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PreSLNES I: Masters of Ethereal

The Goblins of Thuggee

Spoiler :
The average goblin living amongst the Thuggee does not know who their ruler is. They know only that those of the ‘Circle’ or ‘Society’ as it is known popularly collect taxes, provide infrastructure and ultimately must be obeyed for they control everything in Thuggee society from the militia and burgeoning army to funding for private investment to the distribution of grain to the organization of trade caravans. They are perhaps best known for, however, their labyrinthine network of secret police and informants that secure their domestic power base.

Only approximately 10-15% of the Thuggee goblins belong to the ‘Society’ and two neighbors belonging to unassociated arms thereof may or may not know of their mutual membership. This is because within the ‘Circle Society’, lower ranking members know only their immediate supervisors. They may be aware that other members lie within the circle somewhere above them within the hierarchy but would not be aware of what the hierarchies contain or what their responsibilities are. When the society meets, its members are masked and their identities hidden; only one’s immediate superior, or handler, would know the identity of the member. How many layers there are or how they are divided remains a mystery to all but the highest and most secretive tiers of the ‘Society’.

The leadership of the ‘Society’ remains a mystery. Some say it is a powerful goblin wizard, others that the leadership lies with the ancestors and that the spirits of the ancestors lead through the occult layers of the ‘Society’. Others say that a dragon who lives in the great river leads the society. The truth is, it doesn’t matter. The Society’s rule is absolute, ruthless and highly obfuscated.

Beyond their secretive government, the Thuggee are known for their skills with heavy industry and mechanical contraptions. While government is protected by secret police and spies, the nation itself is protected by mechanical contraptions and intricate traps.

Secrets of the Mountain
Spoiler spellbook :
Within 100 'clicks (30)
Large Burst (every target in 50 mile radius): 200 mana
Wondrous (200)
430 mana +215 to maintain
Animates metals or stone to move like liquid and assume new forms. Once the spell wears off the metal or stone ceases to be animated and remains in the form it last took. Could be used to force rocks to fight as animated statues or to form stones into a wall or to assist in making mechanical oddities or armor.


Goblin Infantry
Spoiler :
100 soldiers
Veteran (8)
Crossbows (0)
Short Swords (0)
Leather (0)
8 gold to train, 4 to maintain

The cunning Goblins in all of their industrial desires have greatly utilized the deadly crossbow. These cheap Goblin infantry are found pouring out of mountainsides and defending their smoggy cities.
7th Circle Society Knights
Spoiler :
25 flying knights
Elite (16)
Spear (0)
Shield (0)
Crossbows (0)
Plate (16)
Flying combatant (32)
Skilled Magic (20/20)
84 gold, 20 mana to hire, 42 gold, 10 mana to maintain

Riding mechanical fire-breathing, wickedly taloned two-headed dragons and armed with short lances and armored in quality plate and shield, the Reapers normally fire their crossbows from range before swooping in to allow their mounts to do most of the dirty work. Additionally Reapers are trained in the art of bending and shaping metals and routinely use these magics to repair their mounts in battle or to disarm their enemies.
5th Circle Society Knights
Spoiler :
40 knights
Elite (16)
Spear (0)
Shortsword (0)
Shield (0)
Crossbows (0)
Plate (16)
Combatant mounts (movement and combat): 12
48 gold, 24 gold

Heavy cavalry, these soldiers fight on giant armored two-headed, fire-breathing mechanical wolves and are protected by a shield and heavy plate armor. They crash into an enemy line lances first then draw their swords for melee. They are also armed with crossbows and can serve as mounted archers when required.
Circle Operatives
Spoiler :
10 spies, saboteurs, assassins
Elite (16)
Shortswords (x2) (0)
Leather (0)
Crossbow (0)
Elite Magics (60)

76 gold, 60 mana to hire, 38 gold, 30 mana to maintain

Secret police, spies, saboteurs and assassins, the ‘Circle Operatives’ are the knife behind the curtain, striking fear in Thuggee goblin civilians and enemies alike. They are masters of stealth, poisons, and trickery. Their magics focus on weaving shadows, both as weapons and a means of concealing themselves. They can weave shadows to make themselves invisible, animate them to strangle or shank a target, or even step through them to effect instantaneous travel.
I have a basic idea of a High Human wizard. Will post details soon.
Cool - Welcome!

I wanted to ask a question to everyone. Were my rules clear enough in mentioning these two things:
1. Any race can capture any other race's settlement - which means your kingdom will eventually have multiple races.
2. That if you capture a city of another race, you can therefore build that race's type of unit in that city, even if you do not belong to that race yourself?

Just making sure I have been clear in this ruleset about these two things.
I'm tempted to play either a High elf, Halfling, or Goblin wizard... (my ultimate decision will be what you prefer, starlife, and depending on other players.)
I would wan to play as High Men here. I'll edit the post later with details.
Envoy Lucius/ Seon
Race: High Men. Or at least, he was. Probably.
Citadel: Inavi
Government: Theocracy of the Old Ones
Spoiler Revelry :

Range: 0-100 KM of kingdom border (30)
Small Burst (50)
Refined (100)
One time

Laaaaadiiiies and gentlemen! I come here, not in peace, but with a sword. I come here to turn mother against her daughter, and son against his father. I come here to let you see the world as it truly is, for I have watched this world for eons and I have grown bored of your norms and of your snivelling complaints of what pathethic life you lead. So here, I shall open your eyes to the real world. Let us dance!

A group of people in a single location is targetted, and bewitched to revel whilst reduced to pure instincts for a couple of days.

Mana (50 per turn / 100 coffer)
Gold (??? per turn / 200 in coffer):.
Spoiler High Men Lancers :

50 lancers
Veteran (8)
Polearms (0)
Plate Armor (8)
Combatant Mounts (4)
20 gold to train, 10 to maintain

The High Men of Ethereal protect their cities with skillful lancers. They are carefully trained from a young age to become soldiers of their city. The result is a group of stalwart protectors of the human world.

Spoiler Reavers :

100 Elite Heavy Infantry
Elite (16)
Pike (0)
Plate (8)
Weak Magic (8)

..Heavy Breathing...

These horribly deformed men hide inside a heavy plating of black armor. Their tactics usually involve simply wading into battle, ignoring wounds as mere annoyance, and waving around their large pike to defeat rows upon rows of infantry just as a farmer may reave a field of wheat.

They use their weak magic ability to protect themselves from harm and strengthen their blows.

32 gold to train. 16 gold to maintain.

Nuff said.

Spoiler Defenders :

150 Heavy Infantry
Veteran (8)
Short Sword (2)
Shield (2)
Plate Armor (8)

End us, if you may. Rend our flesh from our bones and crush the remains under your boots. Do you think we fear our destruction? No, we will embrace our doom, in hopes that you will also be embraced by us in our descent.

20 Golds to produce, 10 golds to maintain. Their fanatical devotion to the Faith means that they shall fight their enemies to the bitter end. They usually battle together as a single coordinated unit.

Their heavy armor and shields provide extreme protection against ranged attacks such as arrows.

Spoiler Envoys :

3 Explorers/ Missionaries
Elite (16)
Short Swords (2)
Leather Armor (2)
Elite Magic (60)

80 gold to produce. 20 golds to maintain.

Lucius showed us the infinite universe that streteched on for eternity, with all its endless possibilities and limitless power that hid within. Even so, however, we were not driven to madness, like all others. No, instead we understood.

These envoys are able to move independantly of armies, exploring enemy territories and hitting from the shadows. They use their powerful magic to hide, subvert, and instantly travel rather long distances.

They usually operate in a team of three, and each can cause terrifying amount of destruction with their dark magic, if they choose to do so.

That looks awesome, Seon. Make sure you give me a Citadel name before we start (you have plenty of time). Just so I can put it on the map and write about it in updates and all.


Just keeping a list of players for my reference.
John Faraday/Sonereal
Race: Barbarian
Citadel: Spiral
Government: Enlightened Absolute Monarchy

Spoiler Execution :

Range: Within Borders (0)
Direct Hit (50)
Weak (50)
One time

A refined and often used spell of John Faraday. The spell is simplicity in and of itself. With it, he's able to maintain strict control over his mostly-loyal subjects. The spell itself stops the heart of the target.

Mana (50/ 100)
Gold (per turn / coffers)

Spoiler Barbarian Berserkers :

Barbarian Berserkers
100 berserkers
Veteran (8)
Swords (0)
Heavy Weapons (0)
Leather (0)
8 gold to train, 4 to maintain

The coastal Barbarians are known for their fierce and fast berserkers. These shock troops are trained for a small price and are armed with one weapon for each hand. They leave nothing in their path.

Spoiler Horde Warrior :

Horde Warrior
1000 Warriors
Trained (4)
Swords (0)
Leather (0)
Shield (0)

Cost/Maintenance: 4/2

Horde Warriors are large groups of low-cost warriors that fight in the name of John Faraday. These are shock troops and are meant to be thrown en masse at the enemy. Unlike the Beserkers, the Horde Warriors will take prisoners.

Spoiler Arror Ships :

Arror Ships
20 (?)
Sea Dogs (16)
Longboats (4)
Shallow Seas (12)

Cost/Maintenance: 32/16

Arrors are conscripted troops given crossbows and a week or two of training. What these troops lack in training, they make up for in their ability to lay impressive fire against an enemy. Because they aren't as trained as regular troops, individual Arrors are weak and have a slow rate of fire. The force relies on sheer numbers to keep up a constant rate of fire.

Spoiler Knights of Faraday :

Knights of Faraday
20 Knights
Elite (16)
Heavy Weapons (0)
Swords (0)
Plate Armor (16)
Combatant Mount (12)
Weak Magic: (8)

Knights of Faraday are fast moving, heavily armored, elite troops meant to punch holes in a line. They have been granted some magical ability from Faraday himself in the form of a small area-of-effect, passive ability around them that increases terror in enemy troops surrounding them. Because of this, even if the Knights are tangled up in the line they're punching, there's still a chance some troops will simply flee from combat in sheer terror.

Cost/Maintenance: 52/26
Mana Cost/Maintenance: 8/4
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