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Questions about The BUG Mod

BUG seems to make my game run slower; is there anything in the options that I can turn off that may make it a bit quicker?
BUG seems to make my game run slower; is there anything in the options that I can turn off that may make it a bit quicker?
The biggest drag is in the later game when you have large stacks. Turn off the unit plot additions will improve performance. We are working on a software solution to the slowdown.
Without any mods, you can hover over your country's flag to see what your leader's traits are and what bonuses those give you. With BAT/BUG on, however, that just shows the version of the mod. I really liked being able to check that stuff before. Any way to change it back?
This is probably a very stupid question and I apologize if it's stated clearly somewhere else and I'm not smart enough to find it, but what is BULL?

I know it's BUG's dll, but what is it different from the regular BTS dll?
Without any mods, you can hover over your country's flag to see what your leader's traits are and what bonuses those give you. With BAT/BUG on, however, that just shows the version of the mod. I really liked being able to check that stuff before. Any way to change it back?

You should see the normal traits information below the BUG/BULL version numbers. Can you please post a screenshot?

This is probably a very stupid question and I apologize if it's stated clearly somewhere else and I'm not smart enough to find it, but what is BULL?

I know it's BUG's dll, but what is it different from the regular BTS dll?

Check out the DLL Features thread for some screenshots of the highlight features. I will be releasing BULL 1.0 soon, and it will contain a organized list of features.
EDIT: Too huge an image. One second here...

That's better. When you hover over the flag in the blue box, usually the leader's traits and their effects show up in the red area. Not a huge issue, but one that might be of interest to you.
Now it will be hard for amateurs like myself to merge BetterAI with BUG 4.0 because of the BULL .dll or am I wrong?

I really want them both and nothing else! :). Thanks for a great mod.

On a little sidenote. How come there are no alerts for when AI wants to trade resources or did I completely miss something. Havent seen such an alert or where I could turn it on/off and it seems like a high priority alert for me.
Now it will be hard for amateurs like myself to merge BetterAI with BUG 4.0 because of the BULL .dll or am I wrong?

BUG 4.0 doesn't include BULL yet. BULL 1.0 will come shortly and be a separate install. Why? Because you can use BULL without BUG and configure the options using GlobalDefinesAlt.xml (must restart game to see changes of course), and you can use BUG without BULL.

So for now, you can merge BBAI with BUG 4.0 just as you did with 3.6 by following the instructions linked to in the FAQ.

How come there are no alerts for when AI wants to trade resources?

Nope, you didn't miss anything. Civ4lerts was one of the modcomps that I merged into BUG rather than building myself. While I have added many alerts to it, this is one I haven't done yet. The sad part is that it probably wouldn't be that difficult. It's all a matter of time and priorities.

I would love for someone with a little Python knowledge to tackle this feature. I could help with direction if you already know Python. You would be able to pattern it after the tech alerts as it's nearly identical.
For BULL, modders like me will need merged source code (bull+bbai) and a makefile to compile this merged source code since you are adding new source files with bull. I don't have any knowledge of the makefile at all.
Cybah, do you have c++ experience? i don't remember you saying if you did or not. If you're looking for instructions on how to compile the DLL, search the forum. There are directions using both Code::Blocks, and Microsoft VS. Start there.
Once I've released BULL and some of the dust has settled, jdog5000 and I will hopefully get a chance to build a shared SVN repository where we maintain a merged BULL + BBAI. In it we will also keep an up-to-date built DLL. This will be what you want to use.

If you want to make further modifications to the DLL, you'll need to learn how to build it using the makefile. As Alerum said, there are tutorials on this site that will get you started.
I have a makefile for better bts ai/vanilla code. bbai is not adding new files - therefore it's easy to create a dll.

But I don't know how to add the new BULL source files to the makefile (I did not create myself).

I don't have c++ experience, but I can copy/paste and reproduce. :D
use the makefile that's on the BULL repo. It has all the files that were added in BULL in the makefile. You'll need to change the location of your Civ install, the Toolkit, and PSDK. If you want to add the optional stuff (sentry actions, and gov. builds), then you'll also need to include the precompile flags. You can also try a merge, but doing it the way I just listed is probably the easiest.
This might be a couple of silly questions, but I'll ask them anyway (note: I'm using the new BULL single-player customassets installer):

1) Is there any way to do the dot map while the game is paused and seeing the map before unpausing (like I was able to do before with previous BUG or the older BULL version)

2) Where is the button to pre-chop. I have it checked in the options menu, but I don't see it (so I've been doing the chop/cancel each turn)
Pre-Chop is not compiled into BULL yet. I am hoping to get the first official release out this weekend.

BULL should have no effect on the dotmap tool; it's all BUG. I have never played around with pausing the game, but I don't think I changed anything that should make it stop working if it worked before. What's the advantage to doing it paused?
Pre-Chop is not compiled into BULL yet. I am hoping to get the first official release out this weekend.

BULL should have no effect on the dotmap tool; it's all BUG. I have never played around with pausing the game, but I don't think I changed anything that should make it stop working if it worked before. What's the advantage to doing it paused?

It's more of a habit than anything else. When i've finished exploring most of the continent, I usually pause the game and make my dot map before taking a break. What tends to happen is that the changes don't appear until I unpause the game.
The DLL needs Assets files to. Here, No offense EF, but I'm tired of waiting and going to put out BULL 0.9 BETA.:p I'll check now to see if I have to recompile the DLL, but I should be able to get one up today.

Edit: N/M... EF never made me a release tech for some reason. Can't put out the beta on SF, but I can upload it here since it's pretty small. Will make a thread for it.

Edit2: Here is the link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=332704
The biggest drag is in the later game when you have large stacks. Turn off the unit plot additions will improve performance. We are working on a software solution to the slowdown.

Even in early game, I noticed a little bit lag. And what's “unit plot additions"

Thanx for the mod, I am learning to love it.
Thanx for the mod, I am learning to love it.
The additional stuff that gets displayed on the unit plot ...

- GG Star
- Unit Actions
- Unit Upgrade Indicator
- Unit Promo Frame

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