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Zards Political Theories In Action

For this reason I think FPTP combined with single transferable vote is a good system (perhaps the best system?) but without single transferable vote I don’t like it as much.

I suspect no political system will be perfect.

Eg we have proportional but that means things get dragged towards the middle so big issues go into the to hard basket.
For this reason I think FPTP combined with single transferable vote is a good system (perhaps the best system?) but without single transferable vote I don’t like it as much.
FPTP with STV isn't a thing, FPTP is a counting method where the the simple plurality wins and STV is a different counting method where preference orders are included. Presumably you mean single member districts with preferential voting like Australia's lower houses?

Preference voting makes single member districts not actively anti-democratic the way FPTP is, by removing the tactical voting dilemma and allowing voters to express their full will.

That makes the system barely adequate, but it still leads to all the problems with single member districts - unfairly majoritarian, does not produce proportional results, overly privileges geographically concentrated constituencies over dispersed ones.
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