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"There will be a mix of PC and console games, maybe mobile," said Mr King
7. Model involving your Control Variable Write out a simple model (as a differential equation) that would show how variables may affect your control variable. These variables can include disturbances (things you can’t control) and manipulated variables (items that you would manipulate in your control system). If you are controlling more than one variable, pick only one of these variables to model. This process model will likely come from either a material or energy balance, although there can be exceptions. Make sure your units make sense for all terms. We will refine this before your project is completed, so it is understandable if this model is incomplete or flawed. 8. Gantt Chart Assemble a Gantt Chart as a plan for how your team will complete the project. An example is posted on Blackboard (Assignments/Design Project). Be sure to include steps in contacting Craig about hardware, then acquiring the hardware and any fabrication or assembly. Also include preparation of status and final reports. Since this is a team project, the plan will help serve to identify each team member’s contribution, and thus maintain a balance; in assessing your final project presentations, we will consider each person’s individual contribution (part of the teamwork/housekeeping grade). Besides specific tasks in terms of building or programming, each team member should be responsible for leading some testing aspect of the system’s control, for example, studying how sensitive the controller is to certain disturbances or operating conditions.
This building is an exact recreation of Won-Won Apartments, a medium residential building found in Simcity 3000 Unlimited, in the Asian tileset.
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