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Preferred Religions

Problem is it's very odd to have these civs, developing Christianity, and they usually come up with enough faith points to do so, I don't think it would be a bad idea to add at least one religion for Native America that is their own, I mean "Aztec" religion was similar to Shinto, and Shinto was on there, why dismiss it as simply a pantheon, Taoism and Confucianism are on there, those are odd choices for religion

A Mesoamerican religion (that would be first choice for Aztec and Maya) has some good points.
Could give it to two civs
Can probably find som good iconography
Could replace an unused Religion (ie Sikhism) if desired

However, it has a fatal flaw, no name. Shintoism isn't listed there as "Japanese Religion" or "Ancestor Worship" it has an actual name. In a basic wikipedia search for mesoamerican religion, I didn't get a name for their system of beliefs.

That's why I think "random" is better for some of them (and it also provides a chance for religions that aren't a prefered option or high in order on the list to get selected)
A Mesoamerican religion (that would be first choice for Aztec and Maya) has some good points.
Could give it to two civs
Can probably find som good iconography
Could replace an unused Religion (ie Sikhism) if desired

However, it has a fatal flaw, no name. Shintoism isn't listed there as "Japanese Religion" or "Ancestor Worship" it has an actual name. In a basic wikipedia search for mesoamerican religion, I didn't get a name for their system of beliefs.

That's why I think "random" is better for some of them (and it also provides a chance for religions that aren't a prefered option or high in order on the list to get selected)

Well that just means 'god'. Although it would do I guess (since it gives a spin on it)
Perhaps Teotlism (to go with all the others)
We need 3 new religions, each one for nomadic tribes (Huns, Celts, Iroquois, Polynesia Zulu etc) American empires (Aztec, Inca, Maya etc) and ancient Mesopotamia (Assyria, Babylon etc)
each one for nomadic tribes (Huns, Celts, Iroquois, Polynesia Zulu etc)

These are all completely unrelated cultures with completely unrelated beliefs. Lumping them all together into some form of generic "primitive" religion would be insulting and make no sense.

The Zulu were primarily ancestor worship.
The Celts are of the Indo-European line meaning a pre-eminence of sacrificial ideology.
The Iroquois had a very dualistic belief system with good and evil twin creator gods.
Polynesia has a focus on "mana" which doesn't have a comparable element in any of those cultures you listed.

American empires (Aztec, Inca, Maya etc)

Making a general group to encompass Aztec and Maya would make sense, but you'd need a separate religion for the Inca whose religious system was completely unrelated to the Mesoamerican cults.

Mesopotamia (Assyria, Babylon etc)

An overarching Mesoptamian religion would work as these faiths were actually closely related.
Medieval Celts (i.e. Insular Celts) were pretty active monastic Christians (ex. Columbanus), at some points they started to independently develop their own non-Roman practices. I think Christianity is a legitimate choice even if the ancient Celts are associated with druidism and paganism.
These are all completely unrelated cultures with completely unrelated beliefs. Lumping them all together into some form of generic "primitive" religion would be insulting and make no sense.

The Zulu were primarily ancestor worship.
The Celts are of the Indo-European line meaning a pre-eminence of sacrificial ideology.
The Iroquois had a very dualistic belief system with good and evil twin creator gods.
Polynesia has a focus on "mana" which doesn't have a comparable element in any of those cultures you listed.

Making a general group to encompass Aztec and Maya would make sense, but you'd need a separate religion for the Inca whose religious system was completely unrelated to the Mesoamerican cults.

An overarching Mesoptamian religion would work as these faiths were actually closely related.

So with that said, we would have like 8 new religions?
So with that said, we would have like 8 new religions?

Well, then there's also Carthage which chooses Islam for no reason whatsoever except that modern Tunisia is Muslim. Egypt is a similar situation since it's clearly ancient Egypt in the game. Also, if you'd want to include a Hellenistic religion for Greek and Rome, and a Viking religion for Denmark (although as Bluetooth converted and it is called Denmark instead of Vikings, you can keep them Christian without any complaints).

You'd need about 11 new (doubling the current amount) and then there's the christian schisms they're adding, making 13, but Ethiopia doesn't belong to any of the 3 big Christian schisms they're adding so you'd have to add their denomination making 14 new (or 25 total) to accurately represent everyone. If the last two spots are indeed Sioux and Venice, you'd need one more for the Sioux whose belief system was different from the Iroquois, making 26 total.

(Babylon, Assyria)
(Aztec, Maya)
(Greece, Rome)



Buddhism (Siam)
Confucianism (Korea)
Hinduism (India, Majapahit-Indonesia)
Islam (Arabia, Ottoman, Songhai, Morocco)
Shinto (Japan)
Taoism (China)
Tengriism (Huns, Mongolia)
Zoroastrianism (Persia)


Catholic (Brazil, Portugal, Poland, Spain, France, Austria, Venice)
Protestant (America, England, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands)
Eastern Orthodox (Russia, Byzantium)

Coptic/Oriental Orthodox (Ethiopia)
(Babylon, Assyria)
(Aztec, Maya)
(Greece, Rome)



Buddhism (Siam)
Confucianism (Korea)
Hinduism (India, Majapahit-Indonesia)
Islam (Arabia, Ottoman, Songhai, Morocco)
Shinto (Japan)
Taoism (China)
Tengriism (Huns, Mongolia)
Zoroastrianism (Persia)


Catholic (Brazil, Portugal, Poland, Spain, France, Austria, Venice)
Protestant (America, England, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands)
Eastern Orthodox (Russia, Byzantium)

Coptic/Oriental Orthodox (Ethiopia)

Or you can just use my mods ;)

What would the ancient religions be called? I can see Hellenism for the Greeks but the Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions wouldn't really have a name. And Carthage followed the Phonecian religion which was related to but different from the Babylonian and Assyrian one.
Now that we know most of the new civs, barring 2, and we know that religions have been changed slightly, what do you think will be each civs preferred religion?

I'll be honest, I was kind of hoping that added some tribal religion or something that some of the Native American civs could get, I dislike most of them getting some form of Christianity.


Why does it matter? Religions in Civ V have no innate traits. It's just a name and a symbol.
Teotl is a term for it, doesn't exactly mean god....

Nah Teotlism isn't good

It seems that the Nahuatl word for house is "calli". If we are generous with the definition, we could interpret it to mean "house" as in an institution. Similar to how, in "The Catholic Church", "Church" refers not to a building (specifically), but the global institution that it implies.

Furthermore, the plural possessive suffix (like s', as in "the brothers' father") is "-huān"

Thus, we could name the religion "Teotlhuāncalli", meaning "Gods' House", "House of the Gods", or "Church of the (True) Gods".
The Egyptian religion is named Kemetism.

That's not really the name of the ancient Egyptian religion. Thats the name of the modern neopagan revival religion. As much as they'd like to believe so, the modern neopagan version of Egyptian religion is nothing like actual ancient Egyptian religion or practice. No academic would ever use Kemitism to describe ancient Egyptian religion or anything really outside the modern neopagan religion.
Atenism would only fit Akhenaten himself. If they ever do the multiple leaders/civ thing again, though, I'd love to see him as an alternate leader for Egypt (but Ramesses deserves the first spot).
Atenism would only fit Akhenaten himself. If they ever do the multiple leaders/civ thing again, though, I'd love to see him as an alternate leader for Egypt (but Ramesses deserves the first spot).

I would argue for Thutmose III over Ramesses.
I hope they just add icons and names for religions enough so every civilization can get it's actual religion. 26 icons doesn't seem to have a downside.
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