At first came the light.
Well no, at first it was this home-made red fruit mixture the shaman is preparing in the corner of his hut. The one that burns like hell and makes you feel dizzy.
Then came the light.
A blinding light, covering all the view and making everything look painfully white.
And then, the light spoke:
“Asoka, son of Bindusara and his successor for thy tribe spiritual guidance, thou shall be my sole and only Holy voice in this world”
Still surprised by the vocal eloquence of the light, Asoka just stared and mumbled something about not being ready.
“Thou art ready, son of Bindusara, though you don’t know it yet. Thy tribe is deeply spiritual and can raise many monuments to thy Gods. Aside from it, thy neighbors art deeply pagan tribes, cherishing more money, art and warfare than their spiritual egos.”
“But I’m still a novice” Asoka said, “I can only face lessen challenges. How can I stand up to reign my people following your guidance, O Light?” asked Asoka, embarrassed not to know how to address the speaking light.
“Thou may call for help of thy fellows. Together thou have a Holy mission of spreading Gods word to the entire world. And this thou shall achieve or...”
“Or…?” asked Asoka, hoping that the Light would switch off soon, leaving his painful head and eyes rest a little.
“There shall be no or. Thou will achieve it.” groaned the Light.
“Thy mission is written in stone to this Decalogue:
1 – Thou will found every single religion in the known world.
2 – Thou will build every single holy shrine for all thy beliefs.
3 – Thou will spread thy initial religion to every known city in the world by any mean.
4 – Thou will achieve to spread every belief into every city thy tribe possesses before the end of thy reign.
5 – Thou will seek to convert every neighboring tribe to thy beliefs.
6 – Thou will remain peaceful to thy neighbors, unless they declare war on thou.
7 – Thou will not keep more than a third of thy neighbor’s conquered cities.
8 – Thou will assist a brother in belief tribe with any peaceful knowledge he shall request.
9 – Thou will never give up thy own freedom to become a vassal to a neighbor.
10 – Thou shall win peacefully.”
And the Light disappeared.
Meet Asoka, looking for 4-5 Prince / Monarch players to help him to his holy mission.
Here are the basic settings – subject to discussion with the group:
Map Script: Pangaea
Climate: Moderate
Sea Level: Low
Resources: Standard
Game Speed: Normal/Epic
Civilization: India
Leader: Asoka (Spiritual, Organized)
World Size: Standard
Opponents: 5 AI, Our home selection of AI ignoring religions
Difficulty: Monarch / Prince
Victory Types: all enabled, we must win by Religion, Culture, Diplomacy or Space
Options: none
Versions: BtS 3.13 with Bhruic’s unofficial patch
See the Decalogue above.
I hope this challenge looks appealing to you. I am trying to set up a peaceful and speedy build game, different from this all warmongering we experience usually. Would it not be nice to found Buddhism/Hinduism and every other religion, instead of a usual CoL from Oracle slingshot, Theo/Philo bulb…?
Asoka is an extremely powerful guy when it comes to religions, and his civics flexibility added to cheap courthouses make him ‘The Man’ in this kind of game.
Although I am comfortable on Prince, this ‘everyone is happy with me’ + religions + organized + nice central start + future shrines income should make it manageable providing we get and maintain some defense during the peaceful build up on Monarch. However, if the group is uneasy on Monarch, we can set it to Prince.
Fancy to give this one a try ? It's my first (hopefully of many) SG, so experienced SG leaders are welcome as well in the roster
1. pawelo
2. r_rolo1
3. Zargon
4. TriviAl
5. Pholkhero
6. stuge
Once I get some sign-ups and we agree on the settings above, I'll roll up the map, etc, and post a save. Hopefully, it will be before the week-end
Edit: Roster full.
Thanks to -Imhotep- for allowing me to include this Deviant Minds SG etiquette that will be appliable to this SG :
Alpha: The quality of your report outweighs the quality of your play. We’re here to have fun, and, of course, winning is fun, but losing in style is preferable to a boring win. Remember, your report should be a new reply to alert other players.
Bravo: Reports should be detailed, with plenty of screen shots and player commentary, explanations, musings, etc; an auto-log dump will not suffice. Shots of the F9 screens and overview shots of the empire are nice too, once in a while.
