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Poll: Conservative, Liberal, Centrist, ect.

See title and options

  • EXTREMELY CONSERATIVE, Like America's Libertarian Party or another independent or more conservative

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • ULTRA Liberal, more liberal than the Democratic party

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • Moderately Convservative

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Moderately Liberal

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Centrist

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Bizarre mixture (have a sense of humor :))

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
I don't think the Libertarian Party is extremely conservative. Abortion, drugs, and immigration are just a few issues that the Republican Party and the Libertarians have different beliefs on.

Republican Party - economically and socially right
Libertarian Party - economically right and socially left
Reform Party - economically right and socially right
Democratic Party - economically and socially left
Green Party - economically and socially far left
Socialist/Communist Party - economically and socially far left
I have no time for self-serving greedy politicians...
Of whatever variety.

I want to ask the same question as Hamlet. Since when does the political spectrum end at liberalism (if start on the right though) ?
After all the Democratic Party is a capitalist and rather nationalistic oriented party (please don't mention single, powerless individuals with different views :rolleyes: ).
What is ultra liberal?
What about all the Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Greens and Anarchists out there?
What about the Fascists?
Also I agree with rmsharpe that a libertarian is not conservative.

For myself the option "bizarre mixture" fits quite well though :D
I hate political parties...
Libertarian is by far conservative on most issues. For example free-market economics and the rights of the individual. However they are indeed liberal in some areas.

The current situation with each:
Far right=Hardly any government interference in most issues(unless extermley opposed to): Conferderacy, Federalism, Republic w/ free enterprise

Far left=Pure Communism, Socialism, Socialistic Democracy, total equality
What the heck is "Pure Communism?"

You can't purify a governmental system. The United States will never be a "true democracy" or "true republic."
There is no such thing as a true democracy, only different types. Democracy means "the people rule". It can be representative (like the United States) or direct. Representative ones are usually referred to as republics, such as Constitutional Republic and Democratic Republic.

This poll is NOT a total political test, it just deals mostly with economics and social issues. It's simple there is right, left, central. These three cover the economic and social stuff. To decide what you are choose the one that you most agree with.

Not too hard.
Pure communism meant.... an ideal.

The exact reason I put pure communism instead of communism was: If I put communism someone will just say no, no that can't be left wing(denial)!

I was going to just put communism however that is the reason I did not. :lol:
Originally posted by Hitro
What about the Fascists?


There are those among us who are on the authoritarian right, but not the libertarian right.
Originally posted by Reichsmarshal
There is no such thing as a true democracy,

Communist theory, however, states that Marxists are not supposed to entrench themselves in one system. It is an ongoing process to eventually reach the apex of societal organisation - Pure or 'true' communism.

This makes me think how incredibly narrow the mainstream political band is within The USA. bit disturbing, really.
What about all the Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Greens and Anarchists out there?
Yeah! I fall into that range!

Politically, in the UK, I support the socialist alliance and the green party. I suppose my idealogy is kind of a big mixture, I form all the opinions myself (rather than just saying 'hey i'm going to do what that party says') so i don't fall into any one particular band.

As far as communism goes....the very word is way too broard, there are many different forms of it and it is a bit difficult to bungle them into all one defintion. I assure you my veiws are very different to that of Stalin yet most people call me a communist!
. Representative ones are usually referred to as republics, such as Constitutional Republic and Democratic Republic.
Isn't Britain a democracy? Not all democracies are republicans, some are constitutional monarchies. Also Communism isn't a form of government it is a stage in history according to Marx. It is the point where the state is no longer needed.
Originally posted by MrPresident

Isn't Britain a democracy? Not all democracies are republicans, some are constitutional monarchies. Also Communism isn't a form of government it is a stage in history according to Marx. It is the point where the state is no longer needed.

Don't go by Civilization 2's/3's definition. A democracy is vaguely defined as a governemnt in which "the people rule" it can be either representative or direct.

It is usually called "a republic" if it is representative.

About Communism, it depends on who you are asking to define it. Some say it is a socialist dictatorship (like the Soviet Union), some say it is a literal interepretation of what Marx wrote, some say it is a utopian ideal.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade


There are those among us who are on the authoritarian right, but not the libertarian right.

What is convservative about Fascism? The name of the party was National Socialist Workers' Party. Hitler, supposedly a fascist, instituted abortions and euthansia, nethier of which is at all right wing.

About Authortariansim. This poll deals strictly with Conversative/Liberal.

Also what does Anarchy have to do with Socialism?? They are opposites!! An anarchist wants NO governemnt, not a huge centralized one that steals and redistributes wealth.

Similarly Libertarians never support income taxes, which is very very liberal.
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