Popping a settler halfway around the world

Gavin Menzies: 730 BC - The year a magnificent Chinese settler discovered Sicily and ignited the Roman Empire.

Nero was Chinese?

Spoiler :

It's Gavin Menzies. Everyone was Chinese.
Why didn't you go for a good spot like Salonae or Budapest?

Barbarians. But now that I think about it, it's Viceroy so that probably wasn't a big concern. 1 axeman and I'm probably safe for awhile.

Actually do you have a save form before you used the settler? Might be a neat thing, give out the save and have a thread where we all try different things with it.

Awesome idea, too bad it's too late :(

If you want, play a Chinese game and WB a settler in yourself around 800 BC...

I'm planning on posting an update at 0 AD, probably tomorrow. No one converts to Taoism even though Rome and Athens both have it. Actually, Greece converted to Zoroastrianism.
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