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possibility of a caveman to cosmos for low end users


Aug 8, 2007
I request for a lower end version of rocks to rockets or a whole overhaul of it or a seprate version for caveman to cosmos for people with older computers and/or graphics cards or with less memory/gigabites ram and ideas for being able to play with a low end multimap, sea cities/sea stuff future sea units for the future age and for the galacitc space age, a galaxy map for the galactic age. I would suggest if this happens to simplify the version so that it isn't so hard or complex but runs faster(faster loading times, faster turn loading times with barely any bugs or no bugs) the graphics for this version could possibly be downgraded, I do not care if the graphics are not spectacular but as long as they are decent. you may want to use concepts from the future mod.

I have ideas that there could be special units for each civilization like for example Romans can at the classical era have Pratorians and legion units witch require iron or copper and special units like a certain historical great generals or great people but just not as much as what is in the caveman to cosmos mod.

whatever civilization you choose to be has the special units and great people/units only for the time or eras witch they existed in witch I think would be more realistic.

futuristic civilizations can have special individual units with no fake history or background. I would not make the great people have a individual personality of futuristic civilizations but be more general like great engineer or great scientist, great politician, great spy and what they do in the game.

the world can be like a randomly generated earth like planet that once you access a certain tech, the map that you have explored can center the earth/planet like in the future mod, then the earth/planet outer space, the moon and other planets in the solar system can be explored with artifishal satellites in the modern era clearing away the black or unknown territory then colonizing them and having space cities, moon cities, different planet cities in the future era using the future mod solar system maps.

once a civ or your civ reaches the end of the last future era if you still havent won the game yet right when the galactic era starts or you get an advance that alows you to access the galactic map(starts out completely black except for your solar system that you are able to see on the galactic map) once you get the galactic map, your map changes from the earth/solar system map to the final frontier or moo2 map after you end your turn or the game loads a random generated final frontier/moo2 map.

also I thought that there could be aliens and primitive or less advanced aliens in the game to encounter in the galactic era. These aliens are from different star systems in the galaxy or from planets or moons. they are not humanoid and can be intelligent with advanced technology and/or less advanced then we are. They can be different from humans or similar, perhaps breath in some kind of gass, not air, have something like fish gills and breath in water or a different liquid instaid of air or perhaps there is aliens who have naturally evolved to move in space and not need to breath or gill with anything.(plants are alive but don't breath, they need only sunlight to and be rooted in the ground to live as well as other factors that keep it alive witch is different from humans and animals) there could be many different types of aliens, perhaps 5-10 types for the game that are intelligent and have advanced technology of there own that is completely different to humans but works regardless. these aliens can be hostile or piecefull. Each alien species or civilization or whatever you want to call them can not look like anything from planet earth.

the aliens can possibly have space travel technology witch are at a similar advancement level to humans at the beginning of the galactic era. your civ cannot communicate with them, trade technology, or anything like that until you develop/get a advancment technology(like the universal translater in the galacitc civilization game) or they contact you I think there is already some aliens in the moo2 mod that look odd or different then any living thing on earth(might want to take a look at that mod) if you discover aliens in the galaxy before getting something like the universal translator from gal civ and you attack the the aliens in space/homeworld/home moon or star system in there territory then they can attack you back or they may go away from you with could cause them to not like you or refuse to communicate with you once you get the tehcnology that allows you to communicate with them for awhile, or war with you if they are hostile as soon as you attack them.

there can also be alien ruins located in places in the galaxy that your civ can study, excavate and possibly use technology if there is advanced alien technology in those ruins that you can reverse engineer to your civs benefit.

so will my request be granted?
Perhaps try an older version of C2C. I have a older computer (*) and C2C version 33 runs ok, a bit slowish but playable at normal map size. Version 34 and the SVN version of a few weeks ago usually crash while starting a new game. But I'm going to buy a new computer once version 35 comes out.