Charlie: Punctuality rocks! “24/48” means post a "got it" within 24 hours of when the last save was posted, and play within 48 hours of that ‘got it.’ Waiting 47 hours to ask for a skip is lame. Punk out two times in a row, and you’ll be dropped from the roster. Skips and swaps are fine, but try to let us know sooner, rather than later.
Delta: Major game decisions (war/peace declarations, religion swaps, city placement, etc) should be arrived at via group consensus.
1. If the team disagrees with you, either argue your case better, or do it their way. Do NOT just blow them off and do it your way because it's your turn.
2. However, if there’s no consensus and you’re up, do it your way and explain why. Conversely, if someone else is up, don't whine when they do it their way.
3. Similarly, overruling techs or city builds is rude and should be done via consensus, barring an emergency.
4. In extraordinary situations, sometimes an opportunity presents itself that the group didn't foresee. If the consequences of it are great (war declarations, birth of Great People, even some quests), players should stop, and refer the question to the group.
Echo: Being a better player does not give you the right to belittle anyone else or their play. Other people are going to disagree with you on major decisions; get used to the idea, and play nice. If not, take your ball and go home.
Foxtrot: Thread spam is good. Trash talking, poking fun, gentle ribbing, virtual noogies, and generally horsing around are all encouraged, but don’t be rude. See any SG I or other DMers have been in to see what I mean.
Golf: Automate sparingly.
1. Workers should almost never be automated, except perhaps late-game or building a trade network. However, if you have to, set your game options to “disallow automated worker forest chopping” and “keep previous improvements.”
2. Use of the “Emphasis” buttons is fine, but let the group know and explain your reasoning (specialization is a major game decision). If you prevent growth in a city, let the group know and remind them to take it off. Do NOT let the governor select build orders.
3. Sending units on go-to routes that last beyond your set is acceptable only if they’re heading for a rally point or if you otherwise inform your teammates.
Hotel: NEVER fortify Great People. Just press enter for 15 turns. Is that so hard?
India: Sign spamming is rude. Signs can be helpful reminders, but too many signs makes them easily ignored. Once a sign is no longer valid, delete it.
Well no, at first it was this home-made red fruit mixture the shaman is preparing in the corner of his hut. The one that burns like hell and makes you feel dizzy.
Then came the light.
A blinding light, covering all the view and making everything look painfully white.
And then, the light spoke:
“Asoka, son of Bindusara and his successor for thy tribe spiritual guidance, thou shall be my sole and only Holy voice in this world”
Still surprised by the vocal eloquence of the light, Asoka just stared and mumbled something about not being ready.
“Thou art ready, son of Bindusara, though you don’t know it yet. Thy tribe is deeply spiritual and can raise many monuments to thy Gods. Aside from it, thy neighbors art deeply pagan tribes, cherishing more money, art and warfare than their spiritual egos.”
“But I’m still a novice” Asoka said, “I can only face lessen challenges. How can I stand up to reign my people following your guidance, O Light?” asked Asoka, embarrassed not to know how to address the speaking light.
“Thou may call for help of thy fellows. Together thou have a Holy mission of spreading Gods word to the entire world. And this thou shall achieve or...”
“Or…?” asked Asoka, hoping that the Light would switch off soon, leaving his painful head and eyes rest a little.
“There shall be no or. Thou will achieve it.” groaned the Light.
“Thy mission is written in stone to this Decalogue:
1 – Thou will found every single religion in the known world.
2 – Thou will build every single holy shrine for all thy beliefs.
3 – Thou will spread thy initial religion to every known city in the world by any mean.
4 – Thou will achieve to spread every belief into every city thy tribe possesses before the end of thy reign.
5 – Thou will seek to convert every neighboring tribe to thy beliefs.
6 – Thou will remain peaceful to thy neighbors, unless they declare war on thou.
7 – Thou will not keep more than a third of thy neighbor’s conquered cities.
8 – Thou will assist a brother in belief tribe with any peaceful knowledge he shall request.
9 – Thou will never give up thy own freedom to become a vassal to a neighbor.
10 – Thou shall win peacefully.”
And the Light disappeared.
Meet Asoka, looking for 4-5 Prince / Monarch players to help him to his holy mission.
