a city on the opposite end of the list. In a small civ this isn't much of a problem, but in a large civ this can take a while to find the one you're looking for, especially with all the single slots filled.

My suggestion is give the artifacts an icon that looks like an artifact instead of using the pain pallet icon the art works use. Perhaps something like an urn/vase or statue looking icon. Then we can see at a glance which slots have art works and which slots have artifacts.
If this a change to be added to the official game and not a mod, then I recommend posting this over in the official Civ V forums.

Just kidding! The devs spend more time here at CFC they do there. ;)
If anyone knows how to actually mod it in, there's a file in the original post:

This seems a pretty good idea; I'll see if I can make an icon. I suppose we could just use the pick and shovel to represent them?

How hard would it be to code it in?

Edit: Done, I have two versions to choose from, now does anyone know how to do the code?

For that matter, perhaps a way to easily differentiate the nation/age of great works and artifacts?

Perhaps with a letter for the Age (Or perhaps a number, since there's at least three duplicate initials) and colour for the GW origin?

(Though is there a colourblind mode for Civ 5? Not sure about that.)
For that matter, perhaps a way to easily differentiate the nation/age of great works and artifacts?

Perhaps with a letter for the Age (Or perhaps a number, since there's at least three duplicate initials) and colour for the GW origin?

(Though is there a colourblind mode for Civ 5? Not sure about that.)

Then you would eliminate chance and decision making regarding digs. If you know ahead of time where to dig or not, why should that be part of a game where decisions should have consequences?
Then you would eliminate chance and decision making regarding digs. If you know ahead of time where to dig or not, why should that be part of a game where decisions should have consequences?

He's talking about in the Great Works UI, not the dig itself. He wants to be able to see the type of artifact it is without having to scroll over and read the tool tip every time.
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