
Jan 16, 2006
M.A.D. Nukes Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Updated 08/20/10

Version: 0.5BtS
Patch Compatibility: Beyond the Sword v3.19
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.5BtS

Version: 0.4w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4w

Version: 0.3.2
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3.2

The M.A.D. Nukes Mod, or the Mutually Assured Destruction Nukes Mod, changes the
way that ICBM (better known as nukes) work in the game depending on the
configuration of the mod. By using this mod cities can be completely destroyed
including all of the units in the city and the plot the city is on is devistated
and reduced to a water plot.

Also, players are able to target the cities of their enemies and future enemies
with their nuclear warheads once they have built the appropriate infrastructure.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\MAD Nukes Mod
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

Spoiler :



-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Keyboard shortcut 'ALT-N' brings up the "Nuclear Arsenal Manager" screen if
you have built the Strategic Air Command wonder in one of your cities.

- Players can set targets for their nuclear warheads

- Nuclear warheads can be configured to completely devistate plots including
the transformation of the underlying terrain into another type of terrain.

Spoiler :

Strategic Air Command:
- Requires: Radio Tech and Rocketry Tech
- Costs: 1500
- +1 Great People
- Abilities:
- Enables the ability to set targets for nuclear warheads
- City more likely to generate Great Engineer
- Double Production Speed with Stone

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the MAD Nukes in your mod I have tried to make things as
easy as possible for you. In the Python files I have added
# < MAD Nukes Mod Start > and # < MAD Nukes Mod End > in all of the places that
I have made changes to the original files.

In the SDK files I have added // < MAD Nukes Mod Start > and
// < MAD Nukes Mod Mod End > in all of the places that I have made changes to
the original files.

-----Version Information-----


- Fixed issue that caused game to crash when a city targetted by nukes was hit
by a nuke and destroyed. Reported by Ket.

- Fixed issue causing crashes when a civilization has no cities but still has
units in the game. Reported by MatzeHH.

Spoiler :


- Fixed the Nuclear Warhead Manager screen issue where if a player pressed the
"Incoming Warheads" button, closed the screen, reopened the screen and
pressed the "Incoming Warheads" button the screen would not change. Reported
by Thorn.

- Removed the retargetting message shown at the beginning of each turn.
Reported by Thorn and Jeckel.

- Added the fix provided by MatzeHH to prevent a crash when trying to use a
CvCity object that could be set to NULL.


- Integrated Sevo's Nuke Anywhere Mod v1.0

- Integrated Dale's MAD Code 1.3b

- Separated the pretargeting feature from Dale's code from the nuke button into
its own button.

- Developed and added the "Nuclear Warhead Manager" screen accessed by the
'ALT-N' keyboard combination if the M.A.D. nuke features are enabled in the
game and for the player.

- Added the Strategic Air Command national wonder

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if the nuclear
warhead feature should be enabled or not.


- Setup the City MAD Nukes Mod infrastructure

- Integrated Dr Elmer Jiggle's event manager and INI parsing code.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to set if nuke strikes should
alter the landscape it strikes destroying the targetted city and changing its
plot into a water plot.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if cities should
be completely destroyed if they are struck by a nuke.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if all the units
in a city should be killed off if the city is struck by a nuke.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to indicate if city ruins
should be left behind if a city is struck by a nuke.

- Renamed the "MAD Nukes Config.ini" file to "MAD Nukes Mod Config.ini" file,
reported by Thorn

- Fixed the bug when a city and its plot are devistated. The iPlayer value was
not being passed into the correct method.

- Added the configurable option allowing players to specify what type of
terrain the nuked plot should turn to.

-----Future Features-----

- Added configurable option to preserve the original nuke

- Add population threshold to city destruction

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!

- Thorn
For his SDK implementation and providing a starting point for this mod

- Testers
Thorn, Caesium, Jeckel, Aussie_Lurker
LOVE this mod so much -- I've been waiting for city-destroying options like this since my heyday in SMAC! :thanx:

I went through your original thread (MAD Nukes Mod) and noticed you were talking about possibly adding more nukes, one that is like the vanilla nuke and a later one that has the destructive power that this mod brings. Will this be worked on?
@Rabbit, White - Thanks!!!

@SilentMage - Well, I wasn't planning on adding another type of nuke, but if people really it want it then I guess I could. Though it will have to wait until I finish reorganizing the sniper mod code and release it to testers.
I would like to request another option for the destroying of the cities. Primarily I would like to request the ability to set a pop limit, and any city with less pop than that will be destroyed, whereas larger cities will have their pop halved, or lowered by some number. This will not make larger cities immune to nukes, as a person could just shoot two or more, depending on what is needed, but it would make your super big capital with five wonders more resistent at the least.

It should be pretty easy to implement with an If/Then statement, maybe 2.
Vishaing said:
I would like to request another option for the destroying of the cities. Primarily I would like to request the ability to set a pop limit, and any city with less pop than that will be destroyed, whereas larger cities will have their pop halved, or lowered by some number. This will not make larger cities immune to nukes, as a person could just shoot two or more, depending on what is needed, but it would make your super big capital with five wonders more resistent at the least.

It should be pretty easy to implement with an If/Then statement, maybe 2.

Vishaing, I had thought about this but forgot, thank you for reminding me... I will add this to my todo list for the next version of this mod.
It seems to me that this could be pretty damn powerful... you could wipe out a whole Civ, and it wouldn't really be MAD... instead simply D.

In my opinion any nukes in the city you nuke should get a chance to fire back at the Civ that is nuking you. User control might be a bit tricky for this so you could simply say they return fire on the city that attempted to nuke them/succeeded in nuking them (SDI).
The Great Apple said:
It seems to me that this could be pretty damn powerful... you could wipe out a whole Civ, and it wouldn't really be MAD... instead simply D.

In my opinion any nukes in the city you nuke should get a chance to fire back at the Civ that is nuking you. User control might be a bit tricky for this so you could simply say they return fire on the city that attempted to nuke them/succeeded in nuking them (SDI).

TGA, one of the planned future features is the implementation of the full MAD concept where you can actually preset targets for ICBMs in the case that a civ decides to nuke you.
Lovely :evil:

I'll download right away!
TheLopez said:
TGA, one of the planned future features is the implementation of the full MAD concept where you can actually preset targets for ICBMs in the case that a civ decides to nuke you.
That's better! Could get some good fun situations with this. We need to get the AI using them.
The Great Apple said:
That's better! Could get some good fun situations with this. We need to get the AI using them.

I think I have already figured out that code... :D
The Great Apple said:
When you've got the default AI nuke code done, can you post it up for the CEP? It's something that definately needs upgrading.
Yep, I will do that :D
Here is a thought, TheLopez. Is there any way in which you can make nukes IMMUNE to the effects of other nukes? This way, the city and all its units might be wiped out, but your nukes will still be standing proud for a retaliatory strike :evil: :nuke:

Another possibility is to add a 'Silo' Terrain Improvement where Nukes can be stored for later deployment. Anyway, I will leave that to you-given that I am a 'no-hoper' when it comes to modding ;)!

Aussie Lurker,
There is a xml tag to make units immune to nukes. Its called <bNukeImmune>, supriseingly enough. :p So that part would be easy enough.

I like the idea of a Silo Tile Improvement, goes well with my idea of nukes. I think there should be different types of nukes, or more accurately different delivery systems for the nukes.
You could have suitcase nukes that can only be carried by spys(or by any unit if ya wanted), a plane droppable one that can only be delivered by a plane mission, a tactical nuke that can be shot from subs, and the ICBM that can only be built and launched from a Silo Tile Improvement.

Just an idea, as I never liked the idea of infinite nukes just piled around a city or even being launched from a city. After all, whens the last time you saw anuke fly out of a city..
Well, here is something interesting. According to the latest Warlords preview, there will be Units which can construct OTHER UNITS!!!!
What could be done is to have a 'Silo' unit which is somehow immobile-but with limited 'Transporting' ability? (don't know how myself though)-which can build ICBM units. Anyway, might be a bit of a hack, but I guess we will see when the XP comes out!

Actually, technically you can do this through python today, that is have units create other units. It just takes a bit of work. Talchas Action Buttons Mod v2.0 + some python code + some XML, etc = unit that can create other units.
This is certainly a brilliant mod TheLopez. Kudos. :goodjob:

I look forward to the update. I'd like to use this in my mod but in the future era it will be possible to get cities up past size 100. (With enough Future Tech Levels) and so having an entire city destroyed in one shot won't be good in this case. I was also wondering if it was possible to change the water tile to something else like desert perhaps. Is there a specific function/parameter for that?

I also think the preset target idea is really good. :D

Can't wait for this or the sniper mod either. Both look amazing. ;)
I can't make this mod work....I start the game and go to advance, and go to the add mod button and add it. Could you please make this mod and executable program to make it simple..thanks
MorpheusPrince, what do you mean that it doesn't work?
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