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Nov 13, 2003
Just been messing around with this today so it's not anywhere near complete. Just wanted to let people take a look at it and let me know what they think.

The basic idea behind this mod is that cities with a high unhealthiness have a chance of creating a plague that can kill their population and spread to other cities. The chance of creating a plague is based off of the ratio between positive and negative health effects; right now it's possible for a healthy city (more + than -) to spawn plagues but they have to be of a decent size first. Once a plague has started after a couple turns the city has a chance to either become immune to it or become a carrier for it (either way it no longer hurts the city). Each turn a city with the plague or that is a carrier of the plague has a small chance to transmit it along each of it's trade routes. Also, each turn a city that's a carrier of a plague has a small chance to either become immune or have it mutate into a new plague.

Note that this is a still fairly rough and I haven't done much balance testing yet; actually the chance to start plagues is fairly high for testing purposes. Anyways if you have the time let me know what you think of it.

Just extract the .zip file to your mods folder (Warlords).

Some thoughts on what I might add later:
-Spreading to units
-Chance to kill/hurt units in the city
-Certain techs/buildings decrease the spread and deadliness of plagues
-Chance to develop vaccines after a period of time making your civ completely immune to the plague
-Some visual feedback (not quite sure how to approach this)

New version uploaded.
Spoiler :

-Plagues can now spread to units or kill them
-Each time a plague "attempts" to kill or spread to one of your units/cities you have a chance to gain knowledge about it
-As your knowledge about a plague increases your civilization becomes more immune to it; eventually becoming completely immune
-"promotions" to represent units with plagues; they take a small combat hit as well (not thouroughly tested)


  • Plagues.zip
    206.2 KB · Views: 223
Hmmm, will definitely have to give this one a look. I really miss plagues from C3C!!

Ok, I've been messing around with this more; I've uploaded an updated file. I've tested this mod with the computer auto playing it and there don't appear to be any bugs. Still haven't worked much on the balance yet and the plagues are probably more common than they'll end up being when I balance this.
I love the idea!

Maybe i did something wrong..(running on warlords)

1)when a plague begins it labels it with a number-- #0 Plague:::> is there a way to put a name behind the plagues (e coli, black plague, etc..)?

2) With the Mod in place, I cannot ctrl click my units. Its a python problem, maybe cuz in using it in warlords?

3) Ideas:::> have a res/font icon show up in cities that are diseased; have the "promotions" not able to be chosen for regular units; in the later stages, have spies able to unleash a plague on a city (biological warfare)...
Stardog13 said:
Some thoughts on what I might add later:
-Spreading to units
-Chance to kill/hurt units in the city
-Certain techs/buildings decrease the spread and deadliness of plagues
-Chance to develop vaccines after a period of time making your civ completely immune to the plague
-Some visual feedback (not quite sure how to approach this)

This is great... disease/famine were important events in history that were totally ignored in the game.

These are just my opinions of course... so take them with a grain of salt,

Spreading to units: I don't know about this one. Plaugues in the game I feel should just affect cities, and kinda spread the way religion does.

Certain techs/buildings decrease the spread and deadliness: Awesome idea. Maybe allow the tech Medicine decrease chance of infection/spread, hospitals add a bonus ontop of that per city, and maybe something like refrigeration lower it even more, to the point that "modernized" countries have slim to none chance of plaugue at all. Maybe even have a civic, like Environmentalism add a bonus as well.

Chance to develop vaccines after a period of time making your civ completely immune to the plague: A National Wonder or Project, perhaps?

That's my $0.02 for this mod. :D
Epicurist said:
1)when a plague begins it labels it with a number-- #0 Plague:::> is there a way to put a name behind the plagues (e coli, black plague, etc..)?

There isn't a way to change the name of a plague; I'm just using the numbering as a placeholder. I'm planning on implementing a name generator for the plagues.

Epicurist said:
2) With the Mod in place, I cannot ctrl click my units. Its a python problem, maybe cuz in using it in warlords?

I don't see why the mod would be causing any problems like that but I'll look into it.

GraveEatr said:
Spreading to units: I don't know about this one. Plaugues in the game I feel should just affect cities, and kinda spread the way religion does.

After playing with the spreading to units I realized it is just way too much so I'm going to get rid of the spreading to units; although I might allow it to spread to settlers and then the cities they found though.

GraveEatr said:
Certain techs/buildings decrease the spread and deadliness: Awesome idea. Maybe allow the tech Medicine decrease chance of infection/spread, hospitals add a bonus ontop of that per city, and maybe something like refrigeration lower it even more, to the point that "modernized" countries have slim to none chance of plaugue at all. Maybe even have a civic, like Environmentalism add a bonus as well.

That's what I was going for. I was thinking that the further in the game you go the less plagues appear although newer plagues would probably be more virulent.
Give the plague the name of th city where it start ( ex. if Prague start a plague, name it the plague of Prague ). If it is the second occurence, then you need a historical name like black plague, bird flu, spanish flu, ... ETC ... etc ...

For the units, just reduce their strength bar by 15% a turn ( affected soldier isolated and unable to fight ) in order to let a chance for any unit garrisoned in a plagued city to repel an invasion. units outside this city shouldn't be affected.
Fall from heaven 2 has a spell that gives a promotion with negative healing per turn. Another unit can gemove the promotion.

Siege units should have a small chance to cause a plague, a "try to cause plaque" button next to sieging, or a "chance to cause a plaque" promotion.

Hygiene under siege is bad and catapults threw corpes as biological warfare.
Would it be possible for the plague to be modded to devastate/destroy towns, villages, hamlets and cottages (assuming that this is still being worked upon)?
Just spotted this, great concept. Plagues could be spread by contact with other civs, using the Religion spread code. Each new plague could have a name. Think of the Black Plague, and the devastating effects of Smallpox on American natives. Sieges could be a possible source of disease. (rotten animals launched into castles by catapults, anyone?)

I'll put this on my to-do list and pick it up in a few weeks if the author has gone bye-bye. I have a few coding debts to pay off first /grin
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