Here are the basic settings – subject to discussion with the group:
Map Script: Pangaea
Climate: Moderate
Sea Level: Low
Resources: Standard
Game Speed: Normal/Epic
Civilization: India
Leader: Asoka (Spiritual, Organized)
World Size: Standard
Opponents: 5 AI, Our home selection of AI ignoring religions
Difficulty: Monarch / Prince
Victory Types: all enabled, we must win by Religion, Culture, Diplomacy or Space
Options: none
Versions: BtS 3.13 with Bhruic’s unofficial patch
See the Decalogue above.
I hope this challenge looks appealing to you. I am trying to set up a peaceful and speedy build game, different from this all warmongering we experience usually. Would it not be nice to found Buddhism/Hinduism and every other religion, instead of a usual CoL from Oracle slingshot, Theo/Philo bulb…?
Asoka is an extremely powerful guy when it comes to religions, and his civics flexibility added to cheap courthouses make him ‘The Man’ in this kind of game.
Although I am comfortable on Prince, this ‘everyone is happy with me’ + religions + organized + nice central start + future shrines income should make it manageable providing we get and maintain some defense during the peaceful build up on Monarch. However, if the group is uneasy on Monarch, we can set it to Prince.
Fancy to give this one a try ? It's my first (hopefully of many) SG, so experienced SG leaders are welcome as well in the roster
1. pawelo
2. r_rolo1
3. Zargon
4. TriviAl
5. Pholkhero
6. stuge
Once I get some sign-ups and we agree on the settings above, I'll roll up the map, etc, and post a save. Hopefully, it will be before the week-end
Edit: Roster full.
Thanks to -Imhotep- for allowing me to include this Deviant Minds SG etiquette that will be appliable to this SG :
Spoiler :
Alpha: The quality of your report outweighs the quality of your play. We’re here to have fun, and, of course, winning is fun, but losing in style is preferable to a boring win. Remember, your report should be a new reply to alert other players.
Bravo: Reports should be detailed, with plenty of screen shots and player commentary, explanations, musings, etc; an auto-log dump will not suffice. Shots of the F9 screens and overview shots of the empire are nice too, once in a while.
Charlie: Punctuality rocks! “24/48” means post a "got it" within 24 hours of when the last save was posted, and play within 48 hours of that ‘got it.’ Waiting 47 hours to ask for a skip is lame. Punk out two times in a row, and you’ll be dropped from the roster. Skips and swaps are fine, but try to let us know sooner, rather than later.
Delta: Major game decisions (war/peace declarations, religion swaps, city placement, etc) should be arrived at via group consensus.
1. If the team disagrees with you, either argue your case better, or do it their way. Do NOT just blow them off and do it your way because it's your turn.
2. However, if there’s no consensus and you’re up, do it your way and explain why. Conversely, if someone else is up, don't whine when they do it their way.
3. Similarly, overruling techs or city builds is rude and should be done via consensus, barring an emergency.
4. In extraordinary situations, sometimes an opportunity presents itself that the group didn't foresee. If the consequences of it are great (war declarations, birth of Great People, even some quests), players should stop, and refer the question to the group.
Echo: Being a better player does not give you the right to belittle anyone else or their play. Other people are going to disagree with you on major decisions; get used to the idea, and play nice. If not, take your ball and go home.
Foxtrot: Thread spam is good. Trash talking, poking fun, gentle ribbing, virtual noogies, and generally horsing around are all encouraged, but don’t be rude. See any SG I or other DMers have been in to see what I mean.
Golf: Automate sparingly.
1. Workers should almost never be automated, except perhaps late-game or building a trade network. However, if you have to, set your game options to “disallow automated worker forest chopping” and “keep previous improvements.”
2. Use of the “Emphasis” buttons is fine, but let the group know and explain your reasoning (specialization is a major game decision). If you prevent growth in a city, let the group know and remind them to take it off. Do NOT let the governor select build orders.
3. Sending units on go-to routes that last beyond your set is acceptable only if they’re heading for a rally point or if you otherwise inform your teammates.
Hotel: NEVER fortify Great People. Just press enter for 15 turns. Is that so hard?
India: Sign spamming is rude. Signs can be helpful reminders, but too many signs makes them easily ignored. Once a sign is no longer valid, delete it.