(*) Pentium IV 3 Ghz bought in 2004 , later upgraded to 3 GB memory and 512 MB graphix card.
Guys, download and unpack this file here:

This file remove all ethinc diveristy units (skins and models) and leave only standard C2C ones.


  • CIV4CivilizationInfos.zip
    20.5 KB · Views: 180
Guys, download and unpack this file here:

This file remove all ethinc diveristy units (skins and models) and leave only standard C2C ones.

what are ethnic diversity units? can you give an entire list of the ehthnic diveristy unit names and types?

are they like for example a roman praetorian and roman legion?
Pretty sure it's just a visual thing - for example, right now a Japanese Swordsman would visually look different from a German swordsman, but that tweak would make them all look the same. No actual unit types would be removed, but the client would have to load in and cache far fewer graphics assets, reducing memory usage.
what are ethnic diversity units? can you give an entire list of the ehthnic diveristy unit names and types?

are they like for example a roman praetorian and roman legion?

They are the same units they just look different. The warrior looks different depending on the C2C ethnic region of the nation in play.

Getting rid of the extra art reduces the graphics load a lot.
Guys, download and unpack this file here:

This file remove all ethinc diveristy units (skins and models) and leave only standard C2C ones.

This should be prominently posted in the modmods section for all others who have struggles with art size. Love the art we have but if it stops someone from being able to play it's not worth the variation right? So providing the opportunity to make the mod work for those guys is gold and I just worry that this post will get lost in the shuffle of the main forum.
Ok I created new thread with this file in modmod section.

You forgot to add the file link. :D

But I have it now. Interesting to see how further I can progress before I get another CTD due to graphics overload.

Similar system to Noriad.

Playing SEM+ I got to early Industrial age before to many crashes (graphic not MAFs).
Pretty sure it's just a visual thing - for example, right now a Japanese Swordsman would visually look different from a German swordsman, but that tweak would make them all look the same. No actual unit types would be removed, but the client would have to load in and cache far fewer graphics assets, reducing memory usage.

Is the japanese swordsman an earlier version of the samurai, is there samurai in the caveman to cosmos mod? I think if my memory is correct, sometime before the warring states/warringkingdoms period in japan there was pre swordsman and they didn't have curved katanas like samurai. there is a samurai unit in the future mod.
Is the japanese swordsman an earlier version of the samurai, is there samurai in the caveman to cosmos mod? I think if my memory is correct, sometime before the warring states/warringkingdoms period in japan there was pre swordsman and they didn't have curved katanas like samurai. there is a samurai unit in the future mod.

Samurai is a unique unit in C2C (and in BTS too). Japan as a other civ in game can build "normal" units like light swordsman, archer, axeman etc.
And this file change look of these units from asiatic (japan) to european.
All civilizations after this patch are using one style of units - european. And for that C2C take less space in memory.
Samurai is a unique unit in C2C (and in BTS too). Japan as a other civ in game can build "normal" units like light swordsman, archer, axeman etc.
And this file change look of these units from asiatic (japan) to european.
All civilizations after this patch are using one style of units - european. And for that C2C take less space in memory.

is there a way you can get the japanese units to not look European and still save ram/megabites ect... perhaps use japanese units from older mods.
They are the same units they just look different. The warrior looks different depending on the C2C ethnic region of the nation in play.

Getting rid of the extra art reduces the graphics load a lot.

well if my memory is correct, pratorians and leions were different. the legions went out to fight on campaigns while pratorians were like guards or private police that diddn't fight wars or battles, I am not sure what kind of unit a praetorian is in the game but I think they should be like a guard unit or defensive city unit for the romans.
Do they always load to memory even if they are not in-game?

Apparently so from what I understand though I could be corrected.
also if my request is granted, can the music from the latest version be downloaded to? and has there been any futuristic music for the future era and galactic era yet?

can someone post the future music that was added to the transhuman era and the galactic era or say what the music/songs are called?

has any of this music been put into the mod? http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=485671
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