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Psycha-delic Stalin&Theodore Roosevelt-Safe Haven for Mac&PC Users alike.

Yes, actually, I'm going to make a few more LH's before I get back to my mod work. Cybrxkhan has asked me to make a few WOL "previews" ;) and I'd like to stop making my own little guys and start making a few of your requests before I go back into my hole. :D
I know you take it personally when people complain, but I just wanted to point out the incredible difference between your early painted LHs and your current ones. I mean really, these last three have looked practically professional! Great work on improving your skills. I can't wait to see more.
Thanks! :D I'm making the one you asked for right now! :) I agree...I get better as I work more, it's this thing I get from playing the violin for 9 years. ;) When you do something over and over and over again, you get better and better and better at it! :D
When you do something over and over and over again, you get better and better and better at it!

except when attacking Vietnam or making HRE spam threads.


hopefully by the time you get to the REAL LH making with WOL, you'll be making things 5000 times better then what C. Roland can do (no offense, C. Roland)
Abbas I added for a request and as a preview for the Mod World of Legends. :p
I tried to follow Vrenir's instructions/suggestions for this LH as best as I could. The Turban, big mustache, etc. :)
excellent, my minion. :)

for the WoL, just lessen the tan and give him a beard. :)

Alright! I'm stuck, who should I make next?
No one who is Russian or German to start our with. ;)
Awesome, already have my vision done. It will be posted by tomorrow no doubt. :D
Regarding your earlier attempt at Lenin, perhaps if you replaced the painted gotee with a shrunken Joao beard? Also, if you somehow changed the tie from a bow to a straight? Finally, was he brown-haired? It's hard to tell when most of the photos are black and white.

For Franz Josef (I think he was mentioned either here on on the WoL forum), P90 made a nice recolor that only needed two physical modifications (a mustache such as the one you attached for the Kaiser and a sash such as found on Victoria or Hannibal). He gave permission to alter his design in such a manner should somebody have the desire.

For Nickolas II, the only possible problem I can see is that the beard is slightly too thin. If you widened it to cover the edges of his chin, it would probably alieviate the nay-sayers. I personally am fine with it as is, but that could make it even better I suppose.

Not to overwhem you with requests, but here is my top priority list that I think are not too complex:

1. Salassie I of Ethiopia (based off of Alexander with no paudrons perhaps?)

2. Ho Chi Min (based off the CivGold version - Tokugawa - but without the ponytail and with the painted beard replaced by Gengis Khan's.)

3. Cato of the Romans (based of Shaka perhaps with a toga/robe of some sort.)

I have more, but I'll leave it with those three, which I think could be quite helpful to others as well as myself.
Alright, thanks! I'll work on all of those and I agree with every recommendation, I'm finishing up cybrxkhan's KHAN right now and it'll be posted in an hour or so if I have no problems. :)
except when attacking Vietnam or making HRE spam threads.


hopefully by the time you get to the REAL LH making with WOL, you'll be making things 5000 times better then what C. Roland can do (no offense, C. Roland)

Well, you haven't really saw what I can do to be honest.

And I do not want to talk against dutchking LH(his leaders are nice), but I prefer mines. (My LH are in BtS, I made all the Final Frontier LH for Jon Shafer (and some AoI LH too) during Bts developpement)
Well, you haven't really saw what I can do to be honest.

And I do not want to talk against dutchking LH(his leaders are nice), but I prefer mines. (My LH are in BtS, I made all the Final Frontier LH for Jon Shafer (and some AoI LH too) during Bts developpement)

no offense, C. Roland! i still consider you a god of modding. :D just trying to encourage dutchking, that's all. :D
Dutchking, your leaderheads're awsome, i realy like it. But pls can you make Adolf Hitler for BTS? I know there is already one to download but it doesn't work with BTS. Don't get me wrong I'm not a nazi or somin, I just like to play with him. Would be very nice if you do it. :)
Alright! I'll do H. Hitler after I finish my current list:
Improve Lenin
:) (just don't call me a skin head if I make it :p )
And welcome to CFC! :D
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