• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Preferred Religions

I hope they just add icons and names for religions enough so every civilization can get it's actual religion. 26 icons doesn't seem to have a downside.

Yeah, I guess you're right. So, like this?:

Spoiler :

Ancient Egyptian religion: Egypt
Aztec religion: Aztec
Buddhism: India, Indonesia, Korea, Siam
Confucianism: China, Korea
Druidism: Celtic
Eastern Orthodox: Byzantine Empire, Russia, Sweden
Hawaiian religion: Polynesia
Hellenism: Greece
Henotheism: Assyria
Hinduism: India, Indonesia
Hunnic religion: Hunnic
Inca religion: Inca
Iroquois religion: Iroquois
Maya religion: Maya
Oriental Orthodox: Ethiopia
Panbabylonism: Babylon
Pluralistic: Roman Empire
Protestantism: America, Denmark, Germany
Punic religion: Carthage
Roman Catholic: Austria, Brazil, England, Netherlands, France, Poland, Portugal, Spain, (Venice)
Shintoism: Japan
Sunni Islam: Arabia, Morocco, Ottoman Empire, Songhai
Taoism: China
Tengriism: Mongolia
Zoroastrianism: Persian Empire
Zulu religion: Zulu

Tbh, I prefer it like this:
Spoiler :

Ancient Mesopotamian religion: Assyria, Babylon
Buddhism: India, Indonesia, Korea, Siam
Confucianism: China, Korea
Hellenism: Greece, Roman Empire
Hinduism: India, Indonesia
Inca religion: Inca
Islam: Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Ottoman Empire, Songhai
Mesoamerican religion: Aztec, Maya
Orthodox: Byzantine Empire, Ethiopia, Russia, Sweden
Protestantism: America, Denmark, Germany
Punic religion: Carthage
Roman Catholic: Austria, Brazil, England, Netherlands, France, Poland, Portugal, Spain, (Venice)
Shintoism: Japan
Taoism: China
Tengriism: Mongolia
Tribal religion: Celtic, Hunnic, Iroquois, Polynesia, Zulu
Zoroastrianism: Persian Empire
Netherlands is definitely Protestant, and "Tribal religion" or "Mesoamerican religion" sounds really bad. Much rather would have something like "Animalism" where appropriate.
Modern day Istanbul is Muslim through and through, but the Byzantines are rightfully Christian.

Different civs, different religions, same capital city with a different name. And the 'byzantines' never converted to Islam, hence why Greece chooses Christianity in the game too. Just for historic reference.

The Catholic aztecs performing human sacrifice: "This is my body … this is my blood" :lol: oh well

I think the line of thinking was akin to Mexico been considered the modern day Aztecs, and since their original religion is not represented in the game they pic Catholicism. Same for most ancient peoples in the game.

Eastern Orthodoxy didn't split from Rome until 1054.

Actually it was the other way around :D

What would the ancient religions be called? I can see Hellenism for the Greeks but the Mesopotamian and Egyptian religions wouldn't really have a name. And Carthage followed the Phonecian religion which was related to but different from the Babylonian and Assyrian one.

The Greek Ancient religion was called dodekatheon, meaning twelve gods. Hellenism is when someone follows the Greek values and culture it has nothing to do with religion.
We need 3 new religions, each one for nomadic tribes (Huns, Celts, Iroquois, Polynesia Zulu etc) American empires (Aztec, Inca, Maya etc) and ancient Mesopotamia (Assyria, Babylon etc)

In what world were the Haudenosaunee nomadic? I doubt the other ones (except for the Huns) weren't generally very nomadic either. Why'd you assume they were nomadic, you just thought they were "savages" or what?
The Polynesians don't exactly classify as nomadic either...
It seems that the Nahuatl word for house is "calli". If we are generous with the definition, we could interpret it to mean "house" as in an institution. Similar to how, in "The Catholic Church", "Church" refers not to a building (specifically), but the global institution that it implies.

Furthermore, the plural possessive suffix (like s', as in "the brothers' father") is "-huān"

Thus, we could name the religion "Teotlhuāncalli", meaning "Gods' House", "House of the Gods", or "Church of the (True) Gods".

Why? I've heard people refer to it as simply Teotl, and Teotl doesn't mean god really, it's more similar to Kami, it just seems asinine to make up a new word like that
Why? I've heard people refer to it as simply Teotl, and Teotl doesn't mean god really, it's more similar to Kami, it just seems asinine to make up a new word like that

We don't know what the Aztecs' name for their faith was called. So without historical record to provide us with what we need, we should instead invent a name, based on the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the Nahuatl language.

Which is more immersive: being notified that a city has adopted Teotlhuancalli as its religion, or that a city has adopted the Aztec Religion as its religion?
We don't know what the Aztecs' name for their faith was called. So without historical record to provide us with what we need, we should instead invent a name, based on the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the Nahuatl language.

Which is more immersive: being notified that a city has adopted Teotlhuancalli as its religion, or that a city has adopted the Aztec Religion as its religion?

Simply Teotl
"Teotlhuancalli" is a completely pointless word. There's no need to make up a new word when there are others with a historical basis or are already commonly used.

You have either "Teotl", which was not a name of the religion or what the Aztec's called it, however, it is what many people have taken to calling the religion today and refers to an important concept in Aztec religion. It translates to a similar concept as the Shinto kami or the Roman numen, i.e. a numinous presence.

You also have "Tlateomatiliztli", which again is not a native name for the religion or what the Aztec's called it. Instead it's a Nahual neologism coined by early Christian missionaries, which roughly translates to "devotion to the gods". However, this name never gained any wide appeal and remains a historical anecdote.
"Teotlhuancalli" is a completely pointless made up word. There's no need to use it and has no historical basis.

You have either "Teotl", which was not a name of the religion or what the Aztec's called it, however, it is what many people have taken to calling the religion today and refers to an important concept in Aztec religion. It translates to a similar concept as the Shinto kami or the Roman numen, i.e. "a numinous presence".

You also have "Tlateomatiliztli", which again is not a native name for the religion or what the Aztec's called it. Instead it's a Nahual neologism coined by early Christian missionaries, which roughly translates to "devotion to the gods". However, this name never gained any wide appeal and remains a historical anecdote.

Which is why I think that they should either
1. stick with Catholic
2. Have some AIs Randomly choose from the list of religions.(better option)

"Tribal religion" etc. that are describing a bunch of religions that are not connected to each other [unlike Protestant or Orthodox sects of christianity which emerged from a common core] is a REALLY bad idea, and just demeaning, Pantheons are for that.
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