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Prince: Keeping a good economy while expanding? (game save included)

take a look at my progress. here are thoughts at this point:
- slavery:where have you been all my life???????????????
- not sure what tech root to be going for at all. later game is not my strength. or should I say mid-late.
- carthage immediatly attacked me (like you said they would, lymond) with a single swordsman LOL. So i made an absoultely MASSIVE stack and took out two cities with troops to spare. that shoulda known his place.
- I'm thinking, end the war with carthage, and attack hammarabi (not 100% thats who it is, whoever is above me is who i am referring to.) anyways, he has like no defense on his two significant cities. i could end him. besides he's too close to my score. thoughts?
-I decided to found a religion for horsehockys and giggles.
-i built an academy in the capital, paid off.
- my most north west city (starts with an n) is kinda dumpy... how do i fix it?
- thats all i can think of now. as always, rail me.

i will start a shadow game in a new thread very soon.
oops. it has the same name cause i just overwrite all my games.


  • Alex BC-0550.CivBeyondSwordSave
    162 KB · Views: 34
I'll take a look at this more tomorrow. I'm about to sign out for tonight. There are some concerns. I see you tend to lose focus. You need more workers. Whip 2 or 3 out of Nicaea (why in the world is the corn not improved?). Why do you have a cottaged plains tile in Adrianoble and the 2 grass hills have yet to be mined. Why did you not pillage Hanny's iron? What is that market for?

What in the world did you do with your Great General? :crazyeye: As I mentioned before, making a super medic out of a chariot or scout will do wonders for your warfare. Do that with the first GG (Medic III) and you can settle rest in your HE city or create a super unit.

Start to think about what you are trying to accomplish short term and what you need to do to accomplish it. What good is that swordsman to a mass horse archer army? Did that market up north do anything for you now?

Start to think about GS bulbs at this point. You are self-teching Philo for some unknown reason when it is open for a bulb with the GS you will pop in 8 turns. Civil Service is a big tech in the game that you should be teching right now.

I've got to look more closely as a 1000 years have past since your last save and I don't see much progress with teching, worker management/improvement, and the war.

Don't hesitate to reread some of my prior posts so that the ideas/concepts sink in. Roll a game on your own (not the shadow game), save the opening, and practice the first 100 turns several times over, building on what you learn and mastering each piece.
well the cottages i thought would help my economy in the long run, i didn't really think my cities need more production.... i dunno, i'm God awful at worker management.
yep, should have pillaged his iron.
the great general i forgot to make a medic with....
the swordsmen were all before i had horseback riding. for defense.... :wall bash:
sometimes i don't know what to build next so i build random . hence the markets, didn't think that through.

basically when it comes to managing cities after around 3,000 b.c. i constantly make bad decisions. probably laziness.
You'll get better...have patience. I point things out so that you will think about it. We need to work on your worker management and city specialization.

If you really don't need a buiding, build wealth or research. If you are at war, most cities should be building units.'

Let's keep you practicing the early game and then we will start focusing on victory conditions which will set you up for longer term focus, like tech paths and builds.
I usually always go for libraries or granaries if i don't have any thing in particular i should be researching. I'm confused as to why I need more workers because, at least i thought, all my improvements were being worked? mainly due to slavery.
i'll post the start and 100 turn save of some games for practice. i'm thinking prince, since i was able to get a decent lead on noble, proving it to be pretty easy.
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