Question about Hotels and Airports


Afraid of the monkeys
Jun 29, 2005
Trinity, Florida
I haven't progressed very far in my first BNW game (been very busy). I was just reading the manual and it says for both hotels & airports:
50% of Culture from World Wonders, Natural Wonders and Improvements is
added to Tourism output of city. Tourism output from Great Works 50%.
The way it reads I assume it means that these buildings boost tourism based on a cities culture output from wonders & improvements but cuts tourism from great works by half. Is this the way it works? It seems like you wouldn't want either of these buildings in a city that contained great works unless you had a whole lot of culture generated by the city. Am I reading it wrong?
50% of Culture from World Wonders, Natural Wonders and Improvements is
added to Tourism output of city. Tourism output from Great Works + 50%.

Its + 50% so they increase tourism from great works
Tourism is driven by the great works and wonders that you have. You can modify your total tourism through a number of things, constructing building in your city like hotels and airports, collecting great works and arranging them in certain ways to unlock theme bonuses, and last but certainly not least having diplomats in AI capitals, open borders with other civs, and sharing religion. The only negative modifier I've seen is not sharing ideologies.
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