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Poll: Which note should we send to Saturn?

Which note should we send to Saturn?

  • Sommerswerd's note.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • donsig's note.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Neither note.

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Low level intermediary
Mar 6, 2001
Rochester, NY
This poll is to decide which message (if any) we will send to Saturn. There are three options:

Sommerswerd option said:
Dear Lord Parkin of Saturn:

We need to re-establish trust between our teams, so that we can rely on your word. If you truly desire to begin rebuilding trust between our teams then the first step is to send us Feudalism. We can also integrate the other steps of your proposal into a new agreement between us.

You are correct in thinking there are trust issues between us, the greatest being that your team has not yet followed through with our prior tech trade deal. It did not help to foster good relations between us when you traded feudalism to SANCTA. We now are concerned that techs we trade to you will be forwarded to SANCTA. We see no way of guaranteeing you will not pass on our secrets to our enemy, other than the word of your team. Being able to trust each other is the most important step in creating a path to friendship. We have to be able to trust your word.

We are greatly dismayed at your apparent decision to ally yourselves to SANCTA. We had high hopes for a lasting partnership with you. We also apologize for not including you fully in our co-operation with Cavalieros, and understand fully how this may have disturbed you. You are correct that we have been engaged in tech trades with Cavalieros and Mad Scientists.

We wish to salvage the possibility of a relationship with you. Would you consider joining us, Cavalieros, and Mad Scientists in a four team tech sharing partnership? We would include you fully in the same relationship that we have with Cavalieros and Mad Scientists, which would be an immediate boost to your tech. Of course this would mean you would have to cut off all ties to SANCTA. Are you interested in such a partnership? If so, the first step in the multi-step process you suggest, would be for you to send Feudalism. We have proven ourselves trustworthy in our past dealings with you. Are you willing to reciprocate by showing a degree of trust to us?

Sommerswerd of Kazakhstan

donsig option said:
Hello Lord Parkin,

I take it that you realise that Sommersward was not acting in any official capacity on behalf of Kazakstan and the opinions he expressed were his own and not the general consensus. Nonetheless he raises some interesting issues.

Your reading of the wider geo-political situation described in your previous message is wrong, but we won't explain where or how it's wrong. Suffice to say that hopefully it's not your biggest strategic error of the game! You're not on our hit list, and we traded with MS and Cav more than you for the simple reason that we had contact with them before we had contact with you.

You are correct in thinking there are trust issues between us, the greatest being that your team proved untrustworthy regarding a tech trade that we partially paid for up front. It did not help to foster good relations between us when you traded feudalism to SANCTA. Surely your team realizes they have attacked us. Frankly, the biggest obstacle to friendship between Kazakhstan and Saturn is our fear that any techs we trade to you will be forwarded to the ninjas at SANCTA. We see no way of guaranteeing you will not pass on our secrets to our enemy, other than the word of your team and I'm sure you can understand we have little faith in that right now.

If you truly desire to begin rebuilding trust between us then without doubt you must understand that the first step will be to honour your previous commitment and send us Feudalism.

donsig of Kazakhstan

The final option is to send neither note.

The poll will be open for three days and the vote is private.
I don't see how we can send either note as the reason Saturn didn't give us Feud before was they were concerned we would pass it on straight away to Cav and MS.

Sending a demand for Feud without also promising we won't forward it on will be a waste of time...

We also need to offer them a tech back as we were supposed to give Maths.

Btw - Saturn teched Calendar this turn.
When we made the original deal Saturn did not ask that we not trade feudalism around so I see no need to offer that now. The deal was for math, not our problem they acquired that another way. Besides, this is negotiation, they can always make a counter off for another tech and a no trade clause. Given their behavior I'm not inclined to make any offers up front. Sommerswerd and I both used Bolkonski's proposed words about them sending feudalism as a first step. If Sommers and I can agree on that part surely the rest of you can as well. :lol: It won't be a waste of time to send one of these notes because at least offical dialogue is continued.
I voted none of the 2...I think it is a waste of time, they surelly will not give feudalism for nothing and we surelly will not give them anything as they cannot be trusted.
Nice 3 way tie - guess that ='s nothing. Or we could always send all three. haha.
Send neither has surged into the lead. :lol: It leads 3-2-2. I guess silence is golden.
MS are already researching Feudalism btw...
No, just that we don't need to ask Saturn for Feudalism because we'll get it from MS